
The Prophecy of the Alpha

Amber had finally escaped an abusive relationship and was free, but she was about to discover things about both the world and herself that would change her life forever. On top of that she would be torn between 2 sides of herself and the men that brought each side out. Her decision would effect not just her but, thanks to an ancient prophecy, her choice would effect the fate of 2 entire packs. What should she do? Who should she become? And who was truly meant for?

Jordan_Barrera · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Chapter 2 - An Unexpected Stop

The air was crisp as it blew through the windows across Amber's face. The sun was getting higher in the sky but the winter chill still hung low to the ground. The first part of the drive there had been nothing but desert as far as the eye could see but now she was in beautiful countryside. Luscious grass and grazing black cows dotted the landscape around her. She had taken the scenic route as she had decided to make the most out of this trip. As she drove she decided to head up Highway 1 in California as she had heard it was an incredible drive. She was enjoy the incredible views and smell of the ocean when she came to Big Sur National Park. She didn't know why but she felt she had to stop here at least for the night. The scenery was breathtaking. It was where a thriving forest full of huge pines met the sparkling blue ocean. The sound of waves crashing on the beaches below filled the air. Thus place brought her a feeling of pure joy and peace. She made the decision to stay just her for the night and then continue on her drive to Chico. She pulled into parking lot of the Riverdale Hotel and Spa, parked the car and went in to ask for a room for the night. It was still mid afternoon and Amber felt she had time to explore the forest a little before she would need to have dinner and head to bed. She decided to go out on a hike on one of the trails that the front desk clerk, Ashley had recommended. As she started down the trail the smells of nature were all around her, smells of fresh pine, salty ocean air and that something else that she couldn't quite identify. She had always loved being in the forest but there was something different here that seemed to call her. A squirrel ran across the path as she continued to walk and birds flew in the trees. The sun hung low in the sky giving everything a magical feel. She got so caught up in all the beauty that she didn't realize how quickly the sun was going down behind the mountains. Before she knew it, it was getting dark. Amber hoped she could find her way back but as time passed those hopes and the confidence she had started with began to fade. As it got darker those feelings were quickly replaced by fear and anguish that she would be able to find her way back. The animals of the night started to come out and move around. She could hear all kinds of rustling in the trees and bushes, and first of the stars were beginning to show in the sky. She wandered and wandered around, but she didn't seem to be making any progress and that's when she heard it.

It sounded like the footsteps of the animals she had been hearing but this sounded like a much bigger animal. What kind of animal could it be she thought. As far as she knew there weren't very many big animals in California. She started racking her brain, maybe bear or a mountain lion or... she tried to start remembering all the things she had been taught about facing different animals... a mountain lion you're supposed to try to seem bigger and louder, a bear try to stand still and be unthreatening... as the sound got closer all her thoughts ceased and she couldn't help but just stair in the direction the sound was coming from.

That's when it stepped out from the bushes and she could see exactly what it was. In front of her stood one of the biggest wolves she had ever seen including ones in the shows she had seen on the Discovery Channel. The wolf was huge and black and it's eyes were alive with intelligence. All of its focus was on her. She stared at the wolf and the wolf stared back. She couldn't remember how you were supposed to react with wolves. The one thing she did remember was that they usually hunted in packs, and if that was the case where was it's pack. She started to back away slowly and the wolf growled. As it approached her slowly she be tried to back up more. What she hadn't realized was that she was backing right into a tree. Before she knew it, she was trapped between a large pine tree and the wolf. Fear overwhelmed her and she closed her eyes knowing any minute the wolf would attack. When the wolf got close she could feel it begin to sniff and smell her. She held completely still and prayed for a miracle. Suddenly she felt all large gush of air on her face. She opened her eyes and the wolf was gone. She crumpled to her knees in shock and began to cry. She didn't know how long she was sitting there before she heard another noise. This one however was human. It was the sound of someone walking down the trail. She could hear the voice of someone calling.

"Hello? Hello? My name is Darren. If you can hear me let me know. Hello? Are you out here?"

It took all of her strength Amber called back

"I'm here, over here. Who's there?"

"My name is Darren. I'm also a guest at the hotel and they said they were still waiting for a young woman to come back I offered to come out and see if I could help find you."

Darren stepped out of the trees and saw Amber was on the floor next to a big pine tree.

"Are you hurt?" He said in alarm.

"Im ok" she said. As Amber looked up at him her breath caught in her lungs. Darren was 6 feet tall at least, with a muscular build and light brown hair. He was tan skinned and he had bright blue eyes that were currently staring at her from under thick lashes. He had to be one of the most good-looking men she had ever seen. And his voice, his voice was one of the most comforting sounds she had ever heard. Whether all of that was because he was there saving her after her encounter with the wolf she wasn't quite sure. He came over and sat beside her .

"Are you sure your okay?"

"Yes I'm fine, thank you so much for coming to get me" she said. "You didn't have to."

"It's OK I'm very familiar with these woods. I come here multiple times a year to get away. That's why when I overheard that you hadn't come back to the hotel and everyone was getting worried I offered to go help look for you."

"Thank you so much, my name is Amber" Amber said shyly

"Nice to meet you Amber. Can you walk?" Darren asked softly. "Yes" "Well then, as fun as it is sitting here alone with you in the woods in the dark and cold, what do you say we get you up and head back to the hotel? We can get you some dinner and talk about what you were doing wandering in the woods so late, all alone, and with no flashlight."

"I didn't plan to be out so late I got lost."

"So you're saying you have a bad sense of direction"

"No" amber said curtly

Darren chuckled and she realized he was teasing her.

They headed back to the hotel in silence.

Darren couldn't help but watch the way she walked. Everything about her called to him. He had known, known for a long time that he would always be alone but now this woman was here. Looking at her he didn't now what he was supposed to do. He just knew everything about her was made for him; From her curly long blonde hair that was highlighted like rays of sunshine, to her sparkling blue eyes ti her beautiful full lips. She wasn't what the main stream media would call thin but instead was athletically built and yes still had all the curves a man dreamed of. Her fair skin glittered in the moonlight. As she walked her smell enveloped the air around him. It was the smell of sweet honeysuckle, comfort and home. Darren had no idea what he was going to do but he knew that this beautiful woman he had just found alone in the woods was meant to be his. Whether she knew it or not, from that moment forward he would protect her, be there for her, and she would never be alone again. The only question was what Darren would do next. All the choices he had made had been based on the fact that he would always be alone. Things would have to change.

As they got back to the hotel Ashley, the front desk clerk, came running out.

"Oh Ms. Amber I'm so glad you are ok. I was so worried when you didn't come back. Luckily this Darren offered to go out and look for you. What happened?"

Amber thought for a minute. For some reason she didn't want to talk about the part with the wolf.

"Well... I just got so caught up in the beauty of the scenery around me that I lost track of time. Then when the sun went down behind the mountains I realized how dark it was but I didn't have a flashlight or anything to help me find my way back. I got turned around. I wondered for a while and then I started to hear all the sounds of the animals waking up at night. To be honest I got scared because some of them sounded quite big."

Darren heard the slight catch in her voice and he knew there was more to the story then what she was saying.

"I can only imagine how scared you were." Ashley said. "But I'm so glad you're back here safe. Why don't you go take a warm shower and I'll have the chef make some dinner. The restaurant is closed but he's a good friend of mine and he stays here late to play card games with the rest of us. I know he'd be happy to make you something to eat. Darren, would you like me to have him make you something as well?"

"Yes that would be wonderful. Are you ok if I eat with you Amber?

"Yes that would be fine. It's the least I can do considering you came out to find me."

Now that they were in the light of the hotel lobby Amber could really look at him. Everything about him made her feel like a thousand butterflies were in her stomach. She quickly turned away and headed to her room. She got in the shower and felt the warm water rush over body. She hadn't realized how cold she was and the warm water felt amazing. She started to replay the whole night in her head. Now that she had a calm moment to think about it, everything about this whole night felt beyond surreal. From the beautiful scenery to the frightening encounter with the wolf to the gorgeous man who had come and saved her. She honestly felt lightheaded and a little overwhelmed. Her mind kept going back to Darren. He was beyond handsome and on top of that he was caring and had come out into the forest to come find her, even though he didn't know her. Now she was about to have dinner with this wonderful stranger and a part of her began to feel super excited. She hopped out of the shower and began to get ready to what would turn out to be a dinner she would never forget.