
Prologue -Jin Myra ,The Orphan

Tokyo, Japan

My name is Jin Myra, I'm an orphan, 17 years old.

I have asthma.

After leaving school, my daily routine is get bullied by my classmates as their errand boy.

[Deku! What took u so long! ]

[Baka! This soy milk is warm!]

With notorious glares, I become a punching bag.

Their leader is Tamura Maro with a nice build, an ace in Hanetsuki (badminton).

His left and right (wingman) are Yasashiku Kado and Haruka Junichiro, a fat pig and a skinny rat (just metaphors).

Even if I beg them to let me go. They take all my lunch money.

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After school, I kept thinking of having a GF (girl friend).

Neither short of height, or wanting of a good face. Yet unpopular. I have tried exerting effort into finding a girlfriend – and have confessed thrice! – But after being dumped, my heart is left shattered.

That's when I met Sawatari-san, the school idol.

When I saw her. I thought of quietly passing by without her noticing.

But she noticed.

. . . . .

[Hello, pleased to meet you. My name is Sawatari Miho. Although we have seen each other before, this would be the first time we are speaking, right? Makes me nervous, somehow.]

The nervous one is me, damn it! I mean, I am not that good with speaking to girls in the first place. Cut me some slack! With such words, I silently complain to myself.

[Hello. I am Jin Myra. No need to be nervous or anything. Sawatari-san is famous, so I know who you are even without the introduction.]

[Ara, what's this about being famous? Are there weird rumors floating about?]

Yeah. Like having had an affair with Chief X, or going on dates with Y-kun–things like that.]

It was all just teasing, of course. And although I intended these to be just some light jokes, Sawatari-san's face turned bright red and she looked at me with watery eyes. Hate to admit it, but she looked adorable.

Well, my jokes lack both delicacy and tact, and I am often told to keep my mouth shut… but I end up saying them anyways.

Yep, failed again, huh? Yep, I am just bad with women.

[I'm sorry, please leave it at that!]

I ran back home.

P.S. This is my first novel so plz comment on ghostnhoj13@gmail.com

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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