
The Prince And The Witch

Princess Alesa was born and abandoned by her mother whom was a runaway royal pureblooded witch princess from Jalin kingdom, whom had disguised herself as a maid to come work in the palace, only to end up stealing the heart of the king. As she grew, she was practically unaware of her magical abilities and while running away from an arranged marriage with her betroth whom was a wizard, she ended up enchanting another prince to sleep with her and take her away to his kingdom. Her betrothed found out and waged war against Prince Ali whom took her away, threatening to burn down the whole kingdom, if she wasn't returned back to him.. but Prince Ali refused as he had already fallen in love with her and gotten her pregnant. Enraged King Fedina cursed her that she wouldn't be able to give birth to the child, except she returns back to him as he needed her to fulfill their ancestral royal prophesy of birthing a demigod, one whom has all magical powers to control Air, fire, water and life. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · Historia
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38 Chs

Chapter 38

Back in Jalin Royal Mansion.

"King Fedina, King Fedina!," Queen Latifa knocked hard on his door as she stood waiting for him to come out, she wanted to discuss with him immediately.

"What is it mother?," questioned King Fedina as he finally opened his door.

"Don't act like you don't know what the problem is," stated Queen Latifa as she glared at him.

"Are you really serious about not consummating your marriage with Felicia?," questioned Queen Latifa as she stare angrily at him, to think her son was punishing his new wife because of Tata's daughter.

"Hmph.. What is it mother, haven't I had this conversation with you, I only married her to be crowned king, not because I need her for anything," He said as he walk back into his room, leaving his mother standing by the door, she followed him into his room.

"Are you for real Fedina?," questioned Queen Latifa

"No mother, am not, What's all this? Why will you be monitoring me to know when I consummate my marriage with Felicia, it not compulsory I do that you know."

"Fedina!!," She thundered.

"King Fedina mother, King Fedina," He corrected and she glared at him,

"Why not just do it even if it just once with her, atleast to get the witches protection powers," She advised.

"It not compulsory mother, it wasn't like they protected dad before he died," He spoked calmly.

"That was because of what you did, it not in our tradition to kill a ruling king of another kingdom,"

"Mother please can we just leave this topic, when am thru with what am doing I will call Felicia over and speak with her, to let her understand the situation of things with me."

"Fine, you better should!," She thundered, and as she was about exiting his room, she turned and look back and noticed the small monitor pot.

"What are you doing with that Fedina?," she questioned him as she went nearer to look at the pot properly. "A monitor pot!," she exclaimed.

"Whom are you monitoring, hope it's not Tata's daughter?," She questioned him again but he didn't respond.

"Fedina, haven't I told you to forget about Tata's daughter, you can't have her again, atleast now you have Felicia and she's still pure compared to Tata's daughter whom had soiled her body with another man's thing."

"Enough mother!," thundered King Fedina, "You may leave my room now," he said calmly.

"Are you sending me out?," questioned Queen Latifa and he kept quiet and looked away from her, while he took the pot and went to return it back in his wardrobe.

"Fedina!," She called after him.

"Mother just let me be, I have told you I did not marry Felicia because am obsessed to be protected, no, I only married her because of the crown, I have other things am working on that interests me, and that includes Aunt Tata's daughter, yes, I will get her back, and I will mate with her, her only," He spoked and Queen Latifa rage growl while her eyes darkened.

"Shut your mouth Fedina, you will not marry that woman's daughter!"

"Your sister's daughter," He corrected.

"I won't let that happen, not when am alive," He stiffened hearing his mother's statement,

"Are you threatened me with suicide now mother?," he questioned.

"No! but you shouldn't force me too."

"Hmm.." He frowned and she turned and left his chambers, leaving him alone in his room again, he finally smiled and went back to do some other things he had to do for the day, the following day was a parade day for him and his new Queen to ride down town, so the people can get familiar with them, he decided to call Queen Felicia to come into his chambers as he wanted to inform her of their tomorrow outing so she would prepare herself.

"Silas!," He called his personal guard whom appeared immediately, "Go call Queen Felicia for me, ask her to come see me in my chamber now," He said

"Okay your majesty," Silas immediately left to call Queen Felicia as he hurriedly went to her chambers and knocked on the door, her maid opened the door and attended to him.

"Is her majesty inside?," He questioned the maid, "Yes," She replied him.

"Tell her his majesty requested her presence in his chamber right now," then he turned and left after delivering the message to the Queen's maid, she turned and went in.

"Who was there Bintu?," questioned Queen Felicia.

"It his highness personal servant, he said his majesty requested of your presence in his chamber right now," She delivered the message to Queen Felicia.

"Okay, help me prepare myself, or do I look okay like this?," She questioned her maid as she turned again to stare at her reflection in the large wall mirror.

"You look just fine my Queen," spoked Bintu.

"Thank you." Queen Felicia was excited to know that King Fedina as finally asked her to come to his room, she wondered if he finally want to consummate his marriage with her.

Her face beamed as she sat and asked her maid to help straighten her hair as she felt it wasn't brushed properly, after making sure she looked sweet, she went up the stairs to King Fedina's chamber to see him, reaching in front of his room door, she felt nervous as her palms were sweating, She finally lean on the fort and knock on it.

The guard standing by the door told her to go in and not wait for the king to come open it since she was his wife, she nodded and went into the room.

King Fedina sat on the couch in his room while he stretched his legs out and placed it on top of a small wooden stool placed in front of him, he turned and stared at her, indeed she was beautiful and chubby, he motioned for her to take a sit on the couch opposite of him, she quickly walk over and sat on it.

"You called for me," She spoked first.

"Yes I did, Well tomorrow we will be going on our parade as the new king and queen of Jalin, and I want you to prepare yourself for it, that's why I called you to inform you, as a lot of people will be outside waiting to congratulate us," He said, and she nodded in understanding.

"Is that all?," she asked him and he stared at her a little, while she looked downward feeling nervously shy as he had never spoken to her, ever since they got married.

"Well yes, that's all for now, or do you want to ask me anything?," He questioned her back as he lean forward and picked his glass cup of wine and place it on his lip to sip, she looked up at him feeling more shy to ask him anything, he continued to watch her as she blushed, when she did not say anything in response, he told her, "That's all for now, you can return back to your chambers and prepare yourself for tomorrow," She nodded and stood up and left his chamber, feeling excited that tomorrow she will be walking side by side with him and everyone in Jalin will now know she's the new Queen, even her mother whom had abandoned them will see her as the new crowned Queen, she smiled sweetly as she dance on her way going back to her chamber, Prince Maxuel came out from his room as he had returned from his studies and sighted her dancing, he was surprised to see how she swirled even though she was thick and chubby, he quickly looked away before someone would catch him admiring his brother's wife.