


Keiran sits on his throne, supporting his head on his hand, showing his annoyance by this unexpected visit. He taps his foot on the ground, giving no respect for the royal family of the Fish.

‘They have crossed the line’, he thinks to himself, knowing what this visit means.

A young man opens the big door and the king appears, alongside his wife and daughter. The man announces their arrival and all three bow in front of Keiran.

Ginn takes a step closer to him, while Erlain has a big smile on her face, happy that the Empress isn’t there to greet them.

They knew.

/"Your Grace, thank you for letting us into your home this late hour/", Ginn starts talking.

/"Yes, it is indeed a late hour and I have much business to attend. Was it that urgent for us to meet?/", Keiran says, showing his cold side.