
Chapter 2: My Phone

Ꭻungkooks POV

Class was over and I was waiting for a call from V. But I never got it so I just headed up front. That's when I saw them. V was on his phone with someone. I walked over and V threw his arm around my shoulder.

"I called the wrong number... oops," he says as we walk over to the car.

We get in and start the engine.

"What do you mean the wrong number?" I asked.

"I tried calling you and someone else answered." he tells me.

"Huh? I didn't change my number... Here, try calling me again." I tell him.


He picks his phone up and calls my number. I expected my phone to start ringing. But it was completely silent... Then V puts his phone on speaker as someone unknown answered.

UK person ~ Hello

It was a girl, by the sounds of it. I looked at the phone that I had in my hand and turned it on. The lock screen was way different from mine.

This was not my phone.

Me ~ How did you get my phone!?

Girl ~ Jungkook? Is that you?

Me ~ Yeah, how did you know?

Girl ~ Because I can hear you?

Me~ Oh yeah, anyways... Who is this?

Girl ~ I sit next to you in class.

Me ~ New Girl?

Girl ~ Ugh, I have a name. If you were paying attention, you would know that it's Halla.

Me ~ ... Oh yeah.

Girl ~ So, you have my phone and I have yours?

Me~ Correct.

Halla ~ How am I going to get it to you?

Me ~ Call your phone using my phone.

Halla ~ How will that help at all?

Me~ Just do it!

V turned off his phone, and the phone in my hand started to ring. I picked it up and answer it.

Me ~ Ok, meet me at....( XXXXX place)

Halla ~ Okay.

I told my driver where to go and we were well on our way.

Halla's P.O.V. ~

Jane and I got on our bus. I told her what had just happened and told her our plan. But still how the heck did we switch phones?

We got off at our stop and walked to the cafe he said we should meet up at. I stood by the place, waiting with Jane. I look all around and finally see him and V waiting to cross the street. I walk over to the other side and wave the phone in my hands for him to notice me.

"Oh! He waved back!" Jane said.

It was V who waved back at me though. The cross light turned green and they decided to stay put and wait for us to cross the road instead. Jane and I started crossing the street when we hear a car honk at us. I look seeing not too far away, that a car was trying to stop. My eyes grew big as I tried to run. But people were surrounding and shoving me... I had no way to escape, and thought might as well... Before I could finish my thought of just letting go, I felt a strong hand grab and pull me away. I opened my eyes, to a concerned Jungkook, as he held and looked me in the eyes.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I moved away from him and looked to see if Jane was also okay.

"Yeah, I am fine. Here yah go." I say, giving the phone back to it's rightful owner.

We traded back our phones.

"See ya!" V says. waving his goodbyes.

"Bye." Jane and I wave back walking back to our original destination.

"Are you okay, Jane?" I asked her.

"Yes, but are you?" she asks me.

"Yeah, what do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, did you see the way Jungkook looked at you!?"

"Not really, I was to worried about you..."

"Aish... Unnie you're definitely gonna be single forever."

"Am not!!! Do you see this face!? I have got MAGIC!"

"And I think Jungkook is falling for your SPELL already!"

"Ahh, haha. Wow, you're really weird."

"Sureeeee" ;p




When we got home, I went into Minju's and my room. I set all my stuff down and changed out of the uniform. I looked at my phone and kissed it. Ugh, thank goodness I got you back. As I set my phone down to charge it, I was interrupted by a small ding from a message. It was from an unknown number... I read it and it said...

Unknown number ~

Are you okay?


Who is this?

Unknown number ~

Jungkook ~

Me ~

What!? Oh... I am fine. Thank you by the way.

Jungkook ~

Sure ;)

I didn't know how to reply ... Crap .... I ran out to Yuna and showed her my phone. Which lead her to call everybody over.

"Omo!! Halla!! Your boyfriend is Jungkook from BTS?" Yujin asks.

"No! We're just classmates!!" I tell them.

"Is that so..." Minju adds.

My phone goes off again and every one just stares at the message that was sent.

"Well? Are you going to tell me what it says?" I ask them.

"Read the text." Jane says.

I read it aloud...

Jungkook ~

Okay see yah tomorrow.

: )

"Ummmmm guys?"

They looked at me then just left me one by one.

"Sorry, Halla. It's game over. Yujin brings up randomly.

Game over? Hah! Game over, my butt! Pssshhh, there wasn't any game from the beginning. ( -_-)

I got up and walked back in my room. I pulled up my phone again and stared at the message, thinking of what to reply. I just went with this.

Me ~

Okay see yah

: )

I turned my phone off and laid there. He seems nice when we text , but not in person much. Aigoo... He's too confusing, I'm not even going to try.

Jungkook's P.O.V.

Everything about her seemed different, but beautiful. Her eyes were full of passion. I admire her for that. Why is it that she is always on my mind? We just met, but.... Maybe she is worth a try...



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T⃣H⃣E⃣ S⃣T⃣A⃣R⃣T⃣ S⃣E⃣E⃣M⃣E⃣D⃣ B⃣O⃣R⃣I⃣N⃣G⃣ S⃣O⃣R⃣R⃣Y⃣...

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