
The real power of the heart

Abi, is a high school student who is famous for causing trouble. Even the police and his parents got dizzy with his bad behavior. Until an incident occurred that made Abi decide to change his life for the better. He was transferred to a school where there were far more sinister events at his new school. "It turns out that this school is much worse than my previous school," said Abi. "Yes, you're right. Therefore, you have to face all of this! You can't just stand still," replied Floren, who is the vice president of the student council. Abi, who initially wanted to live in peace, inevitably had to deal with violent gangs in order to save intelligent students and students from being disturbed. "What will Abi's story be like next? Will Abi be able to overcome all the existing problems?

Scarlett_winters · Ciudad
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16 Chs

High School Ruler

Abi's POV:

My name is Abby. I am the ruler of the most cruel and frightening Bintang High School. I not only mastered SMA Bintang but also mastered other high schools. Those who don't want to submit to me, are ready to face me to death!

Author's POV:

On a sunny morning, Abi came out of his room. Just coming out of the room, Abi was immediately intercepted by the mother who was actually worried about her son's bad attitude.

"Abi!" Mrs. Rina intercepted which made Abi stop his steps.

"What's wrong, Mom?" asked Abi calmly. Mrs. Rina sighed and hugged the child tightly while shedding tears which made Abi surprised at the mother.

"Mah? Mama why? If there is a problem, just tell Abi," Abi hugged his mother tightly.

"Abi, can you not change? Don't keep making trouble!"

Abi silent when you hear the words mother. He let go of Rina's arms then straightened his tie.

"I'll try, Mah. Abi go first, Assalamualaikum," Abi kissed the back of Rina's hand after it left. Rina still can't stop thinking about her child who can be a troublemaker, naughty kids who dominate the school. Even though he had tried to educate Abi who was good.

"Hmm, where did the kid get affected," she muttered.


Abi got off his motorbike and walked to his class. But just as he entered the school, three people who were Abi's men immediately approached him.

"Sir!" call Santoso.

"Master, we have something to say!" said Ken.

"We found information last night," Bobby said.


Abi glanced coldly at his three subordinates who were assigned to provide information to him.

"He said SMA Kenara would be controlled by SMA Bangsa," said Ken.

"Isn't SMA Bangsa we already mastered? So it's safe if he wants to control another school,"

"But the ruler of SMA Bangsa was not his subordinate, sir, but a new person who managed to defeat the leadership of SMA Bangsa," explained Santoso.

"So what should we do next, sir?" Bobby asked.

"When will the new leader of SMA Bangsa take over Kenara High?" Abi looks very cold and firm even though he's actually lazy to fuss with people.

"Afternoon, sir,"

"Okay, I'll be there. You guys just monitor Kenara High School until the Nation High School leader comes," said Abi who then walked away to his class.

After a few minutes, Abi arrived in front of the class. He opened the classroom door and looked at his friends who were chatting, joking. But when they realized Abi's arrival, everyone immediately fell silent, no one made the slightest sound. Abi is used to this kind of scene, it's natural for them to be afraid because Abi is a pretty terrible student.

He not only mastered Bintang SMA but also mastered other high schools. Not only that, Abi's body is also different from the others and also Abi is smart enough to make him even more overpowered. Abi sat in his chair which was at the very back, after that he looked around him.

"Which treasurer is the treasurer?" asked Abi who made everyone tremble and didn't answer. But fortunately, the treasurer showed up and went straight to Abi.

"Why, Bi?" asked the treasurer flatly.

"Here, pay cash for five months," said Abi while giving her a hundred thousand. The class treasurer nodded his head and accepted the money.

"Thank you, you is really diligent, just cruel," said the treasurer, who then sat back in her chair. Abi was silent and then looked at the blackboard, along with the entry of the teacher into the classroom.

The lesson that Abi will learn this morning is math. According to Abi, it doesn't matter if the class is studying math, but some of Abi's classmates don't agree, because math is a difficult subject and what's worse, the time to study math is five hours.

"Oh, I'm so lazy I have math today,"

"Next time I'll just let it go if there is a math lesson,"

Abi listens to the conversations of people nearby. He just shook his head in response to that, it's only natural that they hate this lesson because it's too brain draining.

The teacher sat in his chair, telling his students to pray before their learning activities began. After that, the math teacher started his lesson.

Although the lessons are difficult, luckily their math teacher is quite friendly and kind. So he occasionally jokes to his students so they don't get too stressed.

Whenever the math teacher makes jokes, Abi never laughs or at least smiles a little. He remained flat-faced, paying close attention to the material being explained. Of course this made the math teacher feel uncomfortable because one of his students did not respond to the jokes given. Until...

"Abi, as usual you always pay close attention to the material that me convey. Therefore, please come forward and try to fill in the answers," asked the math teacher.

Abi, who was called, stood up and walked to the front of the class. He took the marker from his teacher's hand and did the exercises given by the teacher.

Abi looks relaxed doing the exercises, he doesn't even count at all which makes his friends still can't understand him because Abi can easily answer math without the need to scribble, do calculations.

After a minute, Abi sat back in his chair, listening to the teacher's opinion about the answer he gave. The teacher was silent staring at Abi's answer then he checked the number of questions he gave to Abi.

"Okay, as usual, Abi always does the exercises I give him correctly. Okay, let's move on to the next material," said the teacher. Abi's classmate just nodded his head at the teacher's words.

A few hours later...

All Bintang High School students came out of their classrooms, taking a short break after studying lessons according to their schedule. Abi decides to meet his three subordinates to ask for the latest information about SMA Kenara and SMA Bangsa.

After a few minutes, Abi found his three men in the canteen. He sat across from the three of them and started asking questions.

"Have you received the latest information about Kenara High School and Bangsa High School?" asked Abi firmly.

"The leader of SMA Bangsa fix will come to SMA Kenara alone to face the leader and his subordinates," said Ken.

"Twelve o'clock?"

"That's right, sir. The leadership of SMA Bangsa will come at exactly twelve o'clock in the afternoon," said Santoso. He nodded his head and then he stood up.

"Tell the principal, today I am allowed to go home first because there are needs that must be resolved," said Abi, his three subordinates nodded their heads. Accordingly, Abi went to class for a while to pick up his bag then left for Kenara High School before Bangsa High School arrived there.