
The Rake: Venezuela

DannieLehmonn · Otras
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1 Chs

INTRO: The Prologue

In the year 20XX a group of friends are discussing about a party trip to Hawaii, while most of them agree one of them refused but has no choice to just accept. While most of them readies up that one particular person who've refused can't comprehend how nervous he is. Nevertheless, he readies his luggage and slept through the night.

As the night skips by, this person dreamt of something unpleasant. A beast. He woke up shaking and sweating, scared he can't stop thinking about that beast. He shook his head and got up and readies himself. He still can't shake off the feeling about his dream. "What was that thing..." He murmured to himself as he gets dressed.

A few hours later, his friends came with a van, waiting outside. His friends came into the house. Still a little nervous about the trip, he had no choice but to just join them and enjoy what comes next. The drive to the airport, he can't help but to think about that 'beast' in his dream again. Before he notices, he's inside the plane just about to takeoff. He sat there confused about how he got inside the plane. He shook his head and forget about everything as he glance outside the plane before it ascends.

The ride was a little rough before the plane experienced a light turbulence; he gets a little nauseated. "I think I'm gonna be sick...!" he murmured before unbuckling his seatbelt. And slowly made his way to the restroom. The trip to the restroom was a little unstable as the plane continues to experience a light turbulence but still manages to get inside. Just as he finishes, the plane suddenly experiences a severe turbulence before the plane lost its course. He clings tightly into something before the plane starts descending rapidly.

As the plane rapidly descends the plane suddenly jumped where he hits his head into the ceiling knocking him out unconscious.