
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · Fantasía
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63 Chs

Chapter Seventeen: The Decent

Both Lysette and Ally looked down the Well and pondered on how best to traverse to its depths when Rosha appeared behind them. " Honestly, You could be lowered down although that would take quite a long time. So my suggestion will be to simply jump. There is water at the bottom that will catch your fall, and you will be safe. But it will still take some time before you reach the bottom, though it would be much quicker' Rosha explained.

" Though I should say, That the water you're looking for will not be the one that you land in. You will need to travel far deeper into the well to reach the water that you seek"

" Thank you Rosha.." Lysette smiled as she picked up Ally and leaped onto the edge of the Well.

" Are you ready? " Lysette asked Ally who nodded happily. And with that, Lysette lept down into the dark abyss.

They fell for what seemed like hours, but time itself tended to get itself contorted whilst dwelling within the will. It's magical properties could change many things, such as the properties of objects, the laws of time and space, and the essence of magic itself. However, the well was also limited by its inability to be transported.

All that resided within the Well, stayed within the well. One could drink from it, but the body would have to absorb its contents before you could leave. Bottling the water to remove it, would simply not work. It's properties would diminish outside of the well and you would be left with nothing but Normal water.

Lysette Had known of the wells properties first quite some time. Though, she had never ventured to its depths for fear of never returning.

Because whilst seeming simplistic in its nature, the well had vast tunnels that stretched under the Underworld and one could easily find themselves lost if not careful. No maps existed of the well, because the ones that had been drawn whilst traversing it, were left blank when leaving the well.

This was a sacred place, and one that supposedly could be untouched by the reset. This place held immense power, Some of the most ancient energy within the entire world itself existed within this Well. And that is why it's location and identity had to remain a secret. One that Lysette knew, due to her first alteration with the sisters.

Lysette had been traveling to hold a vampire horde. Lycans long ago had been caught in an ambush whilst scouting new hunting grounds and with the internal politics at play within the Kingdom holding off taking action, Lysette sprung forward to handle the matter and ventured off on her own.

Though, as she ran, she was caught off guard by vampire scouts who were being strategically placed around the Lycan Kingdom. It was a battle that Lysette easily could have won, however, one of the scouts had managed to hit Lysette with a poisoned blade which managed to exhaust her body far greater than its limits. Though she had killed off the scouts, she did not make it to provide reinforcement to her people and she was left alone, in the middle of nowhere.

That is when the two Sisters Rosha and Heika had found her. They took her in and nursed her back to health, a deed which Lysette would forever be greatful for.

It was from there that an alliance and a friendship had begun. One that had benefited both quite well.

" Are we sure that this is going to help me? " Ally asked Lysette, snapping her back to reality.

" I sure hope so. I believe this waterhold special properties, Healing properties that would be able to do more for you than anything else could" Lysette assured.

" But what if it doesn't work? " Ally asked.

" Then we will somehow find another way. We have too " Lysette answered.

" I think the worst part about this, Is that I have no idea when we are going to reach the bottom. It feels like an eternity since we started the decent" Lysette sighed.

" We could play a game? " Ally giggled.

" Well a better not be a game based on site considering its pitch black here " Lysette chuckled.

" I'm thinking of a number between one and ten..what is it? " Ally continued to giggle.

" Um..4? " Lysette answered.

" No! It was 8" Ally giggled louder.

" I am not going to lie to you Ally..this is not a good game" Lysette laughed.

" I know" Ally hugged Lysette tighter.

" I'm just glad I'm with you, I know that you'll be able to figure how to help me..you can do anything" Ally nuzzled up to Lysette whose heart began to melt.

" I will do my best for you, always " Lysette smiled and held Ally tighter against her.