

A young man with a PHD in Finance, Engineering and Biomedicine has a very bright future in front of him but by the cruel fate of the world he gets diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. But when he dies and is reborn in another world where he is the prince and heir to the throne of the Muscovite Empire as Alexei Romanov. Now with the knowledge of future technologies he will bring the empire to a new level of supremacy.

J_P_9614 · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Chapter 2- The Beginning (II)

[19 of july 1900] 

Where am I? And why is it so dark? But… Why is this place so comfortable and warm? Where is this place? Wasn't I in a hospital bed just a few moments ago? Wait… am I dead? Is this where people go after they die? Well… it's very comfortable and warm so I won't complain much, but still, I wish I could have said goodbye to my family before I died, now they are going to be very sad. I'm gonna miss them. 

But, it is what it is. And if I'm dead then there's nothing that I can do so I'll just sleep for a bit more… wait… where am I going? Why is my body moving in that direction? Wait… I can see light coming from that direction… Why is the light so strong it's hurting my eyes… Well whatever it is I can't stop my body from moving so there's nothing that I can do… 

[19 of july 1900 in the royal bedroom of the Tsar]

A very beautiful woman could be seen laing in the bed with only a thin piece of a white blanket covering her body. In the room her husband and various doctors and nurses were all surrounding her.

"Catherine my love, look at me. You can do it just one more push and the baby will be out, right doctor?"

"Yes your Majesty and your Highness, just one more push and the child will be out."

"You heard the doctor my love. Just one more push, ok?"

"O-ok…arghhh…" with that the empress started to once again push her baby out. And after a few seconds the doctor said.

"It´s here! I can already see its head." After a few more seconds the baby is out and the empress gives a massive sigh of relief.

 " Finally." "Would you look at it, it's a Boy. Nurse go get a blanket for the prince!" 

After wrapping up the prince in a small blanket, they gave the baby boy to the empress and the emperor.

"It's so beautiful" said the empress

"Yes, it is my love. Our baby boy truly is the most beautiful boy in the world."

"But doctor, why is he not crying?" At this the Doctor and everyone in the room finally realized that the boy wasn't crying. But before anyone would think that something horribly wrong had happened to the prince. The price moved a bit which startel the empress which was currently holding him in her arms.

"Waah waah nehh"

"Hello my sweet little prince, you can go back to sleep if you want." the empress said in a matured motherly voice.

[Alexei POV: ]

As I was getting closer to the light I closed my eyes to prepare myself for the worst. But after a few seconds, I felt my body being wrapped up in what felt like a blanket and was moved from the massive arms of some being to the arms of a different being. These arms were much smaller than the previous ones But something that shocked me was that these beings were speaking… Russian?. 

So after gathering my courage I opened my eyes and the site that welcomed me was of a beautiful woman that he didn't recognize.

"Waah waah nehh" ( Who are you? )

"Hello my sweet little prince, you can go back to sleep if you want." the beautiful woman said in a matured motherly voice that could seduce any man in the world.

Even though it looks like she couldn't understand me, I could perfectly understand her as Russian was one of the languages that I studied while I was at the hospital. 

"Your Highness you should probably rest and the same goes for the baby." A man in a white coat that looks to be a doctor said. Wait, did he say ´your highness´ . Does that mean that this woman is a noble?

"Doctor Nikoláy is right, my love. It would be best if you and the child had some rest." Another man said and for the way that he dressed and the way he said ´my love´ I think that this is her husband.

Wait… did he just call me a child? As I look down I don't see my dying body but a small child's body in its place.

What the fuck is going on? Why is there a child's body and not his own body?

As I was pondering what was going on, a person that looked like a nurse picked me up from the beautiful woman's arms and was carrying me to a baby cradle. I tried to struggle "Waah waah nehh waah"(Put me down women.) but she didn't seem to mind. 

"Looks like our boy is a fighter." The woman's husband said with a wide smile on his face

As we got to the cradle the nurse said. "Their little prince, it is time for you to rest.". And with that she tugged me in the bed and tried to make me as comfortable as possible. He tried to resist the very comfortable bed but it was a fight that he wasn't going to win, as he began to lose consciousness

Next day I was finally named by my mother as Alexei Romanov and them was presented to my four older sisters:

-Yekaterina age 4

-Elena age 10

-Svetlana age 5

-Olga age 9

They were very friendly and were always full of energy. It was also when we were playing in the library that I took the liberty to search for a history book to try to understand where I was. And because I can still read in russian that I was able to finally understand what had happened to me. For starters it seems that I was still on earth by the year 1900. Though it seems that it is like a different earth. How do I know that? Well I'm quite the history nerd myself so I basically know most of the world history like the palm of my hand. But none of the world countries or kingdoms from the past have the same name as in my world. I can easily know what each country in this world resembles that of my world. Like The Empire of Londinium (is basically the British empire), The Republic of Parish (is basically France), The Greater Deutschland Empire (is basically the German empire), The Hungaryan Empire of Budapest (is basically the Hungarian Kingdom) and finally the place where I was born, The Muscovite Empire (is basically the Russian empire).

The History of the world is basically the same except the names of the nations and the result of some battles but the end result was the same as in my world. Some big things that did change was that, now 70 percent of the sahara desert is tropical forest and it also is filled with fertile land as far as the eye can see. The other changer is that here is no Caspian Sea. Instead the empire's central Asian territories are basically an endless sea of fertile land, that also includes the areas of western china that were supposed to have a massive desert such as the Gobi and Taklamakan deserts.

The Muscovite Empire is in a far better position than the Russian empire in my world's timeline.The empire is 10x more industrialized and the military is also 10x more advanced and well trained than it was in my world. Though the factory conditions and the lives of the people in general are the same with little improvement. This is mostly because the empire is an autocracy and also because my ancestors wanted to oppress the people and more specifically the minorities of the nation including my father Mikhail Romanov III.

Well, even though we are in a far better estate than in my world's timeline, we are still behind the western empires of the rest of Europa. But I'm still too young to be able to do anything about that. But if things turn around good, then as the only male in the family to succeed my father, I will become the next Tsar of The Muscovite Empire. But until then many years will have to come, and in those years I'll have to make sure to learn everything I need to learn to make this empire the Greatest and the most Powerful in terms of technology, in terms of the economy and in terms of power in the whole world, while using my skills and knowledge from my past live.

But for now I'm going to sleep as I'm not even a 1 year old child and my ambitions will have to wait for me to grow up. 

[And so, 2 years pass like a flash and when Alexei begins to be tutor everyone begins to think that he is a genius sent from heaven to rule the Muscovite Empire.]