
The prince of water

Two men matter most in Ivy's life, two exceptional men, one a hero she has always admired, the other the ruler of an Empire she has always envied, two men with indomitable personalities and extraordinary powers who nevertheless hated each other long before they knew her. She loves them both. So who in the end will win her heart.

ashellion · Fantasía
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157 Chs

Despair and Light

He spoke of what was happening with such savagery, such astronomical and fatal force, as if he were talking about something trivial that lasted only a single second, as if it didn't matter to him whether this phenomenon came to life or not.

"Majesty..." said Kleb, facing him, "how can you talk about everything that is happening right now in this way? I..."

"You are lost. And I understand. But the most important thing is to know where your family is, at least the family that should have been yours."

Kleb continued to stare at him as if he couldn't understand what he was saying, or more honestly, as if he didn't want to understand.

Then he straightened up and knew the importance of what his sovereign had just told him, and looked around.

"Where are they, Your Majesty? Do you know? You know, don't you?

"I think I do. I feel their presence in the distance slowly, inexorably diminishing.