
The Princess and The Wolf Prince

Princess Liviana's dream was to read thousands of books and become the best archer in their kingdom. At the age of twenty, the marriage never crosses her mind, but little did she know, her parents have decided to marry her to a prince. Prince Conrad is the crown prince succeeding to the throne, the next King of their kingdom. He is also leading a pack of a wolf as an Alpha. The wolf prince is going to meet a human princess. The marriage that bound to put them together in a situation that they have to accept, along with the adventures, difficulties, heartbreaks, romantic feelings, disappointments, and the truth about their kind. Read on to find out if their love can overcome the odds.

Abigael_Cabrera · Fantasía
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105 Chs

Chapter 15

Princess Liviana's POV

After few days, Prince Philip recovered from his injuries. He's now ready to leave. "I'll be back, Lili." He said while seriously looking at me.

"Do you have another meeting with the council?" I asked.

"I will be back for you." He whispered.

"What?" I asked in surprise. "What do you mean?"

He lowered his gaze, sadness visible on his face. "Three years ago, my wife died." My eyes widen in shock.

"What happened? How are you?" I asked.

"She was sick. I did everything to save her, but it's too late. I cannot say I'm alright, but I am trying my best every day to cope up." He said as he smiled. However, that smile didn't reach his eyes. I cannot imagine how it's hard to see the love of your life died. "Sorry for leaving you for her." He said.

"No need to apologize, Philip. Even though I still cannot understand that soul mate thing, I think you have enough reason to choose her over me. I hope she rests in peace." I told him. "Hold on, what's your wife's death has something to do with me?" I asked in confusion.

"Now I have the freedom to choose who I want to be with." He said, smiling. "I'm not the future King of our kingdom like Prince Conrad, but I will make sure you'll live like a Queen once you became my wife." He added. I got nervous and scared all of a sudden. What he was saying is a sin. How could he tell those things casually?

I shook my head. "I'm married, and I don't think I am the one to replace your late wife's role in your life." I smiled genuinely. "Don't make things complicated, Philip." I hope I didn't hurt him. I just don't want him to do reckless things just for me.

He diverted his gaze, seems like trying to avoid what I can see in his reaction. "How's your stay in this kingdom?" He asked, changing the topic.

"I think I'm fine. The whole royal family is kind to me, they're like my real family." I said as I smiled. "I hope you're not blaming them for what happened to you. I apologize on their behalf."

"Did they tell you who did this to me?" He questioned.

"Connor told me it's a wolf." I answered.

He nodded reluctantly. "Right. Is your husband treating you well?" A small smile formed on his lips.

I nodded. "He's moody and boring, but we're fine. I will take my time to know him. I have the rest of my life to do that, right?" I said, smiling.

"Why did you agree on this arrangement?" He asked seriously.

"I wanted to be useful for once. I wanted to repay my foster parents for adopting me by accepting this arranged marriage." I said as I smiled.


"Are you done talking?" I immediately looked at someone who just came, and my eyes widen in surprise. "You may now leave, Prince Philip." He said in a earnest and baritone voice.

"Your highness!" I instantly walked to his side. I got nervous about what he can do to Philip. He just recovered from injuries, for Pete's sake. "He's about to leave, right Philip?" I faked a smile and signaled him to leave.

Philip smirked as he shifted his gaze to your highness. "I will be back, Price Conrad. I will take what's been mine." He said.

"You lost your chance, Prince Philip. What's already mine will never be yours again. It will cost you all you have to do that if you got a chance. Have a safe trip." He said as his eyes turned black. He immediately grabbed my arm and dragged me inside the castle. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to Philip.

He released my arm when we reached the garden. He looks furious as he pinched the bridge of his nose. I stepped back a few meters away from him. "You're calling your ex-lover by his first name, but you cannot do the same to your husband. How ironic." He said as he laughed like a psychotic.

"What are you—." I was stopped by his sudden action. My jaw dropped when I feel his embrace. I felt my heart stopped for a few seconds. He's hugging me gently like I was very fragile. What a random display of affection?

"I always wanted to do this." He said under his breath. "And I will always do this whenever I like."


I heard someone yelled, but it feels like it came inside my head. What's going on?

I tried to break off from his embrace, but he tightens his embrace. "What's going on with you, your highness?" I asked. I waited for his reply, but he didn't even speak.


I heard that again. Someone's messing in my mind.

"One day, I will tell you everything about me, my Princess." He said in a soft voice. I felt my heart jumped in joy at the way he called me. I smiled warily. "Call me selfish, but no matter what you say or no matter what you do, I will never let you go. Mark my word." He said as I froze to where I was standing. I got mixed emotions about what he said. I felt happiness and sadness at the same time.

I decided to hide my real emotions and mocked him instead. "I don't have a choice, do I?" I asked as I rolled my eyes even he cannot see me doing that.

He released me from his tight embrace and patted me on the head. "You don't." He said seriously and then walked away. He really has a habit to leave me whenever he wants to. Geez. I put my one hand on the top of my chest, I breathed out as I felt my heart still pounding irregularly.

Prince Conrad's POV

"Alpha! All members of the pack are all here." Odin announced. I walked in front of them.

"Today, I would like to announce that we will resume our training. We will train in a human and in a wolf form. We need to make our pack stronger than before." I announced. They all looked at each other and started making a fuss.

"Is there a big threat against our pack, Alpha?" Leo asked.

"None so far, but I would like to make sure that we're ready whenever an attack happened. I don't want to bury any casualty from our pack. Am I clear?" I explained, and they all gave me positive answered in unison.

Everyone got a partner to train with, and they started the training. I asked Odin and Leo to supervise the training of all members.

"Where are you going, Alpha?" Odin asked before I shifted into a wolf form.

"I will survey the perimeter of the whole kingdom. I will check if there's trouble." I said.

"Alpha, is there something going on? You suddenly became restless." He asked.

"I need to protect my wife." His reaction changed, he was surprised. "Prince Philip threatened me, and I cannot just sit and relax knowing one of these days he will be back." I told him. "Treat this as a high priority." I commanded.

"I understand, Alpha." He said, smiling. I shifted into a wolf form and continued on my plan to check the whole kingdom.

I haven't told the whole pack that I already found my Luna, our Luna. I need to settle things first with my Princess before letting them know.