
The princess with a Birthmark

Wraindel is one of the two kingdoms in a world of shape shifters. Actel Fahlgren, is the princess that was banned from her world and sent to Earth. Two years after, she was asked to come back, and forced to follow her destiny as the woman in the prophecy who will unite the two kingdoms of her world. In the process, Actel experiences different emotions such as love and betrayal.

BlackCatusky · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter Eight

Kingdom of Zviera Radenie? My eyebrows met in bewilderment.

I have never heard of a Kingdom named as such before. Was this even inscribed in the written records of Wraindel's history? Ugh! I'm beginning to regret for being quite illiterate of our kingdom's history. I didn't realize knowing one's history could become handy. I should probably ask Logan and Damien whether they have any knowledge in relation to this. For now, I need to gather as much information as I can.

Determined to find answers and to learn more about the kingdom, I decided to visit the local library. I strolled around a few blocks in attempt to find the library but to no avail. I've walked quite a distance yet my feet have taken me nowhere. Out of disappointment, I couldn't help but to scream at the top of my lungs; releasing the frustration that was kept built up by far.

How I wish I wasn't invisible right now. How in the world am I supposed to find the library? Or anywhere for that matter? For Pete's sake I can't even ask directions. (Sorry to everyone named Pete xD)

"Follow - man in checkered blue shirt and black pants." the horse instructed me.

It's astonishing how I can hear the horse speak in my head as if it was next to me. Is it telepathy? And it has been a while now since our first encounter, but I've noticed the horse speaking with only a limited choice of words. right now? I wondered as I looked around for the man who matched the description.

I inspected the crowd for a few seconds before my eyes landed on a man crossing the street. I almost failed to notice him. He was wearing a large black backpack; which almost covered his entire back and made his shirt quite indiscernible from the behind. Thankfully, I was able to catch a glimpse of his shirt he when he turned around to grab his friend - who was a few steps behind and preoccupied with reading the newspaper while crossing. His friend looked more proper and ceremonial with his plain maroon dress shirt, tucked under his black slacks, and with matching black shoes and belt.

I quickly marched my way towards the two men and discreetly followed them. We walked pass about two blocks and turned right at a corner before we reached the town's library. The library was a three-storey building and it stood in the middle of the block. It had large white pillars and huge wide pale brown wooden doors. It had a broad staircase that led to the entrance. Its walls were painted pastel blue and it had a signage plastered on top of the entrance which read "Library". The local library looked grand yet traditional. Looking at it elicited the same feeling when you look at the white house.

I entered the library and walked over the counter to study the blueprint of the building affixed on a stand displayed beside it. I read the diagram and looked for the section where they kept the history records of their kingdom. It was located on the second floor, specifically on the right side of the staircase upon entering the floor.

After I reached the history section, I examined the books on the first shelf. It was only after I found the first promising history book I wanted to read before I was able to realize a potential dilemma.

How am I supposed to read the book when I'm not able to touch anything at all?

"Touch it, you'll see." The horse's voice echoed in my head.

Hesitantly, I gently touched the book and I was astounded as the book removed itself from the shelf, floated midair, and opened to its cover page in front of me. I flipped the pages to the table of contents of the book. I carefully scanned the contents for any information regarding the background of the kingdom. It was not long before I found "A Brief Overview of Najtarsi in the Kingdom of Zviera Radenie...…page 20". It's a good start. I turned the pages and skipped exactly on page where a brief background of the town was explained.

"Najtarsi is one of the many towns in the outskirts of Zviera Radenie that bordered the kingdom. The town is known for its excellent hunters and its affluent livestock business. It is one of the oldest existing towns."

I just finished reading the first paragraph when suddenly the pages flipped and turned to the 200th page. Above the section wrote "Synopsis of Zviera Radenie."

Zviera Radenie? I thought to myself, unable to understand the words.

"Zviera Radenie literally translates to Animal Shifter." the horse's voice explained as it resonated in my head.

"Zviera Radenie is one of the four great Radenie kingdoms that ruled over the vast lands of the shifters. It was named after the unifying ability of its people. For centuries the Kingdom of Zviera Radenie has lived independenty from its neighboring nations, It was however only two decades ago when the kingdom has formed a peace treaty along with the other Radenie Kingdoms. The treaty contained an agreement among the four great realms upon the independent and absolute claim of each Kingdom's territories and resources each to have supreme rule over them separately. It was also established that the people of each kingdom shall never cross over the boundaries of the territories between the four nations to avoid conflict. Further, it was agreed that breaking the any terms of the treaty will be taken as a sign of intent to wage war. " I read the paragraph out loud.

I see. This information was rather appalling. It never occurred to me that the four types of shifters were once divided. I wondered how they were able to unite as one kingdom.

"Zvieras are one of two powerful type of shifters among the four types. Like the other shifters, Zvieras has a limit to their shifting ability. They can only shift to the different animals belonging to the same family. Each Zvieras have a distinct family they can shift into based on their bloodline. When two Zvieras from different bloodlines marry, their children can only inherit the ability to shift into only one family between to the two bloodlines." I continue to read. I'm a bit surprised that I'm actually beginning to enjoy this.

"In rare occasions, Zvieras or all Radenies in the matter are able to surpass their shifting limitation. A very few incidents have been recorded wherein shifters were able to overcome their limitation through a certain trigger which increased their life energy. However the specific trigger has been left unclear. It is only certain that each individual's trigger may vary. It is definite that the trigger roots from very strong emotions elicited by the individual. The measure of "strong" is also unidentified." I read the information written at the back of the page. At least this knowledge has be recorded and passed down to my generation and those following mine. Even I know as much.

I was about to turn back to the table contents and skim through it to find more information I needed; when all of a sudden the shelves, books, and everything else around me turned into indiscernible abstract lines of different colors and twirled around me. I felt nauseated by the second until the twirling stopped and I was brought back to the forest where I first came into.

"It's time to go." The horse's divine voice told me. Once more, I was endowed with its celestial presence as It stood right in front of me. its golden eyes fixed right into my emerald ones.

"What do you mean?" I asked a bit baffled.

"I'm at my limit. Showing you the past and talking with you drains much of my divinity." The horse explained.

"Oh, I see. What now?" I asked, unsure of what to do next.

Without admonition, the horse leaned forward and lightly placed its forehead on mine. The moment I sensed the contact, I felt lightheaded so I shut my eyes. Once I opened them, I was already facing the ceiling of my bedroom.