
The Princess of Valor

On the brink of losing her tiny house, an indecisive and weak girl received an offer to be a princess from the strongest king; however, when the grandiose traditional examination arrived, she must discover her true potential before she could lose her grandma.

PinkChronicle · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 || Danger

Next Day.

Room Seven. Flare entered the room. Loud. What's new? Everyone talked and shared their opinions with one another as she secured her seat and sat. Ever since I was born, in 16 years, my world has never been quiet. Voices have been extracted into words. Letters dissipated, shuffled, and cluttered.

"Hi, freak."

Flare shifted his eyes towards her classmate. "Got any problem?" She raised her silvery eyebrows, telling—get the hell out of here, you're ruining my mood.

"Your hair hurts my eyes, so I came." Her female classmate answered as she revealed something—a scissor, "with a scissor."

Not again. Flare sighed and trampled on her desk, but it didn't budge an inch. The students laughed.

"What was that?" The one who held a scissor beside her asked, "That was scary!"

She acted as if she was really scared, and so the entire class continued laughing. Flare pressed her lips, looking down, and gripping her fists. She was restraining her tears. Why do I have to be born weak?

In a glimpse of an eye, Jessica's subordinate locked the female's restroom while the other one tied Flare's hands. Jessica gestured the scissor, showing it on Flare's face where it reflected on the blades.

"You two," She tilted her head to indicate that they should head back behind her.

After that, Jessica made her kneel. Someone, help me. Flare thought as she closed her eyes.

"Hey, Flare. Tell me… how's your grandma doing?" Jessica reached for her right ear and whispered.

Flare gripped his hands and clenched his teeth, hearing her grandma. Her grandma's smile flashed through her eyes.

"Don't you dare try something cocky," Flare tilted her head as she glared at Jessica, "Or else, I'll kill you!"

"You know what, Flare? You're all talk, but you never do." Jessica glared back.

"Really, huh? Just wait…" Flare's almond Maya blue eyes glimmered in a second, "and I'll run for your life."

"You can never touch me, Flare. Remember that."

"Why? Are you a Valere Guild member? No, right? So, why would I, you witch!" Flare maintained eye contact with her.

"Who did you call a witch, bitch?"

That voice—It was Lady Recca's… Goosebumps ran down her spine to her nerves.

"Speaking of, you're right on time, Auntie," Jessica said after Lady Recca closed the door.

What the hell? Why is Lady Recca here? I'm doomed! I-It can't be!

"To answer your question, I may not be a Valere Guild member, but my aunt does," Jessica added.

"Ohh, what a small world, kid. Nice to meet you again. Are you ready for your death?" Lady Recca lifted the corner of her lips as the devil does.

Jessica's eyes widened. "Woah, hang on a second. Auntie, you know Flare?" She asked like an excited kid.

"So, your name's Flare? Sounds strong, but dead inside." Lady Recca asked for confirmation as she gazed back at Flare.

Meanwhile, Flare's attention turned to the gentleman—Lady Recca's right-hand man. Valor. I gotta ask him about that. I dunno why I feel this way… about a certain word, but I can feel its connection with me; like it would complete the void in my heart!

Lady Recca grunted as her brows joined, "Why are you staring at Ezekiel?"

Flare kept her eyes on him. I feel like he is the answer to my well-being. Lady Recca jolted Flare using her monstrous aura, making her fly and wreck the tiled wall.

Flare shouted in pain as soon as her back hit the wall, cracked. Lady Recca appeared in front of her and smashed her nose with her knuckles before she could look at her. She coughed blood.

"Lady Recca's upset. You should know who you're barging." Said one of Jessica's subordinates.

Flare's nose broke, and she pushed her eyes to close in pain. The blood flows like a river to her upper cloth. She restrained from crying, but her tears fell one by one.

Everyone in the room laughed, except Ezekiel. "Look at that hopeless girl. Such a weakling, fucking brat!" Jessica said as she locked her eyes on Flare's state.

"Thank you, my niece. I love you more this time. I'm gonna give you a present later. Now," She stood in front of Flare, "I'll end you… Flare."

Flare's consciousness faded away.

The grating caws, mixed with a hoarse, conquered the forest where no one goes to. A clashing of dashing water poured into the ocean.

Tension rose into Jessica's subordinate and asked, "J-Jessica?"

"What?" Jessica tilted her right eyebrow as she glanced back.

The grass caressed Jessica's subordinate's foot, comforting her inner thoughts, "This place is—"

"Just shut the fu*k up!" Jessica gave a stick to Lady Recca after she replied.

"What is this for?" Lady Recca's face turned dark, staring into Jessica's eyes.

"Oh—Sorry, aunt! Please forgive me!" Jessica's voice trembled and gave the dagger, which she should have given earlier.

Is Jessica scared too? Thought one of Jessica's subordinates.

"Lady Recca, this place is where the Silent Killer Daniel lives, right?" Jessica's other subordinate asked without terror as if he talked to his friend.

Lady Recca rolled her eyes. I hate questions the most. She gripped the dagger before facing Jessica's incompetent subordinate who asked her.

She went after his throat, slashing it without hesitation. Hence, the head flew and swam into the river. The crow who produced a hoarse sound earlier flew away.

Jessica moved one step backward as her jaw trembled.

"A-Auntie…" She uttered. Her forearm blocked her face as if danger would run for her.

Lady Recca's dark eyes gave pressure and goosebumps to her. Right now, Jessica and her last subordinate, who were terrified moments ago, were left alive.

Aunt Recca… She has changed so much ever since that day. She was way way different from before. Who made you like this? I will punish that person. Jessica thought.

Her subordinate also thought. I want to go home already. My younger siblings were waiting for me…

"What are you scared of?" Lady Recca asked in a low voice and walked in a slow manner toward them, "Do you want me to kill you also? Don't ask questions if you don't want to meet death."

The cold wind moved their hair and added tension. Their instincts told them to run as far as they can, away from this lady, because if they don't? They will die.

Lady Recca revealed the dagger with blood dripping onto the grass. The two girls' terrified faces reflected on the blade. Jessica released her hands to her subordinate since they hugged.

Lady Recca crunched the grass as she took another step closer to them. With each step she took is the amount of tension added to the two vulnerable girls—their legs trembled. The two continued to step back not until their back hit the tree's broad trunk.

In the distance, Flare's legs and hands moved. "Oh my, Flare. Go up, Honey. Fight her. You can do this. You are our children after all. Let mama help you—a bit." A soft and warm tone penetrated Flare's unconsciousness.

She opened her eyes, hearing the voice. It warmed her heart. Mother… For a second, a memory flashed through her eyes, but her parent's faces were blurred. Her mother's arm covered her tiny body and sang a lullaby. It's warm…

She glanced side by side, looking for the person who whispered, but found nothing. The wind pierced through her body, leaving a different vibe. She grabbed her hands apart and fell. Ouch! Oh, yeah, she helped me untie the handcuff. She thought as she glanced at them.

On the other hand, Ezekiel saw Flare on the ground, and her hands were untied. Something is suspicious. His eyes squinted, then he sensed Jessica who was about to utter a question. Therefore, he glared at her, saying, Don't Jessica, or else you'll die.

Goosebumps run down their spine since nobody anticipated Flare's move. Flare's in stasis in the air with a fighter stance, ready to kick Lady Recca's face using her heel.

"What's the matter, Jessica? Are you scared?" Flare said in a feathery voice—soft and delicate—while in the air.

Jessica clenched her teeth before Flare crashed Lady Recca's face. Lady Recca laughed, "Do you think that baby kick will hurt my face?"

Lady Recca's eyebrows crouched. Her nose is completely healed??? Everyone thought after they saw Flare's nose.

Lady Recca threw Flare to the closest tree since she blocked her seconds ago. This kid is getting on my nerves. Flare pushed her heel into the tree's trunk and landed on the grass.

"You owe me one, Jessica." Flare glanced at Jessica and smiled. Geez! That was close! If I hadn't reacted at the right time, my spinal cord would have slashed apart!

"Tch…" Jessica muttered.

Flare chuckled. I don't know why and what happened, but suddenly, I felt power inside my body. Weird, huh?

Jessica held her auntie's hand, "Auntie, let's just go home, please."

Lady Recca replied, "No, the fun part has just started," She smirked and glanced back at Flare.

She added, "You can leave with your friend, Jessica. Just don't get in my way. This is my fun anyway, not yours."

"B-But—" Jessica's subordinate interrupted Jessica, "—Let's just go, Jessica!"

Jessica gazed at Flare before her subordinate pulled her.

Ezekiel went beside Lady Recca and whispered, "There is something wrong with the kid. Do you sense it too? She has an unfamiliar smell than any other human."

Lady Recca replied, "I don't care about that. This kid boils my blood and I am a woman with my words."

Flare smirked. I can hear you, fools. Should I deceive them? Though I am a human.