
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · Fantasía
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63 Chs

Chapter Twenty Seven: The Reason To Live

Raven stood and stared in shock at the demmand that Kara had made. "You have to be Joking.." Raven finally managed to utter out from her lips.

" Oh I am not joking. I want your daughter's life. You have cost me a great deal. And I want her life. Gabriel was lost..." Kara refused to break her death stare which peered into the very fabric of Ravens soul.

" Gabriel and you were supposed to die regardless. That's how the reset works and you know that. You cannot honestly expect for me to offer my daughters life to you. That is completely Absurd Kara" Raven held her ground. She would not be bullied into submission, especially not by Kara.

Kara just stared however, a wicked smile streaked across her face. " Oh..so you do have the ability to say no. But you only say it when it's convinent for you" Kara's eyes began to glow a bright green and this meant her magic was rising, Raven knew this all to well.

" It does not matter whether you give it or you don't. It will be taken before this is all over regardless. But you have made a choice here today Raven. One that I will not soon forget. You will lose your family, and you will suffer, just as I have" Kara raises her hand to swing at Raven who raises her own hand and strikes Kara directly in the nose.

Kara backs away from Raven, blood now pouring down her lips. " I don't know who the hell you think you are. I don't know what has come over you but it makes sense that Gabriel practically wanted nothing to do with you. You are freaking crazy. I don't think gabriel was ever the problem, It was always you. You were the problem from the beginning. And I'll tell you another thing, If you ever lay hands on my daughter at all, For any reason whatsoever, my Husband will be the least of your problems. If you think being imprisoned as a Lingering would be bad..I guarentee you, I can introduce you too far worse of a fate" Raven threatened.

" I am not some weak witch for you to be able to pick on. I want to be bullied into demands. And you will not succeed in whatever it is that you are planning" Raven approached Kara who stood back upright, and stared firmly into the eyes of her attacker.

" What are you going to do? Are you going to do away with me? Are you going to cast me aside as you have done before? Are you going to leave me to die? Are you going to go home and enjoy a family that I will never get to have because it has been taken from me time and time again! " Kara shouted.

" You think? Of me? As the bad person. ?Take a look in the mirror!I am not the bad person here despite the picture that you wish to paint. I am a victim of this world and our refuse to be a victim any longer. I refuse to allow you in your husband to benefit, And continue to exist as though there are no repercussions for you both. If we could not escape the constraints of Faith, them neither should either of you. So I stand by what I said.." Kara got directly in Ravens face, so that Raven could not mistake a single word from Kara's lips. " You and your family will pay for what you have done. You think you can show me another level of torture? My life has been torture for far too long. Don't threaten someone with nothing to lose Raven..you won't win " Kara turned her head to the side and wiped away the blood flowing from her nose like a crimson river.

" We could have helped you.." Raven finally said, her tone had changed to a much softer version.

" We could have helped you and Gabriel somehow. I'm not sure how..but we could have tried. But that won't bring Gabriel back. And I am deeply sorry for that.." Raven knew her words meant nothing to Kara who was caught too far within her own depraved mind.

" I have a question" Kara turned back to Raven.

" To exist within the world, two copies can't exactly be in the same realm without the risk of issues arising. So what happened to your version in this world? " Kara asked, which caught Raven off guard.

" What happened to all the versions of you..the ones that have existed before because I guarentee this isn't the first time you've both done this? " Kara questioned.

" What are you going to do about the version of you that exist within this realm " Raven answered the question with another question which Kara found clarity through.

" Anything to survive..right? " Kara chuckled.

And with that, Raven took her leave from Kara's home.