
The Real Harry Potter

Harry, tired of hiding his true self, embraces his dark side in his fourth year at Hogwarts, unleashing chaos and defying expectations. With Dumbledore's authority challenged and Hermione and certain Weasleys facing his wrath, Harry's actions send shockwaves through the wizarding world. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.

Infinity_Weaver · Libros y Literatura
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165 Chs

The Enchanted Chamber

"Is the great Harry Potter sure he will be fine here?" Dobby asked once more with one last look around the chamber, doing his besst not to look at the basilisk.

"I am fine Dobby." Harry replied. "Wait there, I might need you." Harry said before he walked to the statue of Salazar Slytherin. He looked towards the mouth, he remembered that that was where the basilik came out of. He looked at it for several moments, wondering if it could be opened from the outside. "Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts four!". Harry said in parsletounge, rembering that that was how Tom Riddle AKA Lord Voldemort summouned the basilisk. "Well that didn't work." Harry said after several moments of it not opening.

"Is something wrong great Harry Potter sir?" Dobby asked nervously.

"Dobby, do you know what oxygen is?" Harry asked.

"Yes great Harry Potter sir." Dobby nodded.

"Well in that case save some and just call me Harry or Mr Potter."

"Oh! The great Harry Potter gived Dobby permission to..." At this point Harry had decided to just tune out Dobby and focus on the statue.

He did not understand why it would not oppened, was it voice controlled so a specific voice had to be used? No, that doesn't make sense unless Tom Riddle had the exact same voice as Salazar Slytherin. Maybe it was possible that all Tom Riddle did was call the basilisk and maybe the basilisk opened it from the inside.

Animals in the magical world were smarter than those in the muggle world so it seemed possible. Perhaps there was a button or something on the other side that could open it.

"Open." Harry said, hoping that going simple would work, fortuantly this worked and the statue opend. "In I go then." Harry said before he walked in.

Harry cast a bright light from his wand which allowed him to see, he barely noticed Dobby following in after him. Upon entering Harry found himself in a tunnel, much like the pipes that the basilisk had traveled through.

After a minute of caustiously walking up the tunnel Harry was annoyed to see it still go but was happy when he finally found a door on the side of the tunnel. Harry told it to open in parsletounge but it did not, Harry decided to go simple again and simply cast an unlocking spell.

"Bloody hell," Harry said when the door opened. "I suppose it make sense, Salazar was probably the only person who could get here at this point." Harry said before he walked in to find a rather impressive room.

He looked around the large room and saw green furniture, an entire wall made of bookshelves that were filled with books. There were torches on the walls that appeared to light up on their own when Harry entered.

There also happened to be a portrait of Salazar Slytherin above a fireplace, but from the lack of movement Harry realised that it was not a magical one. The room was covered in various snake designs and looked a lot like the Slytherin common, room, in fact it was roughly the same size as the damn thing.

Considering the fact that an entire wall was made up of books Harry wondered if he had more books than the library. Harry also noticed that there was another door, he cautiously walked towards it and opened it. Inside was a bedroom with a king-sized bed, a desk, torches, another fireplace and surprisingly a window.

There was sunlight coming out of the window and it showed Hogwarts like it was looking directly at it. If Harry had to guess he would say it was an enchantment as he thought there was now way for it to show that seeing as it was currently under the school.

"This'll do." Harry nodded to himself. "Dobby." Harry called.

"Yes Great Harry Potter sir?" Dobby spoke, Harry was tempted to just demand that the elf call him something shorter but decided that was something for another time.

"You work for Hogwarts at the moment, right?" Harry asked.

"Yes great..."

"In that case," Harry cut him off. "I'm going to make you an offer. I may need help living here and I'll need an elf."

"Need an elf?" Dobby repeated, Harry looked at him and ignored the urge to call him out on how crazy he looked.

"Yes but I don't want to pay you," Harry replied. "if you don't want to work for me for free then I will just find an elf who is willing and..."

"Oh no!" Dobby quickly shook his head. "Dobby will do it! Dobby will do it!" No way in hell was he going to pass up this chance.

"Good, I'll give you some orders tomorrow but for now clean my bedroom and make me breakfast tomorrow morning."

"Oh yes, Dobby do this, Dobby knows what the great master Harry Potter eats for breakfast, Dobby is elf who makes great master Harry Potter's breakfast."

"Sometimes I wonder if I have to worry more about you or Malfoy stalking me." Harry said under his breath.

"Ah Potter," Snape said the next day when Harry arrived in his class. "our celebrity champion." He said in a mocking way, many Slytherin's openly laughed. They didn't fear retaliation in this class, in fact in this one they didn't even bother hiding the 'Potter stinks' feature of the buttons.

"Good morning to you professor," Harry smiled. "is that jealousy I detect or are you just happy to see me? I can never quite tell with you." He said, the days of taking shit from Snape were over.

"Quiet Potter!" Snape snapped. "That's ten points from Gryffindor! Sit down!"

"You know sir, people respond to you as long as they can hear you. There's no need to be so loud." Harry replied while tutting his teeth and giving Snape a disapproving shake of the head before he looked around. Usually he'd sit with Granger or Ron but that was clearly not a good idea, thankfully today was one of the days where he could work on his own so he sat at the first free desk he could find.

"That's ten more points Potter!" Snape said before he turned around and waved his wand, instructions appeared on the board before he turned back to the class. "Begin!" He ordered.

Harry rolled his eyes at the dramatic man and got to work, partway through the potion he felt Snape's presence behind him and felt the man's disgusting breath on his neck, he could easily imagine the man sneering behind him.


Guys I got some awesome new to share with you. 

From now onwards you will be getting new chapters on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Enjoy and have a great time.