
The regression

Marcus is a veteran of Eldergard, a world humans were mysteriously transported to and were stuck at for a few decades, one day he died and returned to when he was younger before Eldergard. He now has a chance to help the people he cared about to stay alive and for him to grow and become the most powerful being in Eldergard.

Tsauce_the_king · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
22 Chs

Chapter 10: Escort mission 2

Marcus was surprised as to why a level 5 monster would be at a level 3 area, but it wasn't something he didn't expect to happen. There were times we're things like this happened, they were called [Anomalies], creatures that are in an area they aren't supposed to be.

"If it was a level 4 I would be a little confident, but level 5 may be to much" he said.

He gripped his sword tighter and took a deep breath.

"Fuck it" he said running towards it.

The wolf growled before getting hit by a [Stun bomb]

[Thorn wolf stunned!]

[Due to high level, stun time will be 30 seconds]

"Shit!" he said as he got close enough and aimed for the head.


[Critical strike]


[Health: 980]




'I've got to finish this quickly!' he thought to himself.

[Thorn wolve used Thorn!]

Spikes grew out of the ground and pierced his left foot and right leg.


[Bleed inflicted!]







The thorn wolf was confused why it was getting damage when it was the one inflicting damage, so it decided to back away.

[Flow activated]


[Thorn wolf stunned!]

[Stun duration 5 seconds]

[Critical strike!]






[Thown wolf use Razor claw!]


[HP: 450]




[Health: 411]

The thorn wolf was now scared, every attack it threw at the prey kept making things worse for itself without any real explanation so it decided retreat was the only answer for now.

The Thorn wolf turned and ran it got five meters away it felt something coming from behind it.

"No you don't!" Marcus yelled.


A burst of air shot towards the [Thorn wolf] and hit it on the side and sending it flying into a nearby tree.


[Health: 111]

It tried to stand but unfortunately for the wolf, it was still 10 meters away.



[Thorn wolf slain!]

[+600 Exp]

[EXP: 4732/5000]

Marcus sat down and took a deep breath.

"Good thing I had this armor" he said tapping his chest. "The [Wolf slayer] title must have done a lot for my damage output" he sat as he looked up at the sky. 'Did I underestimate my strength?' he though to himself.

"How?" he turned and saw the witch have a look of exaggerated surprise. "That monster was much stronger then you were, I was preparing to help you but not only did you survive you killed it" she said shocked.

"Dumb luck" he said. Marcus knew better then start being cocky, even if he did beat a level 5 monster didn't mean all level 5 monsters were the same. 'I could die thinking like that' he thought.

'I was sure he was only level 3, how does he know how to use flow already?' the witch thought as she looked at him.

"No matter, you must be quite tired" She said throwing him a piece of bread.

"Thanks" he said catching it. When he took a bite his body was instantly full of energy, this was [Sweet bread<Silver>] that can be made with a decent level cooking skill, it works as a substitute for Stamina potions. "Can you sell me some of this bread?" he asked.

"I don't usually sell them, but if you want some I'll just give them to you" She said.

"Thanks" he said. 'Now I can save some cash rather then buying Stamina potions, albeit for a short time' he thought.

She gave him 100 loafs of sweet bread and he alsmot fell over.

"You made all of this?" he asked.

"Yes" she replied.

"Thank you" he said.

"I'd like to talk to you about something" she said.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Are you not a player?" She asked.

"If I weren't a player, what else could I be?" he asked in return.

"We'll, to my knowledge all players come from earth" She said.

"That is true" he said.

"But the level of skill you show makes it seem you've been using a Sword for decades, I'm not much of a Swordsman but even I can tell your quite skilled for a man of your level" She said.

"It's impressive how knowledgeable you are about Swordsmanship, but I'm not that impressive" he said.

"You're quite knowledgeable yourself, while most players don't see cooking as a useful skill to have, you see it as valuable, why?" she asked.

"I just read the information book we were given, but the reason I think it's valuable is because it's an easy way to make money" he said. "Rather then going around dangerous areas to make scraps, it's easier to stay in the safety of the walls and make cash" he said.

"Cooking isn't an instant money maker" she said.

"At the beginning, but cooking like anything else is an investment, if your patient it can be invaluable" he said.

She thought for a second and smiled.

"Your such an interesting person, if only you were a mage" She said with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" he asked, but he already knew what she meant.

"I could have given you the Sorcerer class and takin you in as an apprentice" She said.

"What?!" he asked shocked.

"I knew you would react" she giggled.

'The rare [Sorcerer] class and straight to Rank 3, that's insane' he thought.

"I know someone who's a mage, I'm actually on the way to meet him in velvet town, do you think you could give him the [Sorcerer] class!" he yelled.

"I don't want an apprentice that isn't you" She said sighing.

"You don't need to make him an apprentice the class is just fine!" he said in a hurry.

'He seems to know about this class as well, should I ask him how he knows or leave it be' she thought.

"I'll think about it" she said.

'Its barely been a week since coming to Eldergard and I come across a rare class, my luck is immaculate' he thought.

"Thanks" he said sitting down.

"Well, I'm going to go to bed, see you in the morning" She said going to her room.

He nodded and she left.

Marcus started shaking in excitement and couldn't hide the smile on his face.

[Flow activated]

His body had a red glow and his hair started rising revealing his ruby eyes.

"Damn Ben, you owe me your life after this" he said in excitement.

He noticed [Flow] had activated.

[Flow deactived]

'It's annoying that still happens' he thought as he sighed.

The next morning came and Marcus smiled at the messege he received.

[Level up!]

[Strength +1]

[Speed +2]

[Vitality +5]

[HP: 550]

[Level 4]


"To think I leveled up before ending the quest, this will is great" he said as the carriage entered Velvet town.

They stopped at the East gate and they got out.

"So, have you thought about it?" he asked.

"Yes, call your friend over here and I'll give him the quest he can do for it" she said.

<Ben, come to the East Gate right now> he messeged.

<You're here already? >Ben asked.

<Yes, now come to the east gate> Marcus said.

<I'm on a quest right now> Ben said.

<Screw the quest, come now!> he said.

<Okay, I'll be there in a bit> he said.

[Chat ended]

Five minutes later Ben appeared at the East gate.

"Ben!" Marcus yelled and caught his attention.

"Hey Marcus, why'd you call so suddenly?" he asked.

"No questions" Marcus said pushing him into the carriage.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" he asked.

"Shut up and get in" he said.

Ben saw the witch and blushed.

"Who's she?" he asked.

"My employer" he said.

Marcus looked at the witch and pointed at Ben.

"This is my friend" he said.

"Alright" she said.

Ben was confused until he saw a message appear in front of him.

[Rank up quest has been given]

[Sorcerer class (Rank 1)]

[Requirement: Level 10]


"I can't do this right now!" he said.

"You don't have to do it right now, Rank up quests csn be done whenever your ready to do so" Marcus said. "And it would be better to do it when you reach level 15" he added.

"Alright" Ben said.


"Now that our business is done here" She said.

[Escort quest complete!]

[+500 Exp]

[+10 copper]

"Alright" Marcus said.

"Oh Marcus, can you do me a favour?" she said before he stepped out.

Marcus turned around immediately.

"A friend of mine is looking for some assistance and I think you could do the job well" She said smiling.

"Your giving me a quest?" Marcus asked.

"Yes, you don't want it?" she asked.

"I'll take it" he said.

[Chain quest!]

[The helpless Swordsman]

[Find Ruben the Swordsman as he has a pest problem]

[Location: Eledor Town]


"Thank you" he said.

"Tell him I said hello" she said as the door shut.

He nodded.

"So, when were you planning to tell me you were on your way?" Ben asked.

"I didn't tell you?" Marcus asked.

"No" Ben said.

"Well damn, not like that changes much, I'm here now" he said.

"But you already reached level 3, thats crazy! I'm barely halfway through level 2!" Ben shouted.

Everyone heard what he said and everyone started looking at him.

"How about you tell everyone here all my personal secrets while your at it" he said.

"Sorry" Ben cleared his throat.

"Come on, we can't be wasting time here, I'll carry you until you get to level 3" he said.

"Sounds good" Ben said and followed him into the forest.

To be continued...