
The prince of water

Two men matter most in Ivy's life, two exceptional men, one a hero she has always admired, the other the ruler of an Empire she has always envied, two men with indomitable personalities and extraordinary powers who nevertheless hated each other long before they knew her. She loves them both. So who in the end will win her heart.

ashellion · Fantasía
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157 Chs


- Despite your darkness, I notice you are capable of tremendous devotion. Everything you do is for others. But you, what do you want? 

  Then, with its magic, the beast gently grabbed the young guest and lifted her high into the air, to his height. She witnessed firsthand the power he unleashed on all of Vaegos. And she instinctively guessed that he was going to take her back to Golos.

- What I want now is for you to leave. I have things to do, and I don't want you around to see them.

- But.... ! Mira tried to protest, but the ruler silenced her with a gesture.

- That's enough talk for one day. I know you're upset. But if it's any consolation, I've talked to you and revealed things like I've never done in my life.

- Really?