
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · Fantasía
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63 Chs

Chapter Twenty Four: The Protector Hidden

Though she watched from afar, Ember made sure to keep close tabs on all that Penny and Keera did. She knew that Penny would never trust her, At least not at any time soon but she could not let this stop her.She had to keep watching, to keep Penny safe.

The conversation with Aurora had went rather well, and convinced Ember that she should not give up hope yet. She needed to keep her head up and eventually when the time was right, Penny would see the truth. This was not something that Ember felt would go well. However, she needed Penny to see that they were on the same side. That they were trying to achieve the same goals.

And so she watched, Though she never noticed anything out of the ordinary. It would seem as though that if Keera was going to make a move, it was not going to be any time soon. But this did not discourage Ember from her mission. There were so many things that were strange about this girl who seemed to be nothing but helpful. Someone that seemed to be completely understanding of the situation and was willing to do whatever it took to ensure that their goals were met.

As she watched from a treeline, a small distance away from the Camp, Ember thought to herself of what would happen when things were finally set right. This was a conversation that had taken place long ago with Aurora but Ember had hoped that Penny would look upon Ember with fond memories rather than sour ones. Ember would have to return to her original sate eventually, and this was something she knew would limit their future together as friends.

" I wish that I could change this" Ember thought to herself. Ember could see Penny in the distance, she seemed to be pacing around her camp for some reason. At the very least, she seemed rather distressed. Ember was concerned but she decided to watch instead, as she felt it would only cause issues to approach. Penny would not approve of being watched either way, so keeping this a secret for the time being was in Embers best interest.

But as she continued to look on, Is her worry for her friend increased. She seemed distressed and upset about something but Ember could not figure out what it could be. Occasionally, Ember witnessed bright flashes but she was not sure what the cause would be. She wanted to approach even close but did not want to comprimise herself so she stayed back.

" What the hell is going on down there.." Ember questioned. She could hear some feint screaming but it sounded more like anger than it did being in fear of something. "Could it have something to do with the flashes? " Ember thought to herself.

" Of course it does" Ember scolded herself for even questioning it. " I know thar she is still discovering her powers so perhaps it's related to that but considering she is upset, it might not be going the way she had planned" Ember sighed in defeat.

Just as Ember sighed, she felt a light tap on her shoulder. " Hello Ember " Keera smiled which scared Ember half to death. " What the hell are you doing here?" Ember questioned.

" Well, I knew you were going to be watching. So I wanted to watch you as well, to make sure that you were not up to something" Keera chirped happily.

" I am only ensuring that Penny remains safe" Ember punched the ground beside her in anger that her hiding place had been comprimised.

" All i'm saying is that if you are going to watch, You aren't doing a very good job of it" Keera pointed out. " Did you see me grope Penny earlier?" Keera knew this would upset Ember but she took pleasure from seeing Ember upset.

" You did what?" Ember stood to her feet, ready to swing her fist at Keera who backed away with a few steps. " It wasn't on purpose. Penny is discovered a new ability of sorts, We were trying to figure out what was going on with it. It asked to do with those flashes that she's been having. We're not entirely sure what's going on with it but we know that it can be controlled audibly. Honestly, It seems rather pointless to me but i'm sure it's probably important on some level" Keera shared this information willingly with Ember who was shocked at the openness.

" I just wanted to keep you informed considering it's kind of hard to figure out what's going on when you're so far away" Keera added.

" I wonder why that is" Ember looked back to Penny's camp and then back to Keera. " Oh don't you dare blame me for this. You are the one who got all over protective. I'm not trying to steal your woman " Keera laughed.

" She is not my woman" Ember hissed.

" But isn't she? You obviously have feelings for her and I know for a fact that she has feelings for you. I don't understand what you both complicate thanks so much. But I can assure you that I have no intention of being with Penny whatsoever" Though this should have provided Ember with comfort, it only provided more concern.

Keera was observant and intelligent and this means that Ember would have a hard time keeping things from her. This could cause problems in the future but for now, Ember would have to let it go. " I know that you think you understand how me and Penny work. But I can assure you, that you do not" Ember scoffed.

" Oh I know how you both work. Penny has revealed quite a bit to me about you and you twos drama. But don't worry, I'm not here to cause issues. I am only here to tell you that I think, you should try and give Penny some space. If it is meant to be, then it will happen " Keera assured which sickened Ember to her stomach.

" I don't need your assurance. And I also do not wish to be with her. She is my friend and i'm looking out for her, It is simple as that. We were trying to save the world long before you came along" Ember tried to cut Keera down but she knew she didn't have a strong argument.

" Yes, and before I ever came along, there were issues between the both of you that neither one of you had any ability to resolve. If this world is meant to be saved, it can't be done with all of us being against one another. We have to work together" Keera explained.

" Either way, I'm going to talk to Penny and try to get her to give you some slack. I think you two are important enough to one another that it would do you both some good to be reunited..under the right circumstances. I will do what I can, but I make no promises" Keera smiled, hoping that Ember would give her a chance but Ember simply shook her head and turned back to Penny's Camp.

" You don't have to like me, you don't even have to trust me. But I am here to help, that's all I'm here for. I want to protect her just as much as you do. I'm not gonna stand in your way. I need you to understand that. Because the more that she sees us fight the more she's going to resist you. And that's not going to work out for any of us. So at the very least, I just need you to give me a chance here. I want to make things better" Ember seemed to hear nothing that Keera had to say, or at least she pretended to ignore her.

Keera shrugged and with that, she left Ember alone.

" I don't know who the hell this person is, but she knows far too much. And Penny is far to trusting with her. If she is not careful, Penny could end up dooming us all" Ember sat back down on the ground and continued watching the camp. " But she does make some good points. If we don't work together we're going to end up having a lot more issues" Ember acknowledged.

Penny eventually stopped pacing, as Keera had finally returned to the camp and the two seemed to be discussing something. This made Embers blood boil, but she did her best to control herself. Being Jealous would do her no favors. " This is going to be alot harder than I thought it would be.."