"I see you have been doing well So Do-yun"
"Daeshim It's been so long since I last saw you" I said referring to the other man with hair as black as night and with eyes as blue as the ocean.
"Has it been that long that could not recognise my agents and even knocked them unconscious?"
Now that he said it, it all began to make sense why the men were so vaguely familiar. I could feel a blush begin to spread on my cheeks as I realized who the agents were. I guess I would have noticed it sooner if I wasn't too suspicious about it. Those agents have been following me for the last three days. A normal person would not have noticed it but I guess a former bodyguard doesn’t count as normal.
" As you know the elections are coming up and people will be targeted so a client knowing this came to us for protection"
"Why are you telling me this"
"Because you more than anyone is the most situated person for this role"
"And who might this be"
"Park Hajun"
Immediately I heard that my name the first two words that came out of my mouth was "I refuse"
"That's so mean Seo Doyun and here I was thinking we were such good friends" someone said laying their hands on my shoulder making me flip them out of reflex only to find them land on their feet beside me.
"Long time no see doyun" he said ruefully. "Even after all these years you were still not able to grow an inch" he said tauntingly.
"See this is the reason why I didn't want to work with him. He has always been like this and I will have you know I grew a total of three inches through out the years”
"Three inches I didn't notice" he said looking at my 5'9 self from his abnormal height of 6'3.
"Anyways I kindly refuse can I go home now?" I ask expectantly
"What if we pay you double"
"In exchange for my mental health? "
"I will give you anything you want"
"Then how about we spar like old times"
"No, Why would I possibly want to waste anymore time with you?"
"I am well aware of the school's financial state you are currently working in. They are supposed to be undergoing renovations but I am sure renovations are quite hard with a low budget isn't it"
The school I was supposed to start teaching in today, is a school for people with special needs and it has been working hard to gather more funds to make its environment friendly for everyone.
"So basically all I am saying is if you win and a big emphasis on if you win, the school you are currently working in will have more than enough money for their renovations but if I win you will have to be my bodyguard with no complaints"
"You sure did your homework didn't you?" I said approaching him with a smirk.
"Indeed I did"
"can I trust you to keep your word"
"As I trust you to keep yours"
I contemplated about it and began to weigh the pros and cons. If I did this it will be good for the school but if I lost I will be stuck with him. It doesn't matter I have to try and it's not like I had a choice to begin with.
" Deal"
"The match is 30 minutes, if you hit a vital spot you win, I want a clean game you two ,the fight starts now"
Immediately he said that the atmosphere of the room dropped significantly as tension raised. It has been a while since we last trained together. Park Hajun has always been swift and powerful, ruthless and overwhelming. Once he starts fighting, he gives of the feeling of rash man but don't let that fool you because he is anything but that. With none of us backing down we began to circle each other like predators targeting it's prey. Carefully deciding where to attack I began to check for any weak points he may had left open but I should have known, Hajun doesn't have patience.
Like a maniac, he moved with such speed and force that I didn't have enough time to blink and he was right before me. I quickly stepped back and tried to put as much distance between us while he just stood there laughing.
"Either you have began to lose your touch or you have began to become too comfortable in your new life." He said with as much distate as he could.
"The old So Doyun would have been able to respond just in time"
He was right the old me wouldn't have ever missed the opportunity, of him stepping into my close range but I guess I have become dul, far too used to being something I am not.
Right jab, left jab, left hook, right hook, throws grabs and locks that is how the fight has been for a while now. Neither of us were backing down and at the moment I thought we could both predict each other, that is till a blow so heavy connected with my stomach that I could not help the gasp of pain that escaped me. Overcome with blood lust, I charged at him with all I got throwing caution to the wind. I jabbed him in the stomach with my elbow, and hit his ribs before returning a round house kick to his temple but as always he didn't fall, he was always sort of abnormal when it came to physical fights. I took advantage of his disorientation and kicked his legs from under him landing him on the ground. I went to restrain him but he rolled away and managed to kick my legs from under me, shocked by the impact I fell on the floor and he tackled me.
We began to roll on the ground like little kids because none of us wanted to back down.
"Stay still"
We rolled around some more before I felt his hands digging into my sides.
"You wouldn't " I said warily
"I think u know me well enough to know that I would" he said with a devilish smile before he began to tickle me
"No please stop, I promise I will stay still" I begged
"No you asked for it"he said while laughing
"I'm sorry" I said begging for my life with tears in my eyes. Till he finally stopped and put the knife he pulled out of his back pocket on my throat, signaling the end of the match.
"I win"he said triumphantly
"No! I call a do over" I cried out outrageously
"They are no do overs in a real fight Doyun" said daeshim trying and failing to conceal a smile
"No do overs Doyun"
"Fine" I said pouting while still giving them the evil stare. I am sure they planned this and were never really giving me a choice signaling that something must be seriously wrong.