
Chapter 3

Why? Do you live right next to me and her room there's nothing here just her bedsheets (now i what i want you take down this guy)she give a picture of a man now this is. The serial killer you heard about him yeah heard about him on the news about some murder a women say got stab in the back you mean this guy yeah. (I'll tell take it so like took down bad guys now/yes you be the hero that mystery help people and i help with you some of information so good luck.)so i went to buy a weapon i got a small amount of money because I can't. Buy a gun so I decided i had a metal bat well i got training with wooden sword then im ready now im just walking people chatting cars moving smoothly. And it's starting to rain and there no sign of then I heard a scream of a girl i ran to the dark alley then i saw my target and him is my school president. She saw me eye to eye and yell at the guy(hey you get away from her/ohh we got a hero here a young boy/kim is that you please!/so you know each other this going to be fun.)the person run straight to with his knife he try swinging his knife i hit him to the arm to make him drop his knife then to the right leg then to the neck that him knocked down then. I tie him down to a pipeline the officer came and say goodbye to emika so I came back to her she appreciates to what i did so i go back to my room that i can rest the day i wake up i check on . The news talking about the serial killer then emika she called me the phone i don't what to ask her what happened that day. She end her call so i went to school i see the school president then she gave a note says meet me at my counsel room after i went. She wrote me i knock to the door I open it um Emika i saw her right at her desk with a serious look and(thank you for saving me back then i know because i always/what?)her face is red maybe i think she sick so im going now now start with my class with new life.