
Curiousity Kill the Cat

Aurora was not satisfied with Leslie's answer. She wanted to counter-argue, but Rafael interjected first. 

"Are you a witch, Leslie? I don't believe King Epsilon would just put a normal guard around his daughter."

"Sir Rafael, I am sorry for this rude remark, but have you ever heard that curiosity killed the cat? 

With the nature of my job, I couldn't divulge this information. And the knowledge itself would put you on our organization's hit list."

"LESLIE! Now you are being rude to my friend. What hit list? Do you think I will allow it?"

"I am sorry, Miss Aurora, but what I said is just protocol."

"Forget it, Aurora. She is just doing her job. Just how long has she been your bodyguard?"

"After the last one was fired... about two years now."

"What happened to the last one?"

"Nothing weird. The last one quit because she wanted to get married. 

I still have contact with her occasionally; she just gave birth to twins. They are so cute." Aurora replied with a chuckle as the topic changed.

She took out her phone and started showing the twin photos and their marriage.

Seeing how easily Rafael changed the atmosphere made Leslie look at him in a different light, 'Considering his age, he is quite talented,' she thought while focusing back on the road.

It didn't take them long until they finally reached their destination. 

Rafael thought they would go into some area far from the city, at least in the outskirts, but to his surprise, the location was right in the middle of the city.

They parked at a skyscraper with over fifty floors.

Seeing his expression, Aurora chuckled, "Why so surprised? What kind of place did you think their HQ was?"

"Someplace out of the city."

"Of course not. That would give a bad image for their business."

"Isn't she your personal security? I doubt your father would allow you to use an external party."

"Oh, they are not an external party. The whole group is owned by my father. 

He often uses it when he wants to protect someone subtly. 

Other than this, they also accept commissions to protect VIPs. The group is quite famous in the industry."

'Of course they are. They probably recruited witches and templars to work at this place,' Rafael thought while reading the company logo: Alpha & Omega group. The symbol was the letter Ω with an A in the middle of it.

"If your father owns this, is it a secret? I never heard the royal family owned any business."

"Yes, so please don't share it with anyone."

"Don't worry," Rafael replied.

The car parked, and they then followed Leslie through the hallway. 

They passed through a few security checkpoints, but with Aurora's face, no one dared to do anything.

"I will call for the new recruit. You can wait here," Leslie said while looking at Rafael.

They were now in the gym room, filled with many exercise tools. In the middle, there was a boxing arena.

"No need, why don't you spar with me?" Rafael asked back.

"Are you sure? I will not hold back. Getting beaten in front of our princess, won't you feel ashamed?"

Rafael's lips rose into a smirk. He put his bag and the meal down, then walked toward the arena.

"I don't care, come," Rafael replied, then put on a fighting posture.

Leslie looked at Aurora, silently asking her permission.

"Just don't beat him badly, also no hitting in places that leave marks," Aurora reminded. 

She was looking forward to watching the fight. 

Aurora believed Rafael's story; her father also confirmed the incident. But words and seeing with one's own eyes is a completely different matter.

She was still confused about how Rafael could fight against a trained templar assassin.

Leslie nodded, then jumped into the arena. "You can go first."

"Alright," Rafael replied. He then quickly sprinted forward while lowering his body.

He threw a straight punch toward Leslie's stomach, but she reacted by blocking it with one hand.


The power behind Rafael's punch caught Leslie off guard. She then smiled, "It seems you are not all talk."

She grasped his fist, then threw him up in the air like he weighed nothing. Rafael responded by opening his fist and grasping her hand back.

As he had already expected Leslie to be a witch, he was not surprised by her capability.

His action made Leslie need to move her body so it didn't twist her arm. Landing behind her, Rafael tried to kick her back, but Leslie's elbow was already coming toward his face.

This made Aurora frown, as she had told her not to hit him in the face.

But just before the elbow reached his face, Rafael swung his head back, making it hit the air. He then used the momentum to kick her in the chin.

Leslie opened her grasp, then took two steps back, dodging his attack.

Looking at each other, Leslie commented, "I don't believe you don't have any combat training."

"Don't you have my file? You should already know the answer," Rafael replied with a smug grin as he dashed forward.

He could tell Leslie was still not serious despite what she said. But being able to keep up with a personal bodyguard of the royal family made him feel proud.

"Let's see how you keep up now then," Leslie replied. She then raised her momentum. Her movement became faster.

Rafael barely managed to keep up; he could only see her movement in a blur. But he already knew her target. There was no way she moved this quickly and targeted his face with Aurora's instruction.

The last hit was probably done because Leslie believed she could stop before it hit. If Rafael could dodge, it would serve as confusion, making him wonder if Leslie would follow Aurora's order or not.

Rafael quickly used both his hands to protect his torso.


He felt like he was hit by a sledgehammer.