A courageous little princess must demonstrate her bravery and courage in order to convince her father that she is capable of ruling the kingdom as she grows up in a kingdom where women are not permitted in positions of authority. She must do this in order to care for her younger sister because no one else is able to do so, her mother, the first Queen, passed away shortly after her sister was born. She must now exert all of her strength to gain control in order to give her younger sister the life she deserves. She must embark on a mission with her stepbrothers and travel to the most remote area of the dark forests, where according to history, those woodlands' edges are home to supernatural monsters, and mythical creatures. "Even a finger will do, if I can find something". "This was all my idea, so I must make it work for me. I have trained all of my life for this moment, my great, great grandpa took the tooth of a LALU-EJE, and his stories were related to me all my life. I have to be a role model for my sister". Join the author as he takes you deeply into African cultures in this story, which is his first published piece.