
The Princess' Incarnation

What if you weren't meant for the life you were living? What if destiny had something else planned for you? Dreaming of another life is totally normal but what if that life existed in another dimension?

mayssa_matallah · Fantasía
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6 Chs


"The coronation will take place in three months' time, how are you feeling about it?"

"I can not express my excitement, after all, this is the moment I have been trained for my whole life."

My body seems to be acting on its own, words coming out of my mouth but they are not mine. It feels like I am an outsider, watching the scene unfold from behind some curtain, yet here I am sitting at this huge table with these now familiar faces.

Their conversation about coronation, balls, and princes continues but I could only focus on the room we are in. It is always breathtaking to be here, even if I visit these places thousands of times, its details never cease to amaze me.

"Soraya do you have anyone in mind? You must have a favorite." The man sitting across from me asks with a smile that I cannot quite decipher.

Suddenly, the beeping of my alarm gets me out of this dream, and I find myself back in my own bed, in my extremely modest room compared to where I was.

I have been having these dreams for quite some time now, always the same people with the same concept, as if I am living in a TV series with each dream as a new episode, consecutive but not quite continued. But the strangest thing about these dreams is that I always feel like I am only watching the story unfold not actually being in control of anything happening that aside from the fact that I am always aware that I am dreaming.

I admit that I had a couple of rough months lately, and I would do anything to get away from all the chaos in my life, but I have never been a fan of kings and queens, at least not since I was just a toddler fascinated by Disney movies. I even find myself impressed most of the time by the details I manage to create in those dreams, just like the ones in the room I was in a couple minutes ago.

With the exhaustion of my daily life weighing on me, those dreams have become my safe haven and I wish I would never stop having them.