

Zero knew cursing out the window wouldn't do anything, however he really wanted to. Sighing, Zero grabbed the three souls, clicking no on the window asking him if he wanted to use them for recovery. Zero continued forward, looking for the elevators. After reaching the end of the hallway, only to find nothing but busted in rooms, Zero got an idea.

Zero started heading back, only he started to lean into every room and saying he was human and looking for survivors. It wasn't until the 15th room that someone called back to him. "H-Help me, please!" Zero walked into the room, his right hands pinky now pointed forward while his left hung by his side. After using his pointer finger, his arm became so hot that Zero knew it was on the brink of breaking.

As Zero walked through the doorway, the first thing he noticed was that there was blood all over the floor. before taking another step, Zero slowly lifted his ring finger to rest it against his outstretched pinky. 'I will only use my pinky if it comes down to it, however I want to be ready incase its something bad.' Zero stepped forward, his bare feet slightly slipping in the blood. As Zero made his way into the middle of the room, a girl suddenly appeared in the bathroom doorway.

Zero was momentarily confused, as she seemed to be completely fine. "Are you hurt anyway?!" The girl paused for a moment, before a smile crossed her face. Something in Zero's brain screamed for him to move. Without thinking, Zero jumped towards the door, the metal pole dropping from his left armpit. Zero watched in horror as the blood on the floor and ceiling became large spikes before impaling were he had just been standing. Zero started crawling back as the blood returned to its original place.

"W-Why are you attacking me?! I'm a human, just like you!" The girl laughed as she walked toward Zero. "So you haven't even understood the current situation. Never mind, explaining it to you would take too much time. Now, sit still let me have your soul." Zero realized that the girl also knew about souls, but he didn't know why she was targeting him for them. "Why kill me though? Go kill the green things for souls!"

The girl let out a laugh at his words. "Green things? If you mean the Goblins, then that's old news. With them it's a chance of collecting souls, however, a human is a guarantied soul. Anyways, come back here. Zero had crawled 10 feet away from the hospital room, when the girl walked out, a moving carpet of red surrounding her. Zero realized that she was controlling the blood, meaning she had the ability to. Zero reached for the cleaver, at which the girl spoke. "Extend."

The blood condensed before needle-thin spikes shot towards Zero, impaling him through each of his limbs. Zero cried out in pain as he tried to point his fingers towards the girl, only to find spikes had impaled his hand to the spot. The girl came to stand over him, and Zero could feel the blood start to seep into the back of his clothes before it turned into needles, impaling upward.

The girl had an ugly grin that said she enjoyed what she was doing. "See, the funny thing about this is, the blood itself is very slow. The only good thing about it is that it's unbelievably sharp. Like sharp enough to punch a hole through the concrete wall if I concentrated. That means that if you would have simply stood up and walked away, even at a snail's pace instead of sitting in horror, you would have been able to avoid this current situation. However, like everyone before you, you saw a human controlling blood, and you froze like an idiot."

Zero opened his mouth, trying to speak. The girl simply watched with a satisfied smile as Zero's own blood dripped out of him and added to her collection, which would then add another needle through him. "G-good..." Zero croaked out. The girl's expression went from amusement to disinterest as she spoke. "What was that?" Zero pulled in the air, the action causing him immense pain.

"Goodbye." Zero forced his right hand to be facing her and aimed directly at her temple before willing the spell to cast. The lady didn't have enough time to react before the Five-foot Death Beam erupted out, completely erasing everything but the knee down. Zero watched as multiple souls burst into the air, filling the hallway. Zero's vision started to fade when he noticed the souls were all coming together.

Zero forced his eyes to open and watch as the souls merged before a single shadowy ghost remained, only this one was darker than the previous ones. Zero knew he had to touch it before he lost consciousness, or he wouldn't be able to activate his ultimate and would die. With a loud groan and tears in his eyes, Zero rolled to his side. All the needles of blood broke as he did. Every action Zero took, he could feel the needles currently in him shift, causing him pain to simply breathe.

Zero finally made it to his feet, the pain from the needles nearly knocking him out themselves. Pushing on, Zero slowly made his way towards the wondering soul, having to walk over ten feet as it had floated in the direction of the room the girl had been in. with few breaths remaining, Zero finally made contact with the soul. The soul raced up and past his hand and instead plunged itself into his chest. Multiple windows appeared as Zero fell to his knee, a fresh wave of pain hitting him as the needles in his knee stabbed him.

Zero rapidly read the windows.


<15> Soul has been absorbed.


Due to the required amount of Souls being acquired, Information has been revealed.


Due to the extent of the damage done to the hosts body, more souls are required to start the healing process.


<15> souls have been absorbed. would you like to use the souls to aid in the Mana channel recovery process?

(Yes) (No)


Due to the requirement being met, would you like to activate <Soul Displacement>

(Yes) (No)

Zero knew all the windows boiled down to him not having enough souls to save himself from dying, so he simply clicked yes on the activation of <Soul Displacement>, his vision going dark once more.