
The Quaternity (Percy Jackson/PJO/The Heroes of Olympus)

The Unbound One who stands unfazed shall do the Forbidden The Proud One shall inspire legions to fight the World The Child of Death shall start Anew The Sovereign of Souls shall bind them All. United they stand, Divided they fall, The Quaternity will shatter the norm, Transcend far beyond. Tags: Adventure, Romance, Several MCs, OP mcs, Character development, Comedy, Action, Harem For advanced chapters, check out my discord: https://discord.gg/JNz6rh9Xev

SovereignOfHeaven · Derivados de obras
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13 Chs

James III: Icarus Who? I am King James!

Being trained by a wolf… that was a new experience, for sure. 

At the beginning, part of me didn't really see the value in being held back from Camp Jupiter. 

It felt like an unnecessary formality. A waste of time. 

Though, for a wolf, Lupa turned out to be insightful. The very first thing she taught was discipline. Discipline in everything I did… which, if you didn't know, wasn't exactly a strength of mine. I always acted freely… how I wished.

That… didn't run in Lupa's house.

Everytime I went against her code, she made me do some kind of chore. Then, as I contemplated leaving, she challenged my resolve and mental toughness. She struck at my ego… which made me want to prove her wrong.

I could act disciplined— if I wanted to. That was more or less my sentiment.

After that, Lupa tested my physical ability through various exercises which I notably excelled at. She sent me to slay various beasts and observed from the distance without much of an expression (not that I knew how to read a whole wolf's expression). 

"Your first instinct is to strike." Lupa remarked as I returned to the Wolf House alongside her. 

Well… I am a striker.

"You do not hesitate to fight, you have courage… and yet you lack ruthlessness. You are strong yet weak." Lupa stated, looking down on me. "The wounds on your body are proof of that."

"..." I looked down. Yeah, I had a few scratches from those monsters. They were pretty tough. "It's not all that bad."

"With your speed and physical prowess, you should not have any of those wounds. You fight with grace as if you are trying to impress someone. Your weapons do not strike deep enough. You should be far more efficient. You should seek the swiftest way of slaying your opposition!"

The swiftest way…

"When you attack… aim to kill."

She continued to send me off on little adventures in San Francisco until I learned what it meant to be 'ruthless'. 

The more monsters I killed, the better I got at it. 

The deeper I dug my spear… the less the sight of blood affected me. During these adventures, I also learned to use my senses better and the 'wolf stare.' 

I didn't know the kind of training regime that Harry was going through but if Lupa was critical of me… I'd imagine that she'd be three times harsher on him. The few times I did see him, he looked scruffy and serious. 

Before I knew it, three weeks had passed…


"Now, without a doubt… you are both ready to take your place in Camp Jupiter." Lupa announced, closing her eyes for a moment before looking at us once more. "I recall your earlier hesitation to dedicate yourselves to this new way of life… is this still the case? I should warn you, Roman demi-gods are mandated to serve for ten years. You cannot leave at the slightest whim once you enter."


"... Ten years?" I raised an eyebrow. "Aha…"

"Ten years… that's a bit much." Harry added. 

Man doesn't have the time to give away ten years of my life for some random camp. It doesn't make it any better that it sounds like a prison after all the preaching she did about discipline. 

Ten years for a football prodigy… that's just too fucking much.

In ten years… I'd be damn-near twenty-seven!

A grown ass man who should be married, have a mansion, probably two to three kids…

Staying in a camp full of (probably) teenagers?

It's a joke. What the hell would I even do there for so long?

"I see that you lack the dedication to seek out Camp Jupiter… as you did before." Lupa looked disappointed. Very disappointed. It reminded me a little of my mother. "Your divine parent is, no doubt, ashamed to have such a foolish and lacking son. What glory will you bring to them? What is more important than embracing your heritage? If this is the path you seek, then you will never be claimed."

"Your divine parent… will never acknowledge you."

I saw flashes of my mother's face, turned cold. Her eyes were dark and stared into my very soul. Even her lips curled into a disgusted sneer as if I was a piece of trash she had stumbled upon. Like I was a failure who had done nothing remotely worthy of her attention.

"You choose to be nothing." I heard her voice in my mind. "And so… you will remain nothing."


"I… don't care." I protested, looking up to the wolf. "Who gives a shit about that camp, anyway? Ten years of my, James King's life… heh, not unless they pay me a billion fucking pounds, give me a mansion to live in and provide me with sexy maids! Even then, I'd hardly consider it."

"You've learnt so little. Mortal money holds no value in the world that you belong to." Lupa countered, shaking her head. "You are no ordinary boy. Your talents would be gravely wasted seeking such trivialities."

"I don't need a camp to guide me in life. I'll lead my own way." I announced, exchanging glares with Lupa. I didn't break eye-contact. Not a single blink

"Will you?"

"Yes… I will. I'll be the greatest man who ever fucking lived. The best athlete, the best musician, the best performer, fuck it, I'll be King of the World! No one will ever forget me, not even after thousands of years. Not until civilization breaks down. Not until there isn't a single person left to utter my name!"

"Me… King James! I'll do all of that, and more! And I'll do it without some stupid camp keeping me down!"

"... Quite the ambition you have." Lupa remarked with a mocking tone. "A shame it's wasted on pointless things."

"... To you." I turned away, spreading my wings. "But, I choose to be free."

"And you, Harry Shepherd?" Lupa questioned, probably turning to him.

"... At this point in my life, I'm… not ready." Harry admitted. "But, I won't deny a potential future here. I need time to come to terms with myself."

"I see that you choose to follow your friend. Are you a shepherd or sheep?" It almost sounded like a joke. "Are you incapable of making your own decisions?"

"This is the decision that I've made." Harry spoke with a more… assertive tone. It wasn't the usual soft, smooth voice. "I can't leave behind my friends and family without saying so much as a goodbye. I'm sorry. I think… James holds the same sentiment. It's all too sudden. He doesn't mean everything he said."

I looked back and saw Lupa close her eyes, sighing.

"... Very well. You are free to leave, the both of you."

She gave us the tone of voice that basically said 'if you die, you die'.

Aut vincere aut mori.

Conquer or Die.

I would not die.

I was born to conquer.


"Haven't we already missed the first week of mock exams?" Harry asked, sighing as we left the Wolf House.

"... Right. They did say the first thing we'd do after coming back from the break was a maths test. Guess we missed that one, huh…" I smiled, shaking my head. "Do you think that training with a seven foot tall wolf called Lupa is a valid excuse?"

"... That would be one way to get a minus ten on your record along with detention. Maybe an invitation to special education." Harry remarked with a small smile. "Or worse…"

"Hey, we'll be fine." I reassured him. "Who needs mocks? We'd get A*'s on the real thing anyway. If anything, I'd rather skip the mocks. They're pointless to us."

"You can never be too prepared." Harry remarked. "... Do you know what you're going to do? After school, I mean."

"Don't you already know?" I grinned. "I'm going to be the best striker in the world."

"So… that still hasn't changed."

"Should it have?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know… maybe. Before, I wanted a job where I could help people. Like a doctor, priest or scientist. Maybe even a police officer or firefighter."

Harry… a police officer? Firefighter? That's jokes.

"Nahhh." I laughed. "You thought about being a fed? That's mad."

"What's so funny about it?" Harry questioned. "It's a very honourable duty in society."

"Heh… so, what, now you're thinking about working in Camp Jupiter?"

"The threats that the supernatural could cause to humanity…" Harry replied, his expression growing serious. Man really said supernatural and humanity. 

"Perhaps accepting our heritage is how we make the biggest impact in many ways. What good is becoming the best striker in the world? You're a demigod, obviously you'll have advantages over everyone else. It's almost like it's expected. It is expected, actually."

"What I mean to say is… the world is bigger than what we thought before. Our goals should adapt to that change, shouldn't it?"

Leave it to Harry to speak the gospel of truth… 

"Doesn't have to." I countered, shrugging my shoulders. "By definition, we're demi-gods… we can choose to live normally or embrace the god side. Hell, we could even live two lives in a way."

"You think we can return to normal?" Harry raised an eyebrow. "Wherever we go, monsters will sense us."

"Then we'll just have to shank every single one that gets in the way." 

"Hmm…" Harry looked like he was in deep thought. "Honestly, I feel like giving Camp Jupiter a try in the summer."

"You? Don't you want to go around the world?"

"There'll be plenty of time for that…" Harry smiled. "And, if we don't like it, who's going to stop us from leaving?"

"Ain't that a little too mischievous for you, goody-two-shoes?"

"I learned a thing or two while I was here."

"Right." I chuckled. "You want to fly around the place for a bit? I think mocks should last another week or so. Maybe Florida… Miami? I'd like to check that place out, I won't lie-"

"Do you have the money to afford a living?" Harry countered.

"Uhm…" I scratched my hair. "I could find a rich girl or something. Rizz her up, you know what I mean? If she's hot…"

"You never change." Harry sighed, shaking his head. "Wouldn't that just worry Rokas and Dennis even more? I'd rather get back home as quickly as possible."

"... 'Kay. Our murican adventures will have to wait."

I spread my wings.

"... Still. How are we going to get home? We have no money and I heard that flying aeroplanes is impossible if Zeus dislikes you." Harry wondered, stroking his chin. "We really are stuck…"

"We'll figure it out. Eventually."

Despite the great distance that there was between San Francisco and London (it was pretty much like going from one side of the world to the other), I decided to undertake the challenge of flying home with my own wings. 

Even though it seemed wayyy easier to romance a rich girl and hire a cruise or something… I wanted to see just what I was capable of in terms of long-distance flying. It was risky with me having to carry Harry, yeah, but I was confident in my abilities.

I felt like testing myself like never before.

Worst-case… we'd just find a ship to chill on.

"Alright… let's do this!!!"

I grabbed Harry and soared into the skies.

"Wait… this is a terrible idea! Won't you get tired and we'll both drown in the pacific ocean?"

I lifted Harry so that he laid between my arms like a princess (no homo). It was the most practical way to hold him. 

"You're unusually pessimistic, Harry!" I countered, grinning with confidence. "I am a soaring angel, like none this world has seen before… of course, flying across the world is but a slight challenge to me!"


The wind roared behind me as my wings cut through the air. Each flap was powerful and swift, propelling me forward. Harry had his eyes closed and simply held onto me. The more time went by, the faster I seemed to become.

"... Don't piss yourself." I remarked, looking down.

"If you can't tell, I'm focusing on keeping us alive." Harry took a deep breath. "I wouldn't like getting eaten by sharks or swallowed by a whale or whatever else lies in the depths of the ocean… thank you very much."

Yeah… I noticed. This speed wasn't mine alone. Harry was buffing me up with his golden aura.

"I wouldn't want to, either." I chuckled. "We'll be fine."

Now… I won't lie and say my navigation skills were any good. Even so, I did prepare and steal some navigation devices alongside a bag to store them. If things got rough, I wanted to at least have some idea where I was going. 

It soon became nighttime and the clouds grew thick. Before I knew it, the world before me was covered in a thick fog. Thunder rumbled as lightning struck the ocean. One strike… three… eight… 

The sky really wasn't holding back.

It was raining cats and dogs, too (not literally).

"Why's the weather suddenly British?" I spoke out in annoyance. "Fuck knows where we're going now."

"At least… you haven't been struck by lightning." Harry remarked.

"Talk about optimism."

"Hey, you were complaining about me being pessimistic earlier."



The lightning… struck me.

My mind went blank for a moment. My ears were ringing right after and I felt the strength in my wings fade. My body was burning from within. Though… I held onto my friend. Tightly. Even so, we were falling down together…



Fly… I have to fly!

I focused all of my energy on flight…


Once again, I soared high in the sky.

"Huff… huff…" I took several deep breaths. "Phew… fuck you Harry. Fuck you."

"What did I do?" Harry raised an eyebrow. "I mean… I'm glad you're fine-"

"Fucking jinxed me, you twat. That's what you did."

"So… Do you know where to fly?"

"Fuck knows." I looked around and just saw the vast ocean shrouded in fog, lightning and rain. To be honest, the weather couldn't be any worse. "I'm just going to trust my gut at this point."

"We're flying back to San Francisco, aren't we?"

"... Shut up, mate. I'm 100% British. I can smell home a million kilometres away."

"Well, the Earth's circumference is forty thousand and seventy-five kilometres-."

"Exactly! I could smell England from fucking outer space."

"I hope so." Harry looked like he was praying. "... Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, thank you for this beautiful day."

What beautiful day?!

"May peace and love fill my heart. Show me the way to light and truth. Help me to be kind and patient. Guide me with your wisdom. Fill me with joy and gratitude."

If the weather changed, I might have said amen… but it didn't. 

"I don't think this prayer shit works." I started, shaking my head. "You're better off saying sorry to Zeus."

I kept flying, albeit a bit slower than before. The lightning really took some wind from me as much as I hated to admit it.

"In this storm of uncertainty, my faith remains firm. I place all hope in your hands. Should you choose that my time of death is imminent, I will embrace You with open arms."

Blud is really giving Jesus the wheel…

"I'm not dying in fuck knows where, you dickhead." I countered.

"Even though my best friend is a lost soul on the way of life, I pray that you forgive him for all his sins. Deep down, he is kind-hearted and seeks only the love of the world. Sometimes that love is misplaced, sometimes it is too passionate… but you gave him that ability, did you not, Lord? Is love not a gift that you bestowed upon us? To love our family, to love our kind, to love You. Spare him, Lord. Guide him to a prosperous, long and complete life. Allow him to find a wife that could love him as much as he loves her."

"If You wish to take me, I am ready. But James… allow him time to realise himself. To grow. That is all I ask of you, Lord. Spare him. Shield my friend from lightning, rain and fog. Allow him to see through the darkness and seek out light. Allow him… to live!"

His words were sincere. Powerful. The thing he always prayed for was not for himself… but for others. That's just the kind of person he is.

Yet… one thing irked me. Putting your entire faith in God, someone who may not even exist.


I put faith in myself.

"Harry, for the love of GOD, can you stop acting like I'm not here." 

"... What do you mean?"

"When have I, in my entire life, failed you?" I questioned, flying onwards. "Do I look like a fucking loser? Do you… know who I am!?"


"That's right, Harry, I'm KING JAMES. I don't know the fucking MEANING of losing. That word isn't even in my vocabulary!" I grinned, glancing at him. "I've decided that we're going to live… Why, you ask?"

"I didn't ask—…"

"Because I choose… to WIN!"

Lightning struck in the distance once more as I kept flying.

"It doesn't matter if the weather is being an asshat, it doesn't matter if Zeus is an old salty prick, it doesn't even matter if your God wants to pluck you from his garden… I'll keep fighting…again and again and fucking again… until I…"


I felt my entire body grow in strength, as if I had been reborn. 

"I'll keep flying and carrying you… until we both come back home."

"That's… my promise to you. So… I appreciate your praying and all of that. But to me… it feels like you've lost faith in me. Like I can't get us out of this mess. Like WE can't do this together, without God holding our hands and leading us on like little children…"

"Put your faith in me, the brother right next to you. Because I… would never fail you… not over my dead body!!!"

"James…" Harry looked like he was almost going to cry.

"Listen to me." I managed a confident smile. "WE'RE GOING TO LIVE, HARRY… AND NOT JUST LIVE…"


And not a single thing is going to stop me…


The wind was heavy but my wings were stronger. They turned golden as my speed increased drastically. Whether it was Harry's prayer or my determination (or both), I was way faster than before.

Crack… BOOM.


I managed to get out of the way in time.



I started to see something… the future?

Wherever I had been, lightning had struck. It really did feel like some kind of God was on my case.

It didn't matter…

The way I was feeling…

Nothing could stop me. 

I was going to keep my word, no matter what obstacle stood in my way.

When a real man makes a promise… he keeps it.

Many, many, hours later…

Through the storm, all of my navigation devices were fucked. I had made sure to go straight… to prevent going in circles. 

Admittedly… I was a wreck. By now, my body felt completely numb from constant high-speed flying.

I kept going… no matter how much my body begged me to stop.

I was going… to see land…

After all, it wasn't just my life at stake. Harry was relying on me… and I wouldn't fail him.

Whoosh… whoosh.

It was getting dark…

"Land…" Harry muttered. "There's land ahead!"

My eyes suddenly widened as I took the effort to look up. I looked closer and holy shit…

It was land. Sure as hell not England, from what I could see. But it was land…

I took my time flying over… it was some kind of island.


The moment I descended onto the ground, my body almost collapsed… but Harry held me up.

"Thank you, James." Harry smiled, letting me down softly onto the ground. "You can rest now."

"But…" I rejected the thought, trying to gather my strength. "We need food-"

"Don't worry about anything."

Harry's tone was reassuring, strengthening the weariness of my body. My eyelids grew heavy. 

"Just… rest. I'll take care of everything else."

Even though I fought mightily against it…


"Sleep well, brother… sleep well."

My body gave in.