
The Queen Wolf

This was my first ever story I made, sorry if it’s so small. There will be more in the future. I’m at the moment making a huge book called ‘The Dragon Without Fire’ so this isn’t big because I’m working on a different one.

Pupthepuppy · Otras
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It was midnight when we saw some movement.

"They are here" I whispered and pointed to the darkness.

This was it, but were we ready. Then they came out. A black wolf but the darkness wasn't enough to hide his scars.

"Well, well, well look what we have here a traitor, can we have him back so we can rip him up and eat him."

Now this guy was getting me mad.

"No, not when I'm here."

I said getting madder by the look of his face.

"Aw a cute love story don't worry we will rip that as well."

Now I couldn't get myself calm.

"What did you just say." I yelled.

"Aww did I get the puppy mad."

He said that in such a high voice I was about to rip his head off.

"Leave me and my pack alone." I said growling at the end.

"Or what, you're going to send you little pups after us." He said.

"No I well have a whole new pack after your tail."

That was the sign. More wolves had come and they were surrounded. What we didn't know was that there were more wolves than what we expected. As soon as we surrounded them we were also surrounded. THIS WAS A TRAP. But as soon as a blink they attack.