


Wun rushes inside. Ellie is at bed and he holds her hand. She has tears of joy that she can’t hide; she is with child.

Arianna isn’t sure how this happened. Last time they talked Ellie was sure that she can’t get pregnant, that she is cursed and no one can remove that.

Wun looks at the doctor and asks, /"How did this happen? She is cursed/".

/"Not anymore. The mark is removed, see?/" and the doctor shows her right hand that had a black spot on it. The thing is the black spot is gone.

And on its place, a symbol appeared; a blue circle that goes around itself three times.

/"What is that?/" Wun asks.

/"That is a God’s touch/".

/"What do you mean?/".

/"I mean that a God touched your wife. That broke the dark spell and replaced it with a blessing. Congratulations!/".

Arianna stands there, trying to comprehend what just happened. She enters the room along Keiran as the doctor leaves.