
The Red Circle

She had been attacked, raped and left for dead in the street, but the moment she woke up, she discovered she now had the combined experience of two very different people from very different lifetimes in her head, as well as a mysterious mark branded onto her body and power within her blood. Now, follow Nya as she navigates the strange new galaxy she finds herself in, encountering allies and enemies across the stars and amassing wealth, power and status as she aims to be ruler of it all

OSean_zK · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
39 Chs


When Terror woke up, he found himself in his bed, Mari was asleep beside him, breathing softly. He had almost forgotten how good she smelt, like wild flowers, breathing in her scent brought a smile to his face.

That smile quickly died when he looked over at the clock, it was almost time for him to go to work. Since he took over as Grand Marshal, he was now in charge of Cerberus and oversaw all activities of all three branches. He had made the role his own, but it was still very demanding for a simple guy like him.

As he got up, Mari was roused awake,

"Wha…?" she mumbled rubbing her eyes

"Sorry to wake you," Terror said, "I was just going to take a shower, I need to get to work."

"Nya said you can't," Mari said, explaining what Nya had told her

Terror sighed, with his ID revoked, even if he showed up at the office, the system wouldn't recognize him. he was basically suspended.

"Dammit Nya," he groaned, half-heartedly

"So, it looks like I get my husband back for a whole week," Mari says with a smile

"Looks that way," Terror replied

"Good," Mari says as she starts to strip, "so how about I join you in that shower?"

After enjoying a nice long shower together, they went to wake their kids,

"Dad?" Erin asked when she saw Terror, "you're here, won't you be late for work?"

"Nah," Terror said, "I got some time off, so I wanted to spend it with my favorite cub,"

"Don't call me that, I'm not a little kid anymore," Erin complained,

"No matter how old you get, you'll always be my little cub," Terror smirked

Soon after, they settled for a nice family breakfast, before the kids went off to school, because of their standing as tier 1 citizens, the attended a prestigious academy, that groomed them to become the next generation tier 1s.

With their kids gone, Mari and Terror found they had the whole house all to themselves.

"Don't you have to go to work?" Terror asked, "you're still a member of the High Order,"

"I'm owed a few days leave," Mari said, as they got into the elevator taking them back to the penthouse, "I've got you all to myself now, and I'm not going to waste it."

She kissed him deeply and he smirked, "Maybe Nya was on to something, giving me this time off,"

"After years of knowing the woman, I don't complain once she decides what's best for everyone in her life. This is certainly best for me," Mari chuckled, guiding her husband's hand up into her shirt, where he cupped her large breasts. Taurus women were known for being larger in stature to regular women, and Mari was proportionally lean for her size. Despite this, her breasts were considered bigger than average, a fact that Terror greatly appreciated. He played with her breast, pinching and flicking her hardening nipples.

"I've missed your tits," he said kissing her neck which he knew she loved,

"They've missed you too," Mari cooed, taking him by the hands "Now, let's get to the bedroom so you can show me how much you really missed them."

"Careful," Terror cautioned, sniffing the pheromones his wife was giving off, "with you smelling like that, I might not be able to control myself,"

"That's the idea," Mari panted into his ear, "I want you to breed me, like you did just before our wedding."

"That was a crazy night," Terror remembered

"Nothing hotter than walking down the aisle with your cum running down my leg," Mira smiled deviously, "I bet every trained nose there could smell how horny I was for you."

"Well then, Mrs. Quinn," Terror began, "shall we to the bedroom?"

"If this fucking thing doesn't hurry up, we're just gonna do it right here in the elevator," Mira growled

* * *

It had been weeks since Morgan and Valla's evolution into blood lords, and there were some noticeable changes about them. The two vampires now carried themselves with an air of poise and refinement –apparently and instinctual trait in higher vampires— even in training, they brought an elegance to combat. Along with their new disposition, they had also gained the ability to enthrall people, being able to captivate their targets into trance-like states through pheromones.

Valla was could now create and control constructs out of ice, and freeze things with much more precision, she even developed a thermal sense that allowed her to detect people's heat signatures. Her skin had gotten even paler blue and streaks of hair had started turning blue, with more streaks of its original dark color visible as it cascaded down to her lower back.

Morgan had gotten even more proficient with her mimicry, now her abilities were similar to shapeshifting, as she could mimic voices perfectly, and thanks to her new abilities, she could now copy dozens of skills and phantasm without much consequence, some abilities still put strain of her body, but now she could recover with just an hour of rest. Even under Nya's [Essence of Recovery] her blind eye could not be restored, whatever Astrid had done to her had also rendered the optic nerves permanently damaged.

One morning, they were in bed together in their shared suite, Morgan's tolerance for cold had gone up since Valla's phantasm appeared, so now she could comfortably stand naked in a snowstorm for an hour and be fine. Morgan was above Valla kissing, her passionately, one hand played with her breasts and the other hand gently caressed her neck, tickling her gills the way she knew drove Valla crazy.

To get her back for messing with her gills, Valla started to finger her, rubbing her icy cold hands across Morgan's slit and pinching her clit.

"S-stop it," Morgan moaned, coming up for air, and seeing her breath.

"Not a chance," Valla rebuked as she doubled down on her efforts, she flipped Morgan over, getting on top of her as she continued to make her lover squirm. When she felt Morgan was sufficiently teased, Valla enacted her true revenge.

Using her powers, Valla created an ice dildo attached to her own crotch and shoved it into Morgan's quivering cunt. The frigid appendage fit snugly inside her, its tip reaching her deepest parts, then Valla started to mess with it, using her cryo-kinesis to alter its outer texture as she started thrusting.

"Ahn…" Morgan moaned, "Baby, fuck me good with that ice dick of yours,"

"You sound almost as much of a slut as your sister," Valla chuckled,

"It's so deep," Morgan gasped as she climaxed

"It's not over yet," Valla said, as she took the dildo and altered it, so that it was now double-headed.

"You have a dirty mind, Ms. Nepton," Morgan grinned as they took either end of the phallic ice figurine.

After taking turns fucking each other senseless, they were finally settled and went to share a shower.

"You know, you're very sexy with the hair like that," Morgan purred into her lover's ear as she hugged her from behind.

"You know, you're very sexy, period." Valla purred back, kissing her cheek

"Aw, thank you." Morgan smiled

"Especially when you were begging me to let you cum," Valla chuckled, "it was so cute seeing that side of you,"

"Only for you," Morgan said

"And you too," Valla said, as she knelt down,

"Valla you can't eat me out now," Morgan protested, "we'll end up having sex again then we'll be here all da—"

Morgan stopped when Valla created a ring of white ice and held it up to her.

"Morgan Crimson, I don't know how my life would've been without you. I love you beyond measure and want to spend the rest of my life with you, however long that is. Will you marry me?"

Morgan was speechless, she stared at the intricate design on the ring, similar to the pattern that adorned her eyepatch. She looked into the expectant eyes of her lover, looking up at her full of hope and fear.

Morgan didn't reply, she didn't have to, she just knelt down with Valla and kissed her intimately, there was no lust involved, no foreplay, just a kiss between lovers. Morgan bit her lip, drawing blood that she shared with Valla who, upon tasting her blood, was hit with the overwhelming joy and elation that saturated Morgan's blood. There wasn't a single word uttered, but Valla already knew the answer to her question.

Whatever plans they had made when the day began, had been canceled. The two of them just laid in bed, snuggling within each other's embrace.

"I can't believe we're getting married," Morgan said admiring at the cold ring that now sat on her finger. The ice blended well with her pale complexion.

"I can't believe we're getting married," Valla echoed kissing Morgan's neck,

"We should tell our parents," Morgan said, "I bet they'll be thrilled,"

"Your mom, maybe," Valla said looking away, "my parents didn't really approve of me becoming a Spartan, and they certainly won't approve of me becoming a vampire."

"You haven't talked to them in years," Morgan said, "Maybe you should give them a call,"

"I don't want to rock the boat," Valla said. She came from a very influential family and was raised among the upper class of Draxia Urma, her father had been one of the deputy ministers of the previous World Lord's regime. When Nya overthrew him and took over, her family had reluctantly cooperated with the new government and were allowed to retain their social standing and only half of their assets, but her parents did not hide their disdain for the former Grand Marshal, it was that very fact that prompted the rebellious Valla to enlist in the Spartans. If they found out that Valla was marrying the daughter of Nya Crimson, and that she had willingly been turned into a vampire, it might be the final blow that destroyed the family.

"C'mon," Morgan said turning to face her, "If you don't, I will."

"You wouldn't dare," Valla narrowed her eyes

"Watch me," Morgan said as she grabbed Valla's band off the bedside and issued a verbal command, "Search for Tristan and Ariel Nepton."

A screen popped up, showing an image of Valla's parents,

Morgan then turned to Valla, "I will send them a holo-comm. of us right now," she threatened

"You can be such a bitch," Valla hissed as she relented

"You knew that before you popped the question, my love," Morgan smiled sweetly, handing the band over to her. "I'll give you some alone time." She got off the bed walking towards the bathroom.

Valla looked at her band, showing her parents and contemplated not calling, but then she thought about how stubborn Morgan was and sighed,

"Contact." Valla ordered

The screen changed as it started dialing, then, she heard a crash coming from the bathroom,

"Morgan?" Valla called, thankful for an excuse to cancel the call to her parents.

Not getting a reply, Valla grew concerned, she went to the bathroom, where she found Morgan face down on the floor, bleeding and surrounded by broken glass from the shower screen.

"MORGAN!" Valla screamed as she went to checked on her, ignoring the shards of glass scatter across the bathroom floor. Morgan's eyes were wide open and dull, and she was mumbling something silently, but she was otherwise unresponsive.

"MERLIN!" Valla yelled, "GET HELP!"

A while later Nya stepped into the medical ward, she went into the private room which housed Morgan.

"How is she?" Nya asked

[She's unresponsive.] Merlin said, [It's like a psychic shut down.]

"She was found on the bathroom floor," Kiva said, "I checked her out; it seems like someone used a psionic pulse to try and fry her mind. It's somewhat similar to that attack on you all those years ago, when those kids were being experimented on with your DNA. But this one was intentionally focused at her. It's a miracle she survived."

Nya looked down at her daughter, laying on the hospital bed. Using her extrasensory ability, she peered into Morgan, reading her internal energies, she was in turmoil.

Activating her [divination] skill, a window opened with a message prompt in her mind;




Using her [Mother's Embrace] she healed Morgan of the affliction from psionic attack, immediately, Morgan's soul calmed down and outwardly she seemed to be resting easier.

"Is… is she better?" Valla asked hopefully, she had not left Morgan's side since.

Nya didn't say anything, but everyone stepped back when they felt the rage burning inside her, her eyes were bright red and her hair was glowing, as if she had activated her blood aura.

"Kiva, tell Amara to get the Blue ready to launch" Nya ordered calmly, "We are making a stop at Providence."

"O-okay," Kiva said, "W-what happened?"

Nya turned to her and Kiva could swear she saw hell burning within her eyes, "I'm going to find the bastard that just tried to murder my daughter."

* * *

Nya was back onboard the Templar, the galactic headquarters of the security organization, Providence. Upon her arrival, she was quickly escorted to the private office of the head of Providence, Ryla Ayona.

"Ah, Nya, good to see you again." Ryla greeted from behind her desk, she had a bright smile on her face as she saw Director of the Spartans walk into her office. "I take it you've come to express your gratitude to me for my assistance in retuning you to your right state of mind?"

"No," Nya said tersely, sitting down opposite the other Regis.

"No?" Ryla echoed, "what's wrong?"

"I came here to demand everything Providence has on the vampire blood lords." Nya said

"And why do you want that?"

"Because one of them just recent tried to murder my daughter." Nya said simply

"Why would they want to kill Morgan?"

"That's my business." Nya said, "I would appreciate it if you didn't involve yourself further in this beyond my request,"

Ryla could see the fires burning in Nya's eyes, if she denied her, Nya would just take what she wanted by force, likely leaving Templar in ruins and hundreds dead in the process.

"This is confidential Providence intel," Ryla said, "I need you to guarantee that I will be compensated for this."

"You have my word," Nya said seriously

After convincing Ryla, Nya took the information and left. Before leaving though, she had left bio-drones in Ryla's office to gather more intel and surveil the other Regis.

As the Excalibur Blue pulled away from the Templar, Nya walked onto the bridge, meeting Kiva, Amara, Eli, and Astrid, with Valla and Morgan,

"Are you sure you should be up yet?" Nya said fretting over Morgan

"I'm fine, mom," Morgan said weakly, she was clinging to Valla for support, as she was evidently still weakened.

"How'd it go?" Amara asked

"I got what we need." Nya said, holding up a data drive the size of a finger, "All the information Providence had on vampires."

"I'll kill the son-of-a-bitch that tried to hurt you," Valla snarled as she held onto Morgan possessively

"Get in line," Astrid growled.

Nya placed the drive on the command table and a bunch of screens appeared

"Merlin, can you find the vampire homeworld?"

[The coordinates for Nosferatu are already plugged into the jump calculations.] Merlin informed them, [ETA at full speed; forty-four hours.]

"Amara," Nya turned to her, and Amara nodded

"You heard the lady," Amara said taking a seat on the captain's chair, "Take us into hyperspace."

The vampire homeworld of Nosferatu was unlike any other planet in its local system. First of all, it was an artificial planet constructed via unknown means –some rumors speculated they had access to an origin. Not much was publically known of the place, except that it's population consisted primarily of vampires and that a powerful galactic noble also resided there.

The planet of the vampires was located on the other side of Hyperion from Avalon, orbiting two stars, which would normally be unideal for the photosensitive vampires, but the planet was shielded, the surface of the planet could hardly be seen from space, since the upper atmosphere is constantly filled with massive red storm clouds. With military installations on its twin moons, and a bevy of defense satellites in orbit, the planet was very well defended.

The Excalibur Blue drops out of hyperspace not far from the edge of the local system, and it quickly proceeds towards the planet in question.

"Admiral, we're being hailed," the communications officer informed them once they were just outside the planet's orbit.

"Let's hear what they have to say." Amara said


"Do what they say," Nya ordered

The engines shut down, halting their progress, and the defensive barriers Kiva had set up around the ship were deactivated.

They waited while security crafts came alongside the ship, and, on Nya's orders, welcomed the security delegation aboard.

Seeing another vampire not connected to her was a new experience for Nya, the woman looked like an average person, with long pale blonde hair and green eyes, her skin was dark tan and she had a scar across her right cheek. She was dressed in an impeccable white and red military uniform and had with her a team of twelve soldiers in full body armor with her.

"I am general Galina Contell," she greeted with a curt bow

"I am Nya Crimson, these are my associates," Nya introduced

"Pardon my brashness, but what are you?" Galina asked looking at Nya, "I've never seen anything quite like yourself. You unsettle me."

"What I am is complicated," Nya responded

"I can tell," the vampire general said, "So what is the purpose of your impromptu visit?"

"That would be me," Morgan says as she walks into the executive lounge, supported by Valla.

"Sweetie, you're supposed to be resting." Nya scolded her daughter

"I'm fine enough," Morgan said

When Galina laid eyes on Morgan and Valla, she and the other vampires fell on a knee, crossed their arms over their chests and bowed their heads in reverence.

"A-apologies, your ladyships," Galina said, "I was uninformed that there were blood lords onboard this vessel,"

"Ladyship?" Valla muttered, "Why'd you suddenly bow to us?"

"You are blood lords, a higher breed of vampire," Galina relied, still bowed, "Lesser vampires like us must show our respect."

"Uh, it's alright," Morgan said, gesturing for them to rise, she then went over to Nya, "Mom, you didn't tell me we'd arrived."

"And I wasn't going to," Nya said

"What seems to be the problem?" Galina asked, this time more politely

"Somebody tried to kill her," Valla said, "and we suspect it is someone on this planet."

"Apologies," Galina said again, "we were not aware of an attempt on the life of a blood lord. We will escort you to the planet's surface and provide you with whatever support you may require."

"Thank you," Morgan said

"Will you also be partaking in the selection?" Galina asked

"What selection?" Nya enquired

"The selection for the next vampire monarch," Galina revealed, "all blood lords are contenders for the position of Vermilion King."

* * *

As Nya and her associates were escorted through the thick cloud coverage in a vampire security craft, her minds were abuzz.

Apparently, once every century or so, all the vampire blood lords gather to the capital city of Alucard to participate in the succession event where the new ruler of all vampires would be named, and this coincidentally fell within the time Morgan and Valla were elevated to blood lord rank. Apparently it was unknown how the selection was made, but blood lords could resign from the running rather than being selected out.

Nya suspected that their epics were at work, particularly Morgan's since she was also destined to be an epic stealer.

"Interesting cloud formations," Eli said to Galina, looking out the window, "Weather manipulation? How does it work?"

Galina, in return, sneered at him, "For a noble vampire such as myself to debase our national secrets by divulging them to a filthy human like you…" she quieted down when she saw the glares Nya, Morgan and Valla were giving her. Morgan and Valla were blood lords, so to provoke their ire was a grave sin, but Nya… Galina was positive that the red haired woman before her was not even a proper vampire, let alone a blood lord, and yet there was something about her that made the vampire's instinct scream 'danger'. She had no doubt that angering her could be apocalyptic.

"Er… forgive me," she apologized again,

"Answer his question," Morgan said

"W-we call it the Everstorm, a perpetual storm cloud that blankets the planet's surface," she explained, "Climate controllers keep the storm continually stoked, though we do not know how. There are also particulates within the cloud layer that blocks out the harmful rays from the twin suns,"

"I heard this planet is artificial? How did you manage that when even the most cutting edge terraforming technologies can't do it?"

"We are not privy to that information," Galina said, "only the Vermillion King knows the true nature of Nosferatu."

"So, this Vermilion King is a big deal, huh?" Nya asked, "It was my assumption that every vampire falls under a clan controlled by a blood lord, and that each clan is independently governed."

Galina looked at her curiously, how did she know such intimate details of the vampire social hierarchy?

"It is true, every clan is controlled by a blood lord, these clans compete for territory and dominance, and new clans are formed all the time by the progeny blood lords. But the Vermilion King is above all that, they are sole existence that controls all vampires."

"What happened to the last one?" Kiva asked

"Vermilion King Reina, she'll be retiring soon from the position. One of the few to do so after serving a full term." Galina explained

"How're you feeling sweetie?" Nya asked Morgan, she still looked frailer than usual

"I think I'm feeling better," Morgan said smiling weakly

"Take this," Nya said creating a red pill in her palm and handing it to Morgan. She then created similar red pills for everyone, "You should all take one, just to be safe,"

"What is it?" Astrid asks as she swallows the pill

"Pills made from my blood," Nya explained, "my blood possesses healing properties, [essence of recovery], I synthesized these pills by concentrating those properties. They should not only be able to boost Morgan's recovery, but also give you enhanced resistance to the conditions on the planet and strengthens your body overall."

Only briefly hesitant to ingest her blood, everyone downed the pills, noticing that that they felt calmer and lighter, corroborating what she told them.

Galina looked at how everyone before her interacted with one another, they were definitely odd; they all treated each other like equals, with a mutual respect and reverence for Nya. There was no such thing as equality where Galina came from, her clan relied on a heavy caste system and she had struggled to climb her way up, fucking, bribing, blackmailing and backstabbing whoever she had to, all to get to the top. She can't even remember the number of past associates she'd trampled over to reach where she was now.

"May I ask," she began, "what clan do your ladyships belong to?"

Morgan and Valla looked at each other, then pointed to Nya, "Hers," they said in unison

Underneath the blood red clouds of the Everstorm that protected the people of the planet from the sun and coated the planet is a blood mist to sate the vampiric needs of the denizens, the capital city of Alucard stood in its grandeur. The entire city looked like a modernized take on a medieval castle; every building was made with dark stone bricks in a gothic motif, with tall spires and steeples and crosses in their architecture, every roof sported gargoyles.

It was the afternoon, but you would never have guessed from the how dark and dreary it constantly was. The red glow from the clouds provided just enough ambient light during the day to differentiate it from night.

In the middle of the sprawling metropolis was the royal palace sat Castle Dracula, where the seat of power for the Vermilion King was located.

Today, its grand halls were graced with a rare occurrence; over five hundred blood lords were currently present, the sum total of every single higher vampire noble was gathered to see who would be named to next Vermilion King. Although every one of them was a contender, some blood lords wanted it more than others, while a few didn't want it at all. After three months, hundreds of blood lords had either dropped out, been rejected or died, among those who were left, the top remaining candidates still in the running were blood lord Cayn and her twin brother, Abyl, blood lord Edue, blood lord Constantine, blood lord Ayom, blood lord Ehimar, blood lord Cassian and blood lord Kezia. One of these eight blood lords was guaranteed to become the next Vermilion King, and carry the proud legacy of the vampire race on their shoulders for a hundred years.

Blood lord Cassian had dedicated the better part of two decades to ensuring that he would become king; it all started when he arranged for his idiot 'older brother', the natural sired heir of the previous clan elder, to take a vacation to a partner planet called Adryn-V, then he had arranged for the ship for their return voyage would meet an unfortunate fate with a band of Anubis pirates. In the end, his brother never even got on the ship, probably killed off some other way.

Vampires are sterile, so they cannot naturally reproduce, they add to their numbers by siring new vampires with their venom, but not everyone survives the process. To increase their minuscule population, they implemented using looms, an artificial progenation process that grew fully formed vampires from donor cells. There isn't much difference between sired and loomed vampires, though loomed vampires possess less variety in phantasms, while naturally sired vampires, like the twins Cayn and Abyl, possess vastly unique phantasms that are far more powerful than average.

Cassian was specially loomed from the DNA of the previous clan elder, and was more or less his clone, a fact that made his sired brother look down on him. Since his brother's death, he has bribed, blackmailed and killed any potential rivals who got in his way. He may not be as powerful as blood lords Cayn and Abyl, who were under constant surveillance by Providence, or as ruthless as the old blood lord Constantine, who has lived through three previous selections, where he saw to the cruel and tragic fates of many of his younger opponents, but Cassian was crafty, he already had three of the other finalists paid off to recuse their candidacy in exchange for political favors in the future. His biggest opponent was blood lord Kezia, the woman wouldn't be bought or threatened, and the assassin he sent after her were executed –rumors were that she had killed them via sunning; a slow and cruel punishment where a vampire is crucified and left on one of the many mountain peaks that were lost in the clouds, beyond the protection of the Everstorm and where sunlight rain down on the vampire, burning them alive in an agonizing death that could take days.

Blood lord Kezia was indeed a tough contender, but by no means his equal, the greatest threat to Cassian was when the blood lords suddenly became aware of the existence of two new blood lords recently. One of them, even while still being unknown, was immediately recognized as a finalist, but he had seen to her. One of the many women in his collection was a powerful adept, formerly with the Alfheim Theocracy, she had proven useful to track this new threat and destroy her mind. Now all that remained was for Cassian to wait for his name to be called and become the ruler of the vampires, then the real work could begin.

Him and the other seven finalists were gathered in the throne room, they were surrounded on either side by blood lords, high nobles and vampire elite. Before them, sitting on the grand throne was the retiring Vermilion King, Reina Vrawha, wearing a simple dress and with the grand Vermilion crown on her head.

"It is time," she said, her voice was quiet, but carried with it the authority over all vampires, they all ceased all activity and looked to her.

"I have reigned as Vermilion King for a hundred years, and in that time, I have seen our people through revolutionary new advances in medicine, technology and art. Now it is time for me to give up my crown and appoint my successor." She said looking down on the gathered eight, "Each of you have proven yourselves worthy to stand before me today, you have faced many challenges and have emerged as the final contenders…"

As she was giving her address, Cassian couldn't care less, he just wanted the old bitch to get to the end so he could assume the throne and get to work. He had ideas for a grand vampire empire, first he would need to take over Providence, but he already had people there willing to overthrow the Ayona family for him, then once he was in control, he could take over one of the surtr forge guilds, giving his new empire the technological advantage of the over the elves, allowing him to crush them and their ridiculous church. He would of course add the leaders of these two groups to his collection, why waste their beauty with death? He had also heard reports of a planet named Avalon, with superior warships and military prowess, conquering that world was also on his list to solidify his absolute supremacy.

When he looked up, he saw that Reina was just about done with her address and was about to appoint her successor.

That was when his whole plan fell apart.

The doors to the throne room burst open, falling off their hinges as a small group entered. led by General Galina Contell.

"What is the meaning of this?" one blood lord demanded

"Forgive the disturbance, your eminence," Galina said bowing before the Vermilion King, "but I present two new blood lords, able participants for the selection."

The room was in an uproar at her declaration, then she announced her guests,

"Hailing from the world of Avalon, members of clan Crimson, I present to you blood lord Valla Nepton, and blood lord Morgan Crimson, daughters of Director Nya Crimson, the Regis of Ruin."