
Chapter.06 Red Crown

The largest energy was felt, when Dexon managed to open the magical dimension that had been locked with the spell, Dexon finally managed to open the dimension of the Camelot kingdom world, where he and King Gabriel would take the red crown, which is on the head of the poisonous red snake, if this crown is successful taken, it will be made into a necklace by King Gabriel, to ward off all poisons of any kind.

"Dexon...is this what you mean the main gate to the cave of the red snake".

"That's right King Gabriel, the location of the cave of the poisonous red snake, is still in the territory of the Camelot kingdom, but that place is hidden if we go through ordinary roads because it can't be seen with the naked eye".

"Even though it's not far from where Arthur's kingdom is, really winning can't be seen with the naked eye".

"Yes, this is the only magical gate that can penetrate the cave of the red snake King Gabriel, let's follow me, let's come inside now, don't forget to stay alert, because this red snake is the main parent of the owner of the red crown, it can be very large and venomous, very toxic."

"Don't worry, I'm ready with the Excalibur sword."

"Hmm... be careful King Gabriel, you should use this blue ring, I have taken it from the ghost dimension, this ring can make King Gabriel invisible, so it will be easy to fight the poisonous red snake".

"Then am I the only one wearing this ring, how about you Dexon?".

"I've worn it before King Gabriel, let's go come inside".

"Hmm...it's so dark Dexon, how do we see the snake?"

"Don't worry, it can't see us, but we can see it, look at King Gabriel the sound of hiss has been heard, it's really big isn't it".

"Yes... what is it that glows red Dexon, how dazzling is the light?".

"That's usually the reflection of the red crown of the poisonous red serpent queen."

"Then when is the right time to take the red crown?"

"We have to wake the red snake up, by touching the tail".

"Is that it, behold it is enormous, like the size of a python in our time."

"It's not as big as the python snake King Gabriel, but like the Titanoboa snake, which is about 30 meters in diameter with a body width around the circle of a large drum, now we wake it up by cutting off the tip of its tail, now King Gabriel, hurry up we don't have much time".

"Well with the Excalibur sword that King Arthur gave".

"Do it now King Gabriel, hurry up we don't have much time, we must return to the human dimension again."

"Aaakkkhhh you're a dead red snake".

Excalibur's sword had already cut the tail of the red snake holding the antidote crown, the snake's hiss sounded very loud a groan, the snake woke up with red eyes, angry, but the red snake couldn't see, who had attacked, bursts of venom that could scorch stone even though, King Gabriel and Dexon continued to avoid the venom that could come out like a volcanic eruption of larvae, the battle was exciting, making the red snake even bigger and angry, Dexon tried to divert the snake with chanting sounds, when the snake was off guard, King Gabriel with his strength jumped from a rock, then pierced the snake's neck with his Excalibur sword.

"Aaakkkhhh you will die red snake, and now hand over the red crown to me".

"Quickly King Gabriel, take now the crown and we have to immediately get out of here, otherwise this cave will be destroyed soon, King Gabriel".

"Okay... I've managed to get it".

"Quickly we have to leave this place, King Gabriel".

Dexon and King Gabriel immediately got out of the cave, because after the red snake died, the cave began to collapse, as fast as with Dexon's power, King Gabriel could run fast, and they came out of the supernatural dimension of the poisonous red snake cave.

"Gosh a little late, maybe we'll be destroyed Dexon".

"Hufftt... that's right King Gabriel, with that blue ring too, we can run very fast, otherwise we could be rolled up with the ruins of that cave".

"Then what is our next plan, I'm thinking about my first wife's condition".

"Tomorrow is the right time for King Gabriel to order the royal soldiers, to pick up Albert, he is the real son of King Gabriel, because when King Gabriel expelled the main Queen, she was pregnant, sorry I'm late to tell the truth to King Gabriel".

"No... you don't need to apologize to me Dexon, I'm the one who is to blame for being deceived by Diondra and Guilin's tricks, because of them, I kicked out my first wife who was pregnant with my child, Albert a good name, how do you know my son's name Dexon?"

"I often monitor both of them both Queen Zena and young prince Albert, through my vision King Gabriel, your son Albert, has grown into a formidable child, Queen Zena always trains swordsmanship on him".

"Then how is Zena's condition now, has she recovered from her infectious illness".

"We can heal Queen Zena with this red crown as well as King Gabriel".

"Oh yeah.. how about Dexon?"

"It's very easy King Gabriel, by dipping the red crown into a golden cup belonging to King Gabriel, then reading it with a spell, so the water soaked in the red crown can cure all poisons and any disease, both medical and non-medical King Gabriel."

"Well tomorrow morning I will send soldiers with a pick-up warrant for my wife and son, I'm really sorry Dexon".

"Regrets do come too late King Gabriel, but it's better late than never knowing the truth, the most important thing is my message, from now on don't give any trust to anyone King Gabriel, and remember this red crown must be guarded carefully. Later we will divide by three, the ones who have the right to wear it are King Gabriel, Queen Zena, and the young Prince Albert".

"Okay, you just arrange Dexon".

"And it is Prince Albert who will be the sole heir to all of King Gabriel's wealth and the owner of the ruler's red robes because the young prince Albert has a sincere heart and he is the only successor of King Gabriel who can control the power of the ruler's red robe and Excalibur sword from King Arthur".