

Alvin is a normal boy with a normal life till the day his parents die. Now the fate of the world comes crashing down on his shoulders when he's told that he is a guardian of the Lighter class- of the Guard, an international secret organisation tasked with protecting the world from the creatures that roam the dark side of the world.

AOP_2782 · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Chapter 14

Doppel Adedayo

My mother warned me. She told me to come home as quickly as I could. But I didn't listen. And now, I think I'm in Hell. I'm cut open like a freaking experiment. I scream and scream but no one comes to save me. They keep asking questions I have no answer to. By 'they', I'm talking about humans who have jagged, discolored, distinct scars running from their left eyes down to their mouths, like some sick sort of brand or trademark. Even in my pain, I can see that they are not going to last. Perhaps this Zariki woman must have been their sole hope for a shot at life.

"Where is Zar'ra?"

"Are you part of the Big Seven?"

"Have you ever cloned?"

I have no answer to any of their questions, partly because I do not know the answers and partly because I have questions of my own.

"How did my mother know that all this was going to happen?"

"If she knew about all this, then why not tell me about it?"

"Are there others that are going through this same situation?"

Finally, the welcomed sensation of a needle in my upper arm relieves of my stress and pain. I fall into the comforting arms of the darkness, drifting away to sleep and dreams of a better life.





"Now give me more!" For the first time in my life, I feel accepted. Swearing to myself to become stronger as soon as possible, I generate an attack formation. This one spreads across the entire dimension, dying everywhere in hues of red. I've been trying this for some time now. Running forward, I generate vines near his feet. He sidesteps and sends a gust of wind my way. I 'will' a wall in front of me. It breaks, but it does its intended job. "What does this new formation do? It's new, isn't it?" For a brief moment, approval twinkles in his eyes. It disappears quickly, but it was definitely there. I smile "It's a surprise". He smiles again. "Okay then." He punches into the air. I'm ready for it. Willing another wall to block the attack, I spawn sand across the entire dimension and send gusts of wind. I hear his voice from the other side of the plane "A sand screen, huh? Not bad." I close my eyes. It's time. Circulating my mental power throughout my body as much as possible, I activate the formation. I can see him. Using the threads of my energy, I pull it taut and I hear him scream. The red dye congregates, leaving the plane white once more. The red energy pulls on his fortitude, attacking the mental fortitude on his body, making him see things and feel pain that isn't there. I did it! The power of illusion! Wiping away the blood that seeps out of my skin when I use this formation, I see him smile, free of the illusion but not unscathed. He coughs out blood. "You did it" he says somewhat unfazed, like it's everytime someone can just come up to you and make you feel pain.