
Chapter 3: Angelina accepting everything that came her father's way

As Angelina and her father's lives continued, her father came across many people at work as he was a hard worker. He was offered a job as a manager in the biggest farm, in his area. He met various people who came to his workplace but one day there came this rich woman called Magdalene who was from France but at that time lived in a city next to Vincent's village came to visit the farm as she heard very good things about it. The woman was very charmed by Vincent and so was he charmed by her.

Magdalene kept visiting the farm more often after meeting Vincent. After a few months they started going out on dates, and that was when that both confessed their love to each other. But Vincent was worried about one thing, that Angelina was not going to accept Magdalene. He was relieved by the fact that Magdalene did not have a problem about him having a daughter.

One day Vincent took a day off at work and invited Magdalene over for dinner. He did tell Angelina that there was a special guest coming over but he did not specify. After three years if his wife's passing he decided to introduce someone to his fifteen years old and very stubborn daughter. He was worried about that she dinner date might not go well. After preparing everything, they sat in the living room and waited for Magdalene to arrive. After a while they heard a knock and Vincent said,""I will get it," knowing very well that Angelina would not be so pleased to see his guest. He went and opened the door and asked Magdalene to calm down and follow him to the living room. She did exactly that and as soon as she entered the living living room she did not like how Angelina looked at her but tried to make herself as comfortable as possible. Angelina wass looking at her as if she had something disgusting on her. But as the dinner continued Angelina tried to act as nice as she possibly could for the sake of her father's happiness. Vincent was happy to see the dinner going according to how he had hoped it would be. After having dinner Magdalene left with as positive feeling about her and Vincent's relationship.

Later, after six months Vincent and Magdalene got married in court. They had already informed Angelina about it, and again she agreed without considering her own feelings. After the marriage Magdalene decided to move into Vincent's house and again Angelina pretended to be happy. Magdalene changed everything in the house and she also changed into a completely different person. After a while Vincent was diagnosed with kidney failure and Magdalene would not let him go to the hospital to get treatment. One morning Vincent's condition started to worsen and Magdalene decided to finish him off with poison. She then ran to Angelina's bedroom pretending as if she had been crying. When she told Angelina that her father was no more she said," Angie , Angie your father ha.... . He does not want to wake up and he is not breathing." Angelina jumped out of her bed as quickly as she could and ran to her father's bedroom to try and wake him up. "Dad wake up. You cannot leave me the way mom did. Please wake up, you promised me that you will never leave me and you will always protect me," said Angelina crying.

After that incident Angelina locked herself up in her bedroom, she did not even want to be included in her father's funeral arrangements. She did not even attend her own father's funeral. She was left with no one but her evil stepmother. A few day after the funeral Magdalene called a person to come and break Angelina's door open. From there onwards she used Angelina as her slave. She did all the house chores on her own all day long. She did not even get a present on the 16th birthday but she treated herself by sneaking out of the house to go and play with the plants and animals. When she returned she got a beating and was locked up in the house basement.

When Angelina had turned eighteen Magdalene decided to call her sister Mary who was in France so that she can send Angelina there and her sister agreed. On that very same night Angelina was told to lack her bags because she was going on a trip to France. She was very excited because she did not know what was really happening.