
The Princess of the Knight

Life seems colourful and fun for princess Adelia until someone she loves gets taken away from her. Adrian is a knight that has been assigned to protect the princess after an encounter that nearly took her life. His stoic and serious expression coupled with his agile build and sarcastic persona makes him the perfect man for the job. He's drawn to the calm and beautiful princess. But he knows her attention is on something else. Adelia is determined to find who did this. She knows she can't do this alone, so asks for help. Who's a better help, than her own guard? The two are faced with many obstacles, but never did they expect her betrothal to a far away prince. Adelia thinks she's faced enough betrayal. Little does she know the pain has just began. There will be love, bloodshed, betrayal, pain. At the end, There will be victory.

flawlessforhim_ · Historia
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12 Chs



I walked into the throne room and saw my parents with a some visitors. They looked like royalty from another kingdom. My Father was laughing loudly with the other King. I bowed my head to greet all of them.

''Ah... My beautiful princess. Take a seat''. He gestured to one of the seats away from the throne, by his side.

''Meet my friend, King Arnold. He's my childhood friend. You should know him.... I talk about him all the time!''.

I didn't say anything, or make any expressions. I just waited for my father to make his point, so I can leave. I had other important things to attend to.

''Anyways, we've found a way to make our friendship even better.

I've decided you'll get married to his son, Prince Arthur. I want to believe you've met him''. He said, as he gestured his hand toward the door.

Just then a young stout man walked in. His blonde hair and blue eyes drifted to me as he proudly trotted towards me. He stopped just in front of me and stretched out his hand. I placed mine in his and stood.

''My Princess, I've heard alot about you and your beauty. Truly, their words are true''. Apparently, he thought his words had an effect on me. Sad. Truly sad.

I removed my hand from his and turned to my Father,

''I don't know what charade.....this is, but I'm not going to be a part of it. I will not marry him, or any other person. I'm not ready for marriage and that will not change''.

I begin to walk away when I heard King Arnold say,

''I knew you would be against the idea, but this will benefit all of us. I'm sure you won't want your mother to hear that her daughter is being disobedient. I mean, we all know the state of her health. It would kill her to hear that you were causing trouble again''.

The mention of my mother's name had me thinking. His words were true. My mother's attitude towards me had changed ever since the incident. This would just make our relationship worse. I didn't want my mother to hate me more than she already did.

I didn't let them know those words had an effect on me. I just walked out of the throne room and ran to the garden. I can't believe my father would do this. How can he allow these people to take me away. I was the only daughter he had.....

''You won't have been the only daughter he had, if you hadn't been so careless''. I heard an inner voice say.

I walked amongst the sunflowers, remembering how Anita really loved to be here. I broke down in tears as I fell to the ground, crying for my dead sister.


I was searching for the princess. She left too fast, and I was too distracted to follow her. As I climbed the stairs to her room, trying to find her. I saw the General coming out of the princess' room. I was shocked to see him here.

'' What are you doing here? Are you crazy? You could get caught!''. I shouted at him.

''You're going to get me caught if you keep shouting like a mad man! What're you doing here either way? Arent you supposed to be with the Princess''?. He shouted back.

''I came up here to look for her. She left the throne room too quickly. Apparently, the King wants her to marry some prince. Arthur or something like that.....''. I said to him.

As I said that name, his head shot up and he widened his eyes. His mouth was slightly opened as he continued to stare at me.

I was about to ask what was wrong, when he gathered himself and then said,

''That man..... Arthur, don't get on his bad side. I hope you haven't forgotten the reason you're here. You're here as an eye to watch her. Monitor her every move and report to me. Make her trust you. It's your first day on the job and you've lost her already.''

I didn't forget why I was here. I just couldn't. Not when the success of whatever mission they had, also mattered in the success of mine.

He walked past me and left me standing there in my own thoughts. I couldn't mess this up. I had to do this right, so my efforts won't be in vain.

I walked into her room and walked around, searching for anything that could give me a clue about her secret life. I knew the princess was smart and really quick witted. As I walk around the room, I passed the window.

As I looked out, I saw her. Crying, amongst the flowers. She was always amongst the sunflowers. I guess she really liked them. I really felt bad for her, having to be forced to do something you don't want to, but have no choice to. I know how it felt.

I left her room, and quickly walked to the garden to meet her. I tried to quiet my footsteps so it won't alarm her. Stopping a few feet away from her, I could hear her mumbling some things.

I stood patiently beside her, waiting for her to gather her self so we could go back inside. It was really hot out. I wonder how she could still cry.

Suddenly, my throat began to itch. I tried to hold it, so I wouldn't cough and alert her that i was there. The damned itch wouldn't just go away. I eventually let out the cough, and she looked up at me, startled.

Her face was really sweaty and her cheeks were beetroot red, most definitely from crying and from the heat. Her eyes had a dark shadow around them. They were filled with tears. I was lost looking at her face, that I didn't notice she was looking at me, waiting for me to say something.

''What do you want?!'' She remarked sharply.

''I'm sorry, Your Majesty. my throat itched.'' I shyly confessed.

She just sighed and closed her eyes and let the tears in her eyes fall. She wiped them away and tried to get up. But she fell, since she had been sitting on her ankle for so long. I stretched out my hand to help her, and she looked up at me.

She reluctantly took my hand, and stood up. Limping on one leg since the other hurt, she brushed the dirt off her dress and brushed past me. I followed her back into the palace.

I wonder why I was sent to keep an eye on her. All she did was keep to herself, and stay in her room all day. Hopefully, things won't get any harder.

She went into her room and sat at the bed. I felt really awkward standing there. Besides, I needed to use the bathroom. How would I ask that.

Thankfully, she dismissed me saying she wanted to be alone. I left her room and ran to the bathroom.