
The Rebirth Of The Undaunted

Lily and Damon of the Wildfire pack were in love. Damon dies mysteriously on the eve of his wedding to Lily. A devastated Lily runs to the moon goddess, desperate to bring back the love of her life and exchange her life for his. According to the law of life and death, you give up life for a new life. Damon comes back to life but at the expense of Lily’s. The moon goddess pities her and brings her back to life but in the omega’s body of the Duskfire pack. The feud between the wildfire pack and the Duskfire would never end. It runs so deep that a curse is placed to seal it. With the resurrection of Damon who is now crowned the Alpha of the Wildfire and the rebirth of Lily in Ariona’s body in the Duskfire pack the destiny of their life changes. Damon comes alive to hear the death of Lily, he mourns her but he is forced to choose a Luna and quickly at that. Lily, now Ariona, runs to the Wildfire pack in the hope of getting back with Damon only to meet his mating ceremony with her best friend, Alicia. Heartbroken, she returns to the pack only to be treated very poorly. Somehow she hears the curse placed on her former pack and the one she has been reborn into. She runs back to Damon, determined to fight for the man she had exchanged her life for. No one, not even the body she had woken up in would stop her from getting the only man she had loved alive, dead, and alive again.

AmobiOffor · Fantasía
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61 Chs


"Ari??" one rough-looking woman who stinks of what I do not know asked and shoved me to the ground by the shoulders.

"Hy, watch out!" Anna growled.

The cell erupted in waves of laughter.

"Give me your hand" I looked up to see a beautiful, slender brunette lady smiling down at me with stretched hands.

"Thanks" taking her hands and getting to my feet

"You are bleeding" It sounded both like a statement and a question. She took one look at me and went towards the gate of the cell.

Bang!!! Bang!!!

The padlock on the gate bangs on the gate as she hits making a hideous sound.

"Why???!!" a pot-bellied guard man who had been sleeping gave a disgruntled growl " What the fuck, Lena?"

"Get me, Piper! Tell her to come with the first aid" She turned to me "Is any bone broken in your body?"

I shook my head and realized I had made a mistake. The pain shot through my body, doubling me over to the ground.

"It is okay. It's okay" She was by my side, hands on my shoulders.

"Get me Piper, fat face!"

The man murmured inaudibly but left to get Piper.

"What happened?" she asked taking me to her corner.

"Isn't this Ari?" an inmate started

"The one who tried to murder Luna Lena in her sleep?" another added.

"Shut up, Jock!"

Scattered laughter resonated in the cell.

"I am Lana," the pretty girl said.

"Lana.." I repeated, trying the name on my tongue, willing my memory to jog it out.

"I am Lana, Ariona's step-sister.'' She looks at me quietly but attentively.

That was when I got it.

"The same Lana they said Ariona…"Just as I thought it I said it out

My voice trails off as she nods.

"Yeah; that same Lana"

Her voice looks stronger than her frame.

"Hi. Said someone wants me" a sing-song voice called out and I knew exactly why she was called Piper.

"Piper, over here" Lana called.

The fat man opened the gate for Piper and she scurried in, talking which felt like singing to me.

"Who is it, Ms Lana?"

"My friend over here" she pointed at me and Piper gasped, stopping short "Sweet goddess!" her tiny hands on her big boobs.

"Ariona??" she stood afar like she was about to run.

"Come closer" Lana laughed. "We will talk about that later" She goes over to Piper and gently pulls her forward "but for right now, Ariona needs help."

"Wasn't she dead?" Piper asked in whispers. Her already large eyes, larger I fear they could pop out of their socket.

"Weren't you dead, Ari? Luna Lena said you were…" She knelt beside me gingerly, deciding if to touch me or not.

"Would you rather bombard an injured woman with questions or save her, Piper?" Lena chided. Her voice was stern.

Piper went to work. Her touch was empathetic and effective.

"You are here for Lisa, yeah?"

I laughed quietly as Lana rolled her eyes.


"You aren't Ari, so who are you?"

" I am Lily"

"Okay. Cause you look exactly just like Ari"

"I do??" I knew people were double but I never knew they'd be so similar that people can't tell the difference.

"Huh huh…" she went towards the gate again and banged.

The fat man comes out, this time looking crosser than the first.

"What is it??" He sounded rough from sleep and anger

"Get me your mirror?"

"Why?" He looked a little bit ruffled

"Cause I asked…" she blurted. "Okay, I wanna use it to see my face" she added when his face turned into a frown.

"You look good…"

"Fat face!"

"Here" he laughed, handing her the mirror.

I gasped in shock when I saw myself or rather who they had been seeing.

"This ain't me." I was freaking out.

This explains why the wounds on my body won't heal. The real me…The real Lily….I was a fighter. Everything about me was. My body would have protested against all those pains so badly the pains would have been shocked too.

Ana would have also taken control countlessly and we would have changed a hundred times.

I wondered who the person was.

Lana stood by the corner, arms across her breasts, eyes squinted, lips in a tight frown. It was obvious she was thinking but so was I.

"Who was she?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper from shock. "Who was Ariona?"

"She was my step-sister.." Lana shuffled her feet as the frown on her face got deeper. "She was fated to the soon-to-be Alpha of our pack who is now our alpha. He rejected her but kept her as a bedmate" She paused to breathe "Ari was an omega, so she accepted. Robben took another mate, Lena…" She gave a pause that seemed to go on forever.

Omega?? I wasn't wrong.

She probably had problems changing while she was alive.

Her eyes darkened "Lena is my sister."

It was my turn to pause. My head shot up.

"The Luna Lena?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes. Blood sister. Unlike Ari who was my step-sister but we were so close, there was nothing step about us."

I nodded my head gently, trying not to upset the pain. Piper had done a good job. She had cleaned the blood. Dressed the wounds and gave me painkillers for it.

"Since Lena can't bear a child, Ari got pregnant for Robben and gave him a daughter, Lisa" A small smile played at the corner of her mouth and then it was gone.

"After Ari's delivery. She disappeared" she winced, her lips pursed "I was accused of conspiracy." She blinked severally and exhaled.

"When did these happen?"

"Some three years ago"

"Three… what??" I was stunned.

Wasn't it like yesterday I ran to the moon goddess on behalf of Damon??

She nodded

That explains Damon's mating to Alicia. This body explains why Damon couldn't recognize me. A sense of dread settled inside the pit of my tummy.

"Who are you?" She asked, coming to sit beside me.

"My name's Lily. Mate to a now Alpha. He died mysteriously one night after a party and I went to the moon goddess for a second chance for Damon in exchange for me. She gave him and also gave me too, I guess but in this…" I ran my hands through my body. " I ran back to my pack only to see him and he rejected me. He was getting mated to my best friend."

Lana gave a nod without saying anything.

"What pack are you from?"

"The wildfire pack"

"Ah!!!" She gasped. Her eyes opened like she just saw an apparition. "You are in Ari's body. She was in Duskfire pack". She was up pacing now "It can't ever work"

"What can't?" I asked bewildered

"Your relationship with Damon"

My heart skipped tons of beats. "Why??!"

"It's something about a curse" an approaching voice answered outside the cell's gate.