
The Protector Of Maran

Legend tells that the moment the "Jeval" is reborn, an evil monster whose only wish is to conquer the world and plunge it into darkness, a hero will rise up to stop him. It has been 500 years since the last Jeval perished at the hands of the hero, Lakko, but finally a new monster has risen to proclaim himself Jeval, and with him a new hero has been born, however, this is not his story.

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6 Chs

Chapter 5:

5 minutes had passed since Cesar left the store, Morgja decided to stay there waiting for the guards to solve the problem they had, and while he did so, he dedicated himself to looking at the titles of the books that were still on the shelf, all of them were books that had become famous and recognized in the city.

"Is it normal for them to declare an emergency by ringing the bell?" the boy asked, turning from looking at the books and heading to the counter to talk to Jachell.

"Well, it depends on who's on watch, in Cesar's case he usually rings the bell once a week, but in Taley's case, she only does it when she really thinks the enemy she's facing might get over her" answered the girl, trying to stay calm and not show Morgja that she was scared by what might happen.

"And how do you know everything is back to normal?" he asked again, taking another look at everything in the store.

"They ring the bell again".

"How long do they usually take to do it again?" Morgja asked for the third time, making Jachell couldn't take it anymore and lost her calm to start crying because of worry and fear.

"I don't know, Cesar's alarms usually end right after Taley arrives to help him, but it's Taley's alarm, what's attacking us has to be very dangerous, what if they can't put an end to the danger? We have weapons, but I don't think we'll be able to face the monsters" explained the girl, resting her face on the counter so that Morgja wouldn't see her cry so easily.

"One last question, I know I'm not a regular customer and I may be leaving soon but would you let me take a sack of horse feed?" Morgja asked without any context, causing the girl to look up and look at him strangely for not understanding what the boy wanted to do at that moment.

"Take whatever you want, we're all going to die anyway," answered the girl pessimistically, leaning her head back on the counter to continue crying.

Morgja walked over to the sacks of animal feed; the bags were of different sizes depending on the animal for which the food kept inside was intended, the one that corresponded to the horse was more than 1 meter tall and was made of jute, the boy picked it up and placed it over the counter with a smile.

"Well, I'm taking this, and I'm sorry," the boy commented, causing Jachell to look at him strangely again, only to discover what he was referring to when he opened the bag and threw all the food on the floor, the girl immediately forgot her sadness and she was angry with Morgja for being the one who had to clean up the mess that the boy had created in a matter of seconds. See ya," he said next, before running out the door.

At the same time, near the watchtower Cesar and a woman wearing full-body steel armor were tied up in front of five monsters, all of whom had long hair, beards, and ram's horns coming out of their heads, and instead of Human legs had goat legs which were kept covered by cloth pants of a different color each, three of them had bare chests while the remaining two had leather armor. The leader, who was the one with the largest horns and the taller, reaching about three meters, was ahead of the rest of his companions, he carried a large battle ax on his back.

"You have given us a lot of trouble," the monster mentioned, turning his head in the direction they had come from, to observe the corpses of ten other monsters of the same race as him.

"Shut up and kill us once and for all," Taley exclaimed, causing the goat to redirect his gaze back to her, this time with a smile that, together with the pupils of his eyes, which were also the same as those of a goat, made him smile. They made it look sinister. The monster moved closer to Taley and grabbed her head to remove her helmet and see her face; the woman's black hair came loose and fell over her shoulders; her slanted eyes were brown, and her skin was white. Taley was frowning at the monster. The monster placed her large hand on the woman's chin and squeezed her cheeks with her fingers.

"Who was going to tell me that the warrior who killed by himself ten satyrs was a woman?" The monster asked rhetorically, provoking laughter from his comrades.

"Get away from me before I cut your head off," the woman commented before spitting in the satyr's face, despite the fact that there was nothing she could really do at that moment to free herself and finish off the rest of the monsters.

"Wow, you're quite rebellious, I wonder if you'll be the same when we finish with the town," said the monster, keeping his smile, while he wiped the woman's spit from his face. "One piece of advice, reserve your saliva, you will need it for later".

"What are you going to do with us?" Cesar asked, who had remained silent until that moment, to kill time until the townspeople worried that they still hadn't rung the bell again and come to his aid.

"Well, the truth is that we don't like to work and while we do it we can't drink or party, so one day we thought, what if we forced someone to work for us? And well, at first it seemed like a lot of work, but after thinking about it several times, we decided that it was much more work not to have slaves and to do everything ourselves, so looking for people to slave we found this town, so defenseless, and we decided that this would be the place in which we will get our forced laborers, so while the men do all the work that we don't want to do, we will be partying having a good time with the women" answered the leader of the satyrs, hoping that by the time they had caught everybody Taley and Cesar told them what their future was and why they had been attacked. "Well, we have already finished with the defenses of this town; Phiemas, Holjo, go capture the rest of the humans while we stay here guarding our prisoners," he ordered, addressing the smallest of the satyrs.

"Why do we have to go?" asked Phiemas, a 1,60 meters satyr with a bow and quiver of arrows slung across his back.

"Because we can't leave the prisoners unattended," replied one of the satyrs who were going to stay with the leader, watching Cesar and Taley, who had a sheathed sword on his waist and a shield on his left arm.

"Then you can go and we can stay here and watch over them," replied Holjo, who was 1,40 meters tall and had two daggers at his waist.

"We are the biggest, if we leave you in charge and the woman escapes she could kill you very easily, she has already killed ten of our people, we can't afford to make a mistake like that," answered the last of the satyrs, he was two meters tall and carried a spear and a shield on his back.

The two satyrs could not say anything to refute what their companion exposed them, and gave in to having to do all the dirty work, while the rest had fun and had a good time. While Phiemas and Holjo walked away, their companions were talking about who was going to be the one to go get wood to make a bonfire, after several arguments, the leader got Royha, the satyr with the spear, to go get it while him and the other satyr stayed behind to watch the prisoners.

The two satyrs who went to capture the rest of the villagers ran into the fork near the watchtower, instead of both going the same way, they decided that Phiemas would go in the direction of the town and Holjo would investigate the place the other way led to, and then they would gather in the town to continue capturing the rest of the humans.

As Phiemas approached the town, it got darker, and finally when whe reached the square it was already night, luckily, that day there was a full moon and it was not completely dark; The satyr looked around, trying to decide which way to go, at which point he heard someone whistle a song, even though that sound had made his hair stand on end and had terrified him, Phiemas decided to go the way it came from and capture the person who was producing it. The whistle led him to the blacksmith's, in that place there seemed to be no one, and he thought that perhaps the person in question had entered the building, but, before he opened the door, he heard it again, this time closer ; the person he was looking for was behind the smithy. The satyr went straight to look for him, when he turned the first corner of the building the whistling stopped, however, Phiemas was sure that the person had to be there, and the moment he reached the second corner he heard the voice of a man counting backwards; the man was going for seven, the satyr was petrified for a moment, but in a matter of a couple of seconds he moved normally again and turned the second corner to run into the person he was chasing; as he did, the countdown reached zero, and immediately Phiemas received a heavy blow to the face that knocked him down on the spot. The satyr's nose was bleeding from the blow; the monster reached out to it and began to hold it while he tried to figure out who had hit him; In front of him was Morgja, the boy was staring at him with a smile on his face, in his right hand he had the bag, in which he had put something that at that moment was bulking.


Morgja placed his foot on Phiemas's stomach and began to stomp on it, interrupting the satyr who reached for the boy's foot to try to shake him off so he could get up; despite the force that the monster was exerting to lift Morgja's foot, he was not able to raise it even a single centimeter and it seemed that each time his foot squeezed his stomach more. Morgja grabbed the sack with both hands and raised it to hit the satyr on the head, Phiemas let go of Morgja's foot and placed his arms in front of his face to try to avoid the boy's blows, however, Morgja did not stop. and continued to use all his strength to hit the satyr's arms. The boy's blows were getting stronger and there was less time between each of them, after a minute, Morgja stopped and removed his foot from the satyr's stomach, Phiemas's arms were shattered and he was not able to move them away from his face .

Morgja crouched down and separated the arms of the satyr, to be able to see his face, Phiemas was crying while both mucus and blood came out of his nose, after a more precise review of the monster's body, the boy realized that the monster had urinated himself because of fear.

"Please... Please, don't hurt me... I didn't want to hurt anyone... They forced me," the satyr explained, between sobs, because of the tone of his voice, it seemed that he was saying the truth. "Forgive me".

Morgja said nothing, gripping the sack tightly, then aimed her blows at the satyr's legs; without Morgja's foot squeezing his stomach, the satyr could breathe easily, though this only caused him to let out a cry of pain with each blow, which could be heard nearby; Morgja's assault lasted a couple of minutes before the bulging part of the bag tore and a few stones fell out of it.

"I'll be right back, don't move," the boy said, leaving the satyr sprawled on the ground with broken limbs, walking off in the direction of Reginleo's tent.

Phiemas took a deep breath and turned around, pressing his arm against several of the stones that had fallen from Morgja's sack, despite the pain he was feeling, the monster was able to contain his urge to scream.

"Come on, Phiemas, Holjo must be on his way, I have to get to him," thought the satyr, beginning to move his arm slowly forward, every inch he was able to move it made him feel that maybe it was better to stay still and just ask for help, but the thought that if he asked for help he would alert Morgja and he would return sooner, caused the satyr to gain strength and continue advancing while resisting the pain that his wounds caused him.

The satyr had been crawling with all his might for five minutes, and that had taken him to the main path that led to all the shops in that area, there was only a little more left to reach the square, and surely meet Holjo. At that moment, the monster heard Morgja's whistle again in the distance, the song was still the same, but knowing who that sound came from, only made it even more sinister and terrified the satyr even more than when he had heard it for the first time. Phiemas began to crawl faster, the fear he felt at that moment had given him strength, and the pain was much more bearable, despite his progress, the song was heard closer and closer.

The satyr had almost given up hope, but as soon as his right hand touched the square, the hissing stopped and the monster relieved as if someone had completely healed him, despite the situation he was in, Phiemas felt that his life was no longer in danger, and he began to crawl happily towards the path back to the watchtower, hoping that on the way there he would find Holjo and help him go to the others so that they could heal him completely.


The satyr heard his friend's voice in the distance, and looked up to try to see him, Holjo was running quickly towards him to help him, and the moment he reached his companion, he knelt down to more easily check the state of his health.

"What happened to you?" Holjo asked, worried by the sorry state his partner was in.

"A guy ambushed me and..."

Phiemas was speechless when he heard again the countdown that Morgja had done before hitting him for the first time with the bag full of stones, at that moment he had started with three and was in front of him and behind Holjo, before the satyr with his back to him could react to the countdown, Morgja had his foot between Holjo's shoulder blades and was strangling him with the sackcloth.

"Leave him alone!" Phiemas yelled, as he watched helplessly as Holjo grabbed the fabric of the sack, trying unsuccessfully to pull it away from his neck.

Morgja continued, until Holjo stopped resisting the strangulation, a sign that he was dead or unconscious, to make sure, Morgja took the satyr's daggers and plunged one into the center of his forehead.

"Now it's your turn," the boy said, throwing next to Phiemas the body of his friend. The satyr began to scream even louder, this time at the loss of one of his best friends. Morgja knelt, placing one of her knees on Phiemas's stomach, and placed the dagger on top of the satyr's neck.

The dagger began to penetrate little by little into the monster's throat; the blood came out slowly, and in a matter of seconds, it also came out of his mouth, at which point Morgja withdrew the dagger, and left Phiemas on the ground, coughing to try to expel all the blood.As the satyr tried not to choke on his own blood, the boy was taking everything of interest to him, including Holjo's daggers, and Phiemas's bow and arrows, then left, leaving the satyr behind. Still alive, although with little time to live.