
CHAPTER 16 Night N Gale

  Andy had big dreams. His childhood had been fun with enough love, care and money to get him the things he needed. But he did not have tryst with luxury. There were many wants and desires that had eluded him.

  It wasn't as if he had any complaints but he had aspirations. And why wouldn't he? He was the smartest fellow in his batch. He had topped Uni.

  He had always been one of the top rankers. There wasn't an exam that he hadn't excelled at and he had also been the top performer in his batch during his OJT (On job training).

  The results were good. He joined a development project as a Lead and reported for work in the first week of Jan.

  That day, after he went over to Mia's, they ended up having a great time. He didn't tell Mia about Anya. He felt guilty that he didn't share such a huge thing, but then, this was Mia's day.

  He was treating her and waiting for her to break the news.

  Just like old times, they went out for a movie.