
The Princess of the Knight

Life seems colourful and fun for princess Adelia until someone she loves gets taken away from her. Adrian is a knight that has been assigned to protect the princess after an encounter that nearly took her life. His stoic and serious expression coupled with his agile build and sarcastic persona makes him the perfect man for the job. He's drawn to the calm and beautiful princess. But he knows her attention is on something else. Adelia is determined to find who did this. She knows she can't do this alone, so asks for help. Who's a better help, than her own guard? The two are faced with many obstacles, but never did they expect her betrothal to a far away prince. Adelia thinks she's faced enough betrayal. Little does she know the pain has just began. There will be love, bloodshed, betrayal, pain. At the end, There will be victory.

flawlessforhim_ · Historia
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12 Chs



I stepped out of my room, straightening my dress. As I looked up, Adrian was already there, waiting for me.

As soon as our eyes met, his eyes went down my body, slowly taking in my appearance. When his eyes came back to my face, he quickly looked away.

He bowed his head, but stayed put. I wondered what was wrong with him. He had been acting weird since last night.

I sighed and walked past him, so I won't keep the Prince waiting. When I got outside, the Prince was already there waiting for me with a wide smile.

"You look ravishing today, my Princess." He said, taking my hand in his and kissing it.

For some reason, I didn't exactly like it, but I had to be nice.

"As do you, My Prince." I curtsied.

Adrian let out a snort loud enough for just me to hear.

The Prince gestured to the carriage and he offered me a hand to climb up. I went inside and the Prince walked over and entered his. I noticed Adrian didn't follow me. He was still standing in the same spot as earlier.

"Are'nt you going to come in? " I asked him, poking my head out the curtains.

He looked up at me, his eyes having a dull look in them.

"I thought the Princess would like to be alone. Besides, I thought it would be improper to be so close to her, while she was with her husband to be. "

What he said sounded like something he had been meaning to get off his chest. It had a hint of sarcasm to it.

"Okay, but you're still my personal guard. Meaning you must be close to me at all times. Now, stop talking nonsense and get in the carriage." I pleaded.... with an attitude.

He sighed, noticing that he didn't have any other excuses to give.

He climbed in and sat down on the other side, away from me. I looked at this face, hoping he'd say something concerning our plan, but he just stared ahead, like I wasn't there.

I was tired of this so I spoke up.

"Adrian, even if you're mad at me, the least you could do is tell me what's wrong. Why're you doing this? '

I kept looking at him, thinking he would at least look at me, or reply me, but he just kept mute like he was a possessed. It's like I didn't even say anything.

The carriage eventually slowed down, and Adrian rushed to get off like his seat had been caught on fire.

I slowly got up from my seat and went outside, tired of his attitude. The Prince was already at the foot of the carriage, offering his hand. My eyes went to Adrian, and he looked away.

I accepted the Prince's hand and he helped me come down.

As we walked past the village, I expected the people to be happy to see their Prince, but it was the exact opposite. They all huddled in small groups and talked in hushed voices.

The looks on their faces weren't exactly friendly either. It held fear, hatred and disdain.

"Why's everyone looking at us like that?" I asked Arthur.

"Uhhh, it's their first time seeing their Prince with a lady. As you know, I'll be taking over from my Father, so I barely have time to hang out with women as I'm too busy with work and the affairs of the kingdom." He explained.

I didn't exactly accept that explanation, but I didn't say anything either.

I walked up to a young child playing with some flowers and bent down beside him.

"Hey, little man. What're you doing?"

The young boy looked up at me, and immediately a woman rushed over and said,

"Get away from my son, evil people. Do you want to kill him, just like you killed my husband? "

I was about to ask her what she meant, when the Prince walked over and joined in the conversation.

"Is anything the matter? You don't seem to be getting along well with my wife-to-be." Arthur spoke slowly and calmly to the woman.

"I'm s-sorry, M-My Prince. I d-didn't know she was the Princess. I'm sorry for being rude, Your Majesty. " She curtsied and walked hurriedly away.

Even after we left that place, my mind still went back to the conversation and I couldn't help but wonder what the woman had meant.

Arthur took me to the market square and I stopped at a flower shop. I was looking at some lilies when when Arthur walked up to me and handed me some flowers.


I froze. A million things went through my head at that point.

Anita's body had been found, with sunflowers in her hand. That image was still stuck in my head.

"Is something wrong, my love? Or you don't like the flowers? " Arthur asked.

I snapped out of my reverie and forced a smile. With shaking hands, I accepted the flowers and forced a smile. Arthur looked very pleased with himself.

It seemed my state was obvious because as soon as Arthur turned his back, Adrian came closer to me for the first time that morning, saying

"What's wrong? You look like you've seen the Lord."

I wasn't able to get words out of my mouth. I felt someone hold me hand, and looked down to see Adrian holding me tightly.

Tears began pricking at my eyes and I took a deep breath to push it back in.

"Pull yourself together. we'll be out of here soon. Please."

I took a deep breath again and nodded my head. Adrian let go of my head hesitatingly, even though I didn't want him to. He collected the flowers from me.

I caught up with Arthur, who didn't even seem to realize everything that was going on.

It was quite obvious I was out of it, since the Prince asked,

"Are you okay, my love? "

I took this opportunity to get out of this messy and uncomfortable situation,

"No, I'm not. I actually feel quite faint. I would like to go back to the palace for some rest."

The Prince hastily agreed and soon enough, wee were in your war back to the carriages. I sat heavily and placed my head in my hands.

Adrian sat beside me. Tears I had been holding, streamed uncontrollably down my face, as I thought back to Anita bare body that lay on the floor.

"It's going to be fine." Adrian repeated over and over.

I believed him.

I believed it was going to be fine.

I just didn't believe it was going to be soon.