
The Queen of Nought

Divided not only by land but blood. Mircea and Urban are playing a dangerous game of power and love. The King of Slyve has taken ill, it has almost been a month. Everyone knows he is a lost case. But crown princess Faustina has other plans. When she finds information on a special Witcher, she sends her little sister on a quest. To save her father, Mircea must bring the Witcher back home.

TanishkaMali · Fantasía
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174 Chs

Caught in the Act

Quite a dilemma she had gotten herself into- Mircea pondered as she gazed at her mate, who was hovering her. She could feel the charged electricity coursing through their bodies even when fully clothed. 

Nevertheless, this was about showing who had control over themselves, and she knew Frey had won the last time. There was no chance she was going to give in to her temptation. Yet. 

As promised-it would be: To-morrow. Mircea tried to tame her wild heart who wanted nothing but to pull Frey's body onto her and smack her lips on his. Everything around them had faded into nothing the more she stared into his deep green eyes. 

"Like I said earlier Frey:" Mircea paused as she deliberately put her hands on his chest to push him. "Tomorrow." She rasped the word out. Mircea knew she was prevailing, by not putting some distance between them when she did not push him away.