
The Pull of the Moon

She hates everyone and everything except nature and him. Amaya never really like crowded places but that’s all she had known, crowds, people and loud noises. She only feels at home outdoors and away from civilisation but that’s alright at least to her. What will Amaya do when everything she’s ever known gets turned upside down?

MoonAmaris · Ciencia y ficción
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

Narrators POV

The school year went by in a blur, Amaya had a rough time concealing her strength and other abilities, it drove her insane, she couldn't do a single thing without almost wrecking everything in her path, but Andreas was there, he was there through it all, through the insanity and the bad days and good days, he kept her going, kept her sane.

Amaya lay in bed wandering what her life would be like after she graduated, which was in a couple of days, she wasn't convinced that there was no way she could get a job, she was a walking bomb that could go off at any given time.

"What are you thinking about? You are often lost in your thoughts lately" Andreas asked, "nothing in particular, just life and endless possibilities" Amaya replied in a coy manner trying to seem mysterious at best, but she knew that the weight of the future was crushing her, squeezing the life out of her, but this time unlike other problems, there was no where to run and that scared her.

Andreas let out a heavy sigh and lates on his back. "Soooooo, have you thought about what is going to happen after you graduate?" Andreas questioned, to Amaya, Andreas seemed to be full of questions today, "You are the last person to asks me about graduating" she scoffed, "and what's that supposed to mean" he seemed irritated

"You dropped out after what, 2, 3 weeks of school. You're not even graduating" she raised her voice "don't you dare raise your voice at me" he growled "the fuck do you think you are talking to" the tension between them began to rise, Amaya was having trouble controlling her wolf.

"You or are you too dumb to understand me" he snapped, that was it for Amaya, he knew that growing up Amaya had a hard time grasping basic things like other kids, and sure she grew out of it but on some level it still cuts deep, without thinking twice she got up from the bed and headed towards the door "by the time I'm back, I want you gone" before he could reply she left "fuck, fuck, FUCK" Andreas was pissed not at Amaya but at himself, how could he say such a thing.

Zela, Amaya's wolf, ran through the forest, feeling the wind through her fur, she invited the cool breeze, the sound of the woodland creatures helped calmed her down, it was the only good thing about being a 'monster'.

So that's what she did she ran and ran and ran until all the anger in her had disappeared.

She stopped in a clearing and stared up at the night sky and wondered what it would be like to be a star, she lay there for awhile before getting up and heading back the her apartment, it was no longer their apartment, only hers.

Once she reached the door, she swung it open, and there he was, still in her apartment, fast asleep like everything was alright, enraged she walked towards him, ripped him right out of the bed , "What the fuck?" He looked absolutely bewildered, "I said I want you gone, so what are you still doing here?" She yelled, "I didn't think you were being serious about that, but baby we can talk about it", and it was in that instance that she lost it, "DON'T CALL ME YOUR BABY, NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY APARTMENT AND DON'T COME BACK" she screamed. The last thing she saw that night was Andreas back walking out that door, but she didn't care. She has other things to worry about.

Graduation eventually came by and before she knew it, she had to move out of the apartment, on some level she was sad because she had made memories but she was happy and content because she finally got the chance to move on.

Amaya packed a duffel bag and left, she walked into the forest and didn't look back.