
Chapter 1 new girl

"...Will, William Hunter are you even paying attention" Miss Flores asked me. I lifted my head from my desk "Yes ma'am" "Then you will have no problem answering this" the teacher said pointing at a equation on the chalkboard. There was a few smirks and chuckles from students but the teacher ignored them.

At that instant I was saved by God, or Principal Miller as most normal people call him."May William Hunter please report to my office? I have a job for him" I looked at my teacher who was annoyed. "Just go" she said waving me off. I got up and ran out the door.

As I walked to the main building my friend Issy appeared. "Watcha doing" she sang as she floated next to me. A guy walked through her and as I watched he shivered even though it was 80 degrees outside and walked off as if nothing happened. Issy gave him a dirty look before turning her attention back to me.

I should back up and explain Issy is a ghost, or free spirit as she puts it. Ever since I was little I could interact with the spirits. My mother thought I was possessed when I told her this even went as far as taking me to a preacher so they can exercise the "demon" in me when I was 8. After awhile I got the hint they can't see or interact with them and I should stop telling people that I can. So I did, it was hard at first especially when one goes through a wall or has a missing body part, and most of the time it was just hard to tell if I was talking to a spirit or a living being but eventually I got better at telling the difference. Spirits especially Issy still try get my attention but after ignoring them for a while they some attend to get the hint and go away. If it doesn't work I try to help them the best I can, sometimes it's to let there pet out, tell there friend or family member it's not their fault, or they just wanted to talk to someone, mostly the last one.

I put my phone to my ear so if anyone was walking past it will look like I was talking on my phone. "The principal wanted to see me so I was heading to his office" I answered "Boooorrrring," she said pretending to yawn "Let's do something fun instead" I debated on the idea but decided against it."I can't anyway why are you here? You usually hang out at the dorms scaring the people. Was nobody there?"she gasps "I'm hurt, you of all people, can't accept the fact that I came to just see you" I tilted my head "Suurrreee, look I need to go" I said pointing to the main building. "Why don't you go to the gaming building there's usually a lot of people in there" I asked her. She ponder the question for a minute and before I could say anymore she waved goodbye and disappeared in a bright flash. I sighed as I put my phone back in my pocket and opened the door.

As I walked to the Principal Miller's office, I thought of everything I did wrong at this school and what the punishment is going to be. Maybe he heard about Issy pranks and was told by the other students that it was me, I mean it wasn't the first time that happened I thought I hoped she didn't use ketchup again it was hard last time trying to remove the red stains off the white carpets and walls. I got the office and knocked on the door "Come in" a deep voice said

I open the door and prepared for yelling but I was greeted with a sight of a dark hair girl who I never met and a dark muscler man sitting across from one another separated by only a desk covered by papers. "Take a seat" Principal Miller said gestation to the empty seat. I sat down and study the girl. She wore a faded black shirt and blue jeans and from what I can tell the Principal can see her too. "Will I like you to meet Olivia Smith. Olivia, William Hunter" The girl, Olivia, looked at me and extended her hand "Nice to meet you" I shook her extended hand. Olivia's british accent surprised me a little bit "Right back at you. Are you from Britain?" I asked. She shook her head "No I'm from England." I waited for her to explain more but said nothing else.

"Will, Olivia here is going to be your new roommate." He said nodding towards the 3 suitcases at the door. I haven't noticed them before, they were black suitcases and unlike the people's suitcases here, hers weren't stuffed to there breaking point and pretty sure there isn't any butlers in one of the suitcases, unlike last time ( long story involves a monkey, a helicopter, and a very ticked off ghost).

"Since Olivia is going to stay in the same dorm room. I was hoping you could take her to the dorm and show her around the campus" Miller said with a smile. I nod "Is that all?""Yes, that is all I need. You two may go."

Me and Olivia took the bags and left. The bags weren't heavy so I took two bags I tried to take the third one too but she declined and said she gots it. As we walked I wonder how long she would share the dorm with me before requesting to go to another dorm like all the other rich kids did since they can't be seen with a kid who got in with a scholarship instead of there parents money. "So I was wondering if you like to be my friend" I nearly dropped the bags. I probably miss heard. " What did you say?" I asked turning my head so I can see her "I asked if want to be my friend" she said again. She looked dead serious, no hint that she was kidding or messing with me. She continued "I figured it would be a good idea to be friends since we're going to be sharing a dorm together" I laughed I couldn't help it. She looked at me confused. "Sorry that is a good joke."I said."What you think you're the only person who made that joke. Was I supposed to say yes then later take me to the cafeteria so the whole school throwing tomatoes or tell me you were kidding and call me a pathetic loser and have a camera crew come out and make me more embarrassed? No thanks I'm good" I started to laugh again. She stand there for a few seconds, probably trying to understand that she just been told no a word she probably never heard before. Then without saying a word she grabbed her bag and started following me.

When I finally stopped laughing we made it to the dorm. Inside the dorm was nothing special. There was a kitchen and dining room that were murge together and the living room had a couch and two recliners on either side of it, a coffee table in the middle, and a gaming console connected to the 100" tv and on the left wall were a bookshelf full of my favorite books. The two bedrooms were on the far right and far left of the west side wall and bathroom/Shower was in between the bedrooms. "The left room is mine." I said opening the right bedroom and setting her bags on the bed." I will wait out here. Are you hungry?" She nods " Ok I will make something to eat, you can start unpacking. I will let you know when food is done" I closed the door and headed towards the kitchen.

I decided to make quesadillas with rice and pinto beans. As I started cooking my thoughts began to spin in my head. What if she really wanted to be my friend and I just ruined it? No she probably was just messing with me, and even if she did, she probably thought I was from a rich family and when she meets the other students she will pretend to not to know me. I wonder if they made a vegan cheese? Probably it make sense to make that when they already made vegan milk.

When I got done with the food I went to make a chore list even though I know from experience that I will end up doing all the chores but it doesn't hurt to try. The chores were simple (sweep, dust, take out the trash and do the dishes) something even a person who never did chores can do these.

When I got done with that. I went and knocked on her door and told her food was ready. She came out a minute later in sweat pants, a t-shirt that says "my only friend is my pillow", and a necklace with a strange symbol of a black glyph like a cross with curved arms and ahead

"I made some quesadillas. I hope you don't have a problem with cheese."I waved at the table were I put the food.

She sat down and grabbed quesadilla. "What's this?" She said picking up the chore sheet "Chores for us. I figured it would be a good idea to split the chores between us.." I suspected her to fight me, cry about it's not her problem, or at least say that it's the schools job to do those things but instead I got "that's makes sense"

I sat down and started eating. As we ate Olivia started asking me questions about my life. I told her that my mom and dad died when I was young and I got to Casper Academy through recommendations and scholarships. I tried to ask about her life but she didn't answer just looked at me with a sad look.

"So when would you like the tour of the campus?" I asked I looked at the time. 9 a clock already wow time Is going by fast. Izzy is probably annoyed that I didn't go find her like I usually do when classes are over

"Probably tomorrow I am wiped out taking the train here" I snapped out of my thoughts and studied her She doesn't look tired but then again it could be just me.

"Just out of curiosity, how far did you travel to get here" she thought for a minute"well I traveled by train all the way here and I lived in Liverpool so maybe 118 hours" I made a low whistle sound" No wonder you're tired. I will do the dishes. You go lay down" she tried to argue with me which surprised me but in the in tiredness made her cave in. She agreed to go asleep but made me promise to let her do the dishes tomorrow.

As I watch her head to her room I swear I saw her move her head side to side like she was looking for something. I started to pick up the dishes and I think about what just happened. She is different than most people here. Most people here would brag by now about their family wealth and definitely would not wear what she had on. Now that I think about it she didn't get mad about having to do the half the chores just except it. Who is this person? Also she said she was from Liverpool so does that mean some time ago when the town was discover, the founder was either crazy or found enough livers to fill a pool. I need to do research about that. I push the thoughts out of my head and begin to do the dishes.

As so I got done doing the dishes, I got a nice smack to my head. "Ow, what was that for" I said turning my head a very pissed off ghost "You left me waiting for you. Do you know how bored I was" "I kinda was busy with other things" I told her what happened with the principal and how I got another roommate. When I got done she looked like a kid at a candy store and she was just told that she can have as much as she wants. "This is great, I have a new victim"

"Something tells me you're going to have a hard time scaring her. She isn't like most spoiled kids here." She gave me a devilish look. "That what makes it all the more interesting"

I smiled "Well I'm going to bed. You have fun and please don't do anything that I will get in trouble." She stuck out her tung and left. As I walked to my room I grabbed a book from my shelf.

I didn't even have to look at the title of the book to know what it was. I read it so often that I recognize worn out spine and the feel of the cover.The book has the best memory connect to it probably why I like reading it so much. When I layed down, I opened the book I let the memories it contains wash over me.

When I was little I tried to get every book that was even remotely related to my ability to see ghosts my dad had noticed. So when it was my birthday he got me a book called Ghost Files by author named Apryl Baker.

My mother was feeling better with the new medication that are doctor describe to her so they decided to invite my friends there. It was probably the most normal day in my life. But like all good things, everything must come to the end.

I shook my head trying to stop thinking about that memory. I set the book down on my nightstand and tied my arm to the bed post even though I know it was pointless. I layed down and went to sleep praying that I don't wake up there again.