
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · Fantasía
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63 Chs

Chapter Four: The Circumstance

Though she had traveled very far, Kara still had a but further to go to reach hee goal. For too long she had allowed for everything to be out of her control. She needed to make changes, changes that would defy what the Underworld itself would ever want, but changes that nonetheless needed to be made within Kara's eyes.

" It won't be long now until I'm there" Kara smiled widely as she walked through the darkened abyss that was the Downside. She wandered for what felt like days through the rubble of a world that seemed to be decaying, though this was its natural charm. It smelled of smoke though there seemed to be none in sight and death stained her light brown boots she had been wearing for quite some time.

" This will never work" Gabriel's voice could be heard in the back of Kara's mind, though she tried her best to dismiss any and all doubts.

" You cannot change what will happen or what has happened. The world and fate itself is not meant to be controlled or manipulated. And the longer that you hold onto your pain, the longer that it will take for the world itself to change" Gabriel added.

Kara continued to ignore him however and focused her attention on the path ahead. She knew where she was going and had no intentions whatsoever of stopping for any reason. " This has never been tried before, therefore Noone can say whether it will work or won't work" Kara grunted as she took a large step Over a blackened rock.

" But, I have a feeling that it will. And I for one, am not going to place my fate in the hands of a child" Kara smiled even wider as she continued towards her goal though she could sense the disapproval from her conscious.

" Though she had never met them before, Kara was informed about Twin sisters that resided within this world, that seemed to have something to do with fate, however their ties to it were uncertain. It was said by some that the sisters " Paladiné and Alaminé" were able to weave fate itself though others said that they simply could manipulate certain events only. This was something Kara needed to discover the answer to for herself.

She had not even been certain as to wether the sister would help her or not, considering they were thought to be hermits who rarely ever spoke more than 2 words a day. Which Kara thought was rather odd but she wouldn't question it if this helped her achieve her mission.

" I don't know how the hell I'm going to convince them though" Kara thought to herself. " Maybe violence? That's worked out so well for you in the past" Gabriel remarked sarcastically as Kara rolled her eyes. " You are nothing but a pessimist" Kara argued.

" No I am a realist, and you are dillusional. Do you really think there are two sisters here? Sisters that control fate and are super powerful beings? If so, why would they choose to live here? Of all places? This entire places is a hellscape" Gabriel reasoned with Kara who wanted to change the subject.

" I didn't know that you believed in Hell...interesting. Would you care to elaborate on that? " Kara knew this wouldn't buy her much time but she wanted him to stop with his negativity regarding her plan. " US. We were hell" Gabriel sighed to which Kara returned her own sigh. " Yes, well, that is because Noone bothered to help us! Noone truly explained all that we had to do or how to do it! Noone gave us a road map for getting things right. And now we do have a road map and now we can fix it.." Kara pointed out.

In Her mind, she believed she has figured everything out. All that had come before and all that will ever come after, she believed she knew the answers..she simply needed the proper tools to create the solution. And so she would be taking a risk by talking to these sisters. Who may or may not be willing to help her though it would seem based on all that she had learned, the sisters were indifferent and rarely bothered or meddled in the affairs of people. Especially people such as Kara who suffered from a broken hear more than anything or anyone.

" There it is" Kara rejoiced as she took notice of a small blacked stone house sitting within the middle of what was a barren wasteland. " That has to be it " Kara placed her hands on her hips to rest for a small moment. " I don't think you should do this.." Gabriel pleaded. " Yes, well, I'm going to do it anyway" Kara replied.

One thing was certain, once she stepping into that home, things would never quite be the same again.