
The Four Vajras

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

So, what does one do after coming back from The Plane of Dreams? Plan the next course of action? Write a report? Do some research ? Seek advice from an unreliable goddess? It was all hogwash. Those heroes in the movies, who could attend a state ball after saving the world were all lies. The reality was, after Hao Ren and the rest arrived home, the first thing they did was crash into their respective rooms to sleep the entire day. By the time Hao Ren woke up, he was so dazed that it took him a good while to realise what the date was...

After struggling a little to recollect the date, Hao Ren gave a big yawn as he fell back on the bed to sleep again. But this time, as he lay down, he heard the sounds of pitter-patter next to him and after that, something leapt onto his chest. The next moment, a wet tail started smacking him in the face. Hao Ren opened his eyes and saw the little mermaid looking at him in the eye.