"If that is why you like me, maybe it's just temporary, Kuro. I am there when you are most vulnerable. That is why you think you like me."
"Maybe that is the start, but I know what I am feeling, Shiro." Suiyin said as she gazed deeply at Rafael, "So, do I have a chance or not?"
"Honestly, you are attractive. What man wouldn't like someone like you coming at them? Even a prince put so much effort to get you at his side."
"His side? That is crap. He just sees me as a toy to collect. Anyway, don't talk about him. Just answer me with yes or no."
"In that case, I will say yes, but as for the future, I don't know, Kuro. Let's just see how it goes."
"That is enough for me as long as I have a chance. I am sure if I keep staying by your side, one day you will return my feelings."
"I will warn you, Kuro, it can take years."
"We are still 15, not like I am in a hurry. Let's not marry before we are 25."