

I always trusted Jones more, and this screenshot just made me more suspicious of Damon.

His performance last night was so good that I almost thought I was misinterpreting him.

"I get it." I said, wanting to drop the subject after seeing the photo. I bit back my uneasiness and said it calmly

Jones was expressionless. He put away his phone," Eliana, I really don't want you to go back to Starlight Estates. Damon doesn't deserve you."

I rubbed my temples. The screenshot was still fresh in my mind. When I heard Jones speak, I was taken aback. Remembering my deal with Damon, I blurted out. "I've decided to remarry him; I just haven't set a date yet."

I had to keep up the act. If everyone knew about my imminent remarriage to Damon, he wouldn't suspect that I was just stringing him along.

Jones coffee cup fell onto the table with a crisp sound. He looked at me in disbelief, as if he were questioning why I would do this