
The Rebirth of the Genius Alchemist

The genius alchemist and the world-renowned medical expert of the 22nd century dies, when she opens her eyes again she is in a new world. she is reborn into the body of an eight-year-old who is the dumb granddaughter of the prime minister.

SnowGalss · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: The start of the end

I work up to the excruciating pain. They were injecting something and it's new. The pain moving through my body felt new, although I had been waking up to this torture for the past year this felt new, it gave me a new feeling like I was on the edge of power and that I might trip at any moment and with feeling that came a new fear.

Were they finally succeeding? should I be sad or happy that I would be free from this hell? If you are thinking in your head that I am talking about freedom then you are very wrong what I am talking about is death the ultimate end. 

Ok, you must be thinking that I am crazy and that I am some kind of psychopath and you might be right maybe I have gone insane. Insane from their betrayal, from the tortures from being experimented on day and night. Now that I look back maybe death from being ripped apart into pieces from the zombies would have been more pleasant than this. for you to understand what I am talking about we have to go back to the basics.

My name is Violet Celiss, I have never known my parents I grew up in an orphanage funded by the government. I finished high school at the age of eight and by the time I was 16, I was doing my masters in both traditional and modern medical science. At the age of 20, I was appointed as the chief of the surgery department at the most prestigious medical facility in the whole world.

Although I lived a hectic life, I loved every moment of it, I was doing something for the world I was saving lives, and that was all that mattered to me. Till one fine morning, it all came crashing down.

That morning I was too tired from the back-to-back surgeries I performed and all the patients I had to attend to look up the weather forecast. My apartment was a few blocks away from the medical facility where I worked so I opted for a walk, Just as I was a block away from my home I got caught in the sudden heavy rain. It felt weird, the feel of the rainwater I mean It felt as if it was penetrating through my skin seeping into my bones before I could give more thought to it lightning stuck on my head. 

 As I was lying there on the pavement, I could hear people shouting, cars crashing and buildings falling. I lay there as the world around me went into chaos. I could not move the lightning was still running through me and it was changing something in me it was excruciating It felt like someone was breaking every little born in my body and reattaching them again and again. I lay in the rain for hours in that pain and finally fainted.