
The Quaternity (Percy Jackson/PJO/The Heroes of Olympus)

The Unbound One who stands unfazed shall do the Forbidden The Proud One shall inspire legions to fight the World The Child of Death shall start Anew The Sovereign of Souls shall bind them All. United they stand, Divided they fall, The Quaternity will shatter the norm, Transcend far beyond. Tags: Adventure, Romance, Several MCs, OP mcs, Character development, Comedy, Action, Harem For advanced chapters, check out my discord: https://discord.gg/JNz6rh9Xev

SovereignOfHeaven · Derivados de obras
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13 Chs

Dennis II: Fists of Death

Suka, blyadota ty ebannaya, kto vas debilov ebannyh na dorogu vypustili, ebannye deti doplachivayushchij shlyuh, oshibki ebannoj prirody. Pochemu vas ebannye deti sifilisnego huya na nozhkah eshche ne zabral o prekrasnyj estestvennyj blyad' otbor ne zabral nahuj. Da chtob eti ebannye svetofory nahuj blyad' dezintegrirovalis', ebannoe porozhdeniya d'yavola, chtoby blyad' pytat' lyudej i etih blyadskih chertil. SUUUUUUUUUUUKAAAAAAAA!!'

It had been too long and I was losing my patience with the traffic. While James had flown into the distance, I was still sitting waiting for a green fucking light. Even better… I had Thalia sitting in the front passenger seat.

"I would've driven better than you, that much is clear." Thalia remarked, crossing her arms.

"What the fuck would you do differently, goth girl?" I glanced at her momentarily. "Split the fucking road like Moses split the sea?"

"You've almost crashed fifteen times."

"You're keeping count?" I grinned slightly. "Besides that… almost doesn't mean I did. So shut your mouth and stop crying."

"..." Thalia's electric blue eyes sparked. "Just reach the mountain as quickly as you can."

"What the fuck do you think I've been doing?" I raised an eyebrow. "This 'American Freedom' of yours gave every cunt in the country the idea that they should own a fucking car. So, here we are, in an ocean of cars and no end in sight."

"There's a greenlight… drive!"

I put the pedal to the metal… as much as I could. Though, the car didn't get far before another red light came in the distance. I slammed the wheel.

"Fuck!" I cursed, shaking my head. "Back in Mother Russia, there would be no problems like this. When you want to drive, you drive."

"You're Russian?" Thalia questioned. "Small wonder."

"Yeah, I am. I was born in Russia but I spent most of my childhood in England." I said, trying to find an opening in the traffic. There was nothing. "My mom made sure that I'd learn the language, though. She didn't tolerate any disobedience… and still doesn't. She raised me to be strong, honest, self-dependent and brave. I'll always owe everything I have to her."

"..." Thalia turned to her window and looked through it. She seemed to be eerily silent, for whatever reason.

"That's why I don't take any shit from anyone." I stated, smiling slightly as I thought of my mom. "The only person in the world who can humble me is her."

"Your mom sounds scary." Percy remarked.

"... She is, sometimes." I chuckled. "I love her to death."

"... Doth thee hear that?"

I started hearing a screeching noise despite all of the car horns going off. Then the flapping of wings, which grew louder with each passing second. It wasn't too long since that sound really pissed me off. I recognised it…


"Are these the same harpies you mentioned?" Percy asked. "The ones you 'beat up'?"

"... Probably."

Zoë lowered her window, took out her bow and loaded an arrow. She put her head through it and saw the group of harpies. She started shooting arrows, one after the other. I looked through the window at the side and saw two harpies fall. 

Traffic chose the perfect time to stop.

One harpy flew in through the front window of the car, its claws breaking through the glass. It tried to grab hold of me with its claws. I fought back, grabbing her leg and bending it. Meanwhile, to my side, Thalia sprang to action and took out her spear.


She stretched out the spear, stabbing right into the lower body of the harpy.

It screeched, letting go of me and flying away. Its wounds were too severe… and the Celestial Bronze spear point had caused enough damage for her to eventually disintegrate. 

"And that's… why you need a Celestial Bronze weapon." Thalia glanced at me as if she was teaching a lesson. "Beating up a monster isn't enough. They'll just come back and fight you again."

"Mhm…" I nodded. "I'll just get Celestial Bronze fists, in that case."

"Keep the car moving, I shall make them fall." Zoë reassured us.

Though… there wasn't exactly anywhere else to go considering the traffic.

Percy joined in on the action, getting ready to stab at any harpy brave enough to attack our vehicle again from his side of the car.

After that, the harpies were a lot more hesitant and scattered away as Zoë kept shooting them down.

Eventually (Thank the Lord), I managed to drive out of the city centre and into Marin County where Mount Tamalpais was. Traffic was no longer a problem and I was able to drive as fast as possible.

"What's this for speed, huh, goth-girl?" I grinned, putting the pedal to the medal (for real this time). The car roared. "Wooo, this is FREEDOM!"

"Just… don't drift off and kill us all." Thalia sighed with a slight tone of concern.

Along the road, I learned a bit more about their friend Annabeth and told them more about myself. They found it to be a very fateful coincidence that the four of us could all see through the Mist and were very-likely demi-gods. Though… if you really thought about it, it wasn't all that unusual. We were always different from everyone else which led to our bond deepening over time.

Admittedly… four Demi-Gods going to the same school was quite the coincidence. Rokas moved in later, sure, but James, Harry and I had gone to the same schools since reception. 

"I won't lie, you're pretty awesome." I remarked, glancing at Thalia. "You fight well, kinda like a female spartan with lightning powers."

"Mhm." Thalia rested her head on her hand. "How long did it take you to admit that?"

"Not too long." I smiled slightly. "Still, you have some nasty attitude."

"You're saying that."

"If Camp Half-Blood has more people like you, it really won't be all that boring." I remarked. If it was full of strong demi-gods… I don't think I'd want to leave. "The only problem is my mom wants me to pass the year with good grades. I can't be slacking off in America. I think the same goes for most of us."

"That is true…" Percy said. "Since you all live in England, getting to—and even staying in Camp Half-Blood would be inconvenient to say the least. It would take at least half a day to travel, even if you go on a flight."

"Yeah…" I nodded. "Killing monsters and chilling in a camp full of people like me sounds like great fun… I'd do it year-round, if I could. But my family comes first."

"That's fine… I think that out of all of your friends, you'd be able to handle yourself the best. If you get a Celestial Bronze weapon, that is. There's plenty to choose from. I'm sure you'd find something that suits you. And… if you don't, you can get something forged if one of the Hephaestus kids like you."

"Hmmm… forging. All this talk about godly parents recently is making me wonder who my dad really is."

"Ares would be a safe bet." Percy stated, chuckling. "You'd fit right into their cabin."

"Indeed, thee does have the characteristics of a child of Ares." Zoë added.

"That's something no one can really argue." Thalia nodded.

"So… what's Ares the God of?" I asked, intrigued.

"The God of War… though, I hope he isn't your divine parent. He and I don't have the best past."

"War, huh? Yeah, that sounds pretty cool. He has a cool name on top of that." I remarked. "Ayyy-reez. Though… this Ares, he isn't related to the underworld, is he?"


"When we were going around Los Angeles, we sort of ran into the entrance of the underworld and encountered a guy called Charon." I explained, recalling the strange encounter. "He called himself my uncle."

"Charon… is your uncle?" Percy looked shocked.

"Unless he was lying to my face, yeah." I nodded.

"In that case, no, Ares can't possibly be your dad. Hmm… that does narrow it down, though."

Right as we were getting close…

"OUT… NOW!" Thalia roared.

Now… I didn't know what the problem was but I trusted her judgement, pulling the brakes and jumping out of the car as soon as I could.



Lightning struck the car…

We all jumped out of the car before it exploded, just barely. Thalia raised her shield to block the shrapnel that went wild and protected me.

"What the hell was that about…" I looked up. "You wouldn't hate me enough to kill all of us, would you, Thalia?"

"One shall perish by a parent's hand…" Thalia muttered, looking up as she frowned deeply. Her electric blue eyes sparked with anger "Curse him. He would destroy me? Me?

"... It wasn't your dad, I'm sure of that." Percy reassured her, shaking his head. "There's no way."

"Whose could it have been, then?" Thalia questioned.

"Kronos? It could have been him trying to deceive you…" 

"No… it couldn't have been."

Zoë dusted herself off, turning towards Mount Talapais. "Where are thy friends, Dennis?"

"I bet they're just hiding really well." I replied, smiling slightly. "Knowing James, he probably went ahead to claim all the glory for himself."

"The fool…" Zoë muttered. "We must get going, there isn't time to waste."

And so, we started to run up the mountain on its only road… leading to a beautiful garden. 

Now, I had thought that James was in a battle with some super powerful god… but nooo… he was chatting up a young woman who looked eerily similar to Zoë. Meanwhile, Harry sat next to a big ass dragon with a billion heads like they were best buddies. He also had three young women who also looked like Zoë sitting next to him.

Meanwhile, Rokas was collecting a bunch of purple flowers (his favourite colour, if you don't know).

I… didn't know Harry was a playboy like that. Maybe it's the innocent ones that are the most sinful deep down? 

"What's the meaning of this?" Zoë frowned slightly, observing the scene.

"Oh, sister." The one next to James giggled. "These are your companions? I can't help but feel envious… perhaps your exile wasn't so bad, after all?"

"This Harry has such a kind, pure and noble soul…" One of the ones next to Harry pouted a little. "He resisted his temptations and even though we had done wrong by him, he opened his kind heart and filled our loneliness with such joy. Such compassion… is it you that he vowed himself to? If so, I'm very, very envious-"

"Don't be preposterous." Zoë's frown grew deeper as she glared at Harry. "What did you do… to make my sisters act in such a way?"

"... Uh, nothing much, really. I just wanted to keep them company while you guys caught up."

"Harry wouldn't have shagged all three, would he?" I joked.

"Considering how long you losers took, we might as well have had enough time for that." James crossed his arms, standing up. "Anyway, no, Harry wouldn't do anything like that. He is a pure, holy, young man. We just made some friends, that's all."

"Yeah… nothing happened." Rokas confirmed, nodding. 

"Friends, huh?" The one next to James grinned slightly, turning his head to her. "Don't you mean… friends… with benefits?"

Zoë looked like she was about to puke as the two kissed. So did Thalia.

"Get a room." Thalia frowned, turning away.

"Those looks really aren't just for show…" Percy remarked. 

"Erytheia… you… you… disgust me!" Zoë drew an arrow, firing it straight at James.

"What the hell did I do?" James titled his head, dodging the arrow. 

"You used your man tricks on her!" Zoë loaded another arrow. "Didn't you?"

"Man-tricks… uh, what are those? I got football tricks, do those count?" James chuckled.

"Don't be jealous that you can't have him, Zoë." The one beside James giggled in a mocking tone. "Remember your Hunter's oath, won't you?"

"Settle down, everyone. Let's not fight needlessly." Harry stepped in front of Zoë, shaking his head. "We need to get going."

They shared eye-contact… and Zoë seemed to stare at him.

"Besides that… you tamed the Ladon." Her expression was one of surprise. "How… and so quickly? It does not trust so easily."

"I… gave it a Snickers bar… and promised to be friends." Harry replied simply, smiling as he scratched his hair. "There really wasn't all that much to it."

"... Hm." Zoe lowered her bow, still retaining eye-contact. "You've done well, Harry Shepherd. Because of your efforts, the way to the summit is safe."

"... Thanks."

"Thank you for keeping us company, lovely Hesperides." James made a gentleman's bow, spreading his wings. "But we've really got to get going."

"And thank you for visiting us." They all smiled and waved. "Good fortune to the three of you."

"... They even called me… sister." Zoë muttered to herself in a strange tone. She shook her head, turning to the summit. "Let us go with haste."

We reached the summit without any problems, leaving behind the big dragon who coiled itself around the golden apple tree. Even though he had become 'friends' with Harry, the tree was more important. Fair enough.

When we were getting close, we were welcomed with blocks of some black material and marble that resembled broken down buildings. There were broken statues that looked half-melted. Looked like they were proper statues, once… statues of Gods?

"The Ruins of Mount Othrys." Thalia whispered in awe. 

"You're saying that like I know what it means." I replied.

"It is the mountain fortress of the Titans." Zoë said, frowning slightly.

"The what-?"

My knowledge on Greek Mythology was non-existent. Which, for a guy living in a world where it's real, ain't very ideal.

"The Titans are the enemies of the Gods. In the first war, Olympus and Othrys were the two rival capitals of the world. Othrys… had been blasted to pieces. The fact that it has moved here… is not good." Zoë said, stepping ahead of us. "This is Atlas' mountain, where he holds…"

As she looked ahead, she froze. I turned to see what it was about and saw some little girl holding up what looked like clouds at the very summit of the mountain. Her silver dress was all tattered up and her legs had been chained with what looked like Celestial Bronze.

"... Where he used to hold up the sky."

He… can hold the sky?

I blinked with a surprised and confused look.

How strong do you have to be to do that?

"My lady!" Zoë rushed forward but the girl turned with a look of disapproval.

"Stop! It is a trap. You must leave now."

To hold up the sky… yeah, ain't no normal chick doing that. She had to be the Goddess we came here to save. 

She looked tired, very tired. Her entire body was drenched in sweat and her eyes looked dead for the most part. 

Zoë rushed in, with tears in her eyes. I had never seen her even close to being so emotional… not even with James being James. If anything, she had a strong spirit. The kind a leader would have.

That Goddess must mean a lot to her…

She reached the Goddess and tugged on her chains. 

… But where… was the enemy? 

"Ah, how touching."

A booming voice sounded behind us. There, there he was. I turned.

There was one guy between them that looked different from the rest. He was tall as shit, maybe even three times as tall as me or a little more. He wore a fancy brown suit and his physique was insanely muscular. His aura radiated… big man words… strength. 

Strength, power, authority. 

He gave the feeling someone like Leonidas from 300 would.

But… I wasn't scared. Not at all.

This guy was going to give me the fight of my life… hell, I might just die. And, if I do, I'm going to give him a fight to remember.

Then there was some depressed looking pretty-boy who reminded me a little bit of James… but a good deal uglier with a scar going down his eye. There were also six half-snake women who accompanied them, slipping forward.

Next to the pretty boy was a girl with blonde hair and grey eyes, her arms cuffed at her back and there was a gag covering her mouth. The pretty boy had a sword to her neck.

"Luke." Thalia snarled. "Let her go."

"That is the general's decision, Thalia. But it's good to see you again."

She spat at him.

"Cuffs, a gag and a sword to her neck?" James questioned, grinning slightly. "That's pretty kinky if you ask me. What were you doing behind those bushes?"

"... I do not recognise you." The guy called Luke frowned as he ignored his remark, turning to James. Then he took a look at the rest of us. "Nor you three."

"That's because we're new to the whole demi-god business. Do forgive us if we make some rookie mistakes." James sprang out his wings. "Luke…? What is your surname?"

"What does it matter?" Luke wasn't too interested in talking to James, clearly. He had an ugly expression on his face.

"Americans are as sensitive as they are without manners." James said with a disapproving tone, shaking his head. "Alas, what can one expect from a failed colony?"

"Hah… that one has quite the charm. I have not seen a young man so handsome in many, many years. Aphrodite will be so very disappointed to see one such as yourself die so young." The giant among them remarked, circling around us with his big feet. Each step covered the ground of three or four of a normal person's. "It has been a long time, Zoë. How are you, my little traitor?"

"..." Zoë frowned as the man neared closer to the Goddess, who I assumed was Artemis.

"I will enjoy killing you." 

"Do not respond." Artemis commanded. "Do not challenge him."

I was confused… could he not attack her directly, if he wanted to?

It didn't matter… I wasn't planning on standing around.

The big guy was mine.

"Yo, the tall bloke." I spoke out right as he touched the Goddess' face and was bit in the hand.

"Oh…?" He turned to me.

"I don't know what your name is, who you are, what kind of super-evil plans you have… but I know one thing. You threatened one of my friends." I stepped forward, looking right into his stone grey eyes. "And I'm not letting that shit slide."

"Huh?" The giant chuckled. "Interesting… you challenge me, Atlas? The General of Kronos?"

"No offence but I don't know who the fuck Kronos is and I could not care less." I replied.

"You should not interfere." Luke stated, putting his sword closer to the hostage girl's neck.

I glanced back.

"Who the fuck are you to tell me that?"

"There's no need for that." Atlas spread open his arms. "Humbling this little demi-god might be more entertaining than I first thought. He has quite the fiery temper."

"That's right, it's you and me. One on one." I grinned, clenching my fists. My heart was pumping, my blood was burning… I had nothing to hold back. "To the death!"

"You will learn the price of too much courage, boy!"

I charged right at him.

I could hear a fight break out before me but, right now, I couldn't worry about that. I knew James and I knew Harry. Even Thalia and Percy. They could handle those snake women and that depressed guy. I was sure of it.

This fight with Atlas… was mine. 

The fight I had to win!

He moved his massive arm, seemingly trying to send me flying. I ducked, dodging him completely and ran up to his chest. I clenched my fist and threw a punch right into his dick. Yeah… I had to do it. He was too fucking tall.

"Argh…" Atlas got on one knee. Apparently, even this General guy was vulnerable to a dick shot. Guess we're not all that different. "You… bastard…"

Just as I was going to hit him again, he swiped his hand at me and I dashed back.

Fighting someone so large… it wasn't anything like normal. 

Not only was reach a huge issue, he was also tough as steel. Beating him without any weapons was… almost impossible.

He managed to get up pretty quickly.

How… How the hell do I beat him?

"It did not take you to realise how futile your efforts are, did it?" Atlas smirked as he looked down at me. "Well, now it's too late… you've already challenged me and accepted your death!"

He went straight for me, raising his fist and throwing it right into me. His fist was absolutely massive… but my first instinct wasn't to run. It was to fight him head on!


My fist collided with his… and stopped him, but only for a moment.


His eyes widened in shock. "This strength…"

His fist had sent me flying back, slamming into one of those blackish blocks. I felt like shit, my head a jumbling mess. I couldn't think… I wanted to… fall.

I could barely see the giant in front of me, his long legs inching closer and closer…

Damn… was that Atlas… unbeatable?

"Fighting me directly in such a manner…" I heard his voice rumble. "I take it you've learned your lesson."

I saw a massive metal javelin flash before my eyes… and yet… I could hardly move.

Was it… over?

The image of a bed flashed before me.

Yes… a bed.

I don't know why it had to be a bed… but it was one with chains. And, in my mind, the Titan had been chained to it.

The metal javelin suddenly paused.

I regained clarity, blinking with confusion.

Whatever that was… Atlas had stopped dead in his tracks!

I felt a surge of strength… my heart was raging!

I clenched my fists, running to the side of the javelin and right towards him.

Leaping in the air, I punched right into the gut.


"Argh…" He spat out, making enough spit to fill a water bottle. "This… What are these… chains…"

I fell back down to the ground…

I didn't stop at one punch.

No…. I was going to let him know.

Know who I am.


I kept whaling on him, punch after punch. 


His knees, his shins, his calf, his dick… anything I could reach, he was getting punched there. My fists had cracked and were bloodied but I didn't care. My eyes only saw one thing in front of me.

An enemy…

Someone I had to slaughter.

Meanwhile, Zoë fired arrows into his back and damaged him a little more. Atlas started to recover from his shock, grabbing his javelin. I didn't let him gain footing… grabbing one of his legs with both of my arms.


I tried pulling him down with all of my strength…


He raised his leg all the way up, like he was planning to kick me.

I clung onto his leg and surprisingly wasn't sent flying down the mountain.

In hindsight, grabbing his leg wasn't very smart. But really nothing was exactly smart when it came to fighting a 20ft tall Titan… except maybe running. That wasn't an option for me, though.

"Damned pest…"

He kept trying to kick me away but failed every time.

Meanwhile, Zoë was loading arrows into his back like he was a porcupine.

My head, though… it was really starting to get dizzy. Atlas was nothing quite like a rollercoaster ride you'd find in a theme park, I'll tell you that much. I wanted to vomit out everything I had eaten at Dr Chase's house. 

Eventually, he gave up on kicking me away and stretched out his long arm. He grabbed me and tried to force me away with his hand.

It was getting harder to hold on…

Again, I thought of the bed and Atlas froze.

I let go off his leg and slipped down, landing safely on the ground without breaking anything.

"What is this… curse?" Atlas muttered, shaking his head. "Argh…"

I had no idea what the bed was about but it was able to put him in a daze. That was good enough for me.

Though… My head was very dizzy.

And the punch from before… I was starting to feel it.

The adrenaline that had kept me going sapped out of my body almost instantly.

"Hah…" Atlas grasped his javelin, turning to Zoë. "Thank you for waiting so impatiently, my little traitor."

He… was ignoring me?

Nah… nah.

The adrenaline came back to me almost instantly.

That kind of disrespect…

My body agreed with me. It was absolutely un-fucking-cceptable.

"Yo… who told you to turn your back on me?" I spoke out, clenching my fists.

"You… can still fight!?"

"That's right, motherfucker… and if you keep your back turned to me, then I'm just going to have to fucking break it!"

"Hahahaha…" Atlas laughed, slamming Zoë out of the way with his javelin. "For a demi-god, you truly are remarkable!"

A weird symbol appeared above my head, glowing black and gold. It shined brightly, leading to Atlas taking a step back.

"That symbol…. it can't be…" His eyes widened with shock. "It's impossible… inconceivable…"

"What's impossible?" I raised an eyebrow. "What's got you quivering in your boots?"

"You are… the… son of…"

"Son of what?" I asked, getting a bit curious. "Come on, tell me!"


The Son of… Death? 

That's cool. Badass, even.

"Uh-huh…" I nodded, making a wide grin. "It fits pretty well, then, don't you think?"


"Because these fists… are going to be the death of you."