
The Prince And The Witch

Princess Alesa was born and abandoned by her mother whom was a runaway royal pureblooded witch princess from Jalin kingdom, whom had disguised herself as a maid to come work in the palace, only to end up stealing the heart of the king. As she grew, she was practically unaware of her magical abilities and while running away from an arranged marriage with her betroth whom was a wizard, she ended up enchanting another prince to sleep with her and take her away to his kingdom. Her betrothed found out and waged war against Prince Ali whom took her away, threatening to burn down the whole kingdom, if she wasn't returned back to him.. but Prince Ali refused as he had already fallen in love with her and gotten her pregnant. Enraged King Fedina cursed her that she wouldn't be able to give birth to the child, except she returns back to him as he needed her to fulfill their ancestral royal prophesy of birthing a demigod, one whom has all magical powers to control Air, fire, water and life. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · Historia
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38 Chs

Chapter 20

Princess Alesa has heard their argument as she had loud ears, She immediately stood up when Queen Mahama reaches her room door, pushed the door wide open and came in, with her son Prince Ali standing behind her as he tried to calm her.

"Mother!" Prince Ali tried to calm his mother but she rebuked him, "Don't son!, Don't you dare to interfere" She warned him, and step forward to face Princess Alesa.

Staring at the beautiful young lady in front of her, as Princess Alesa wore the clothes given to her by the maids to change from her old wear that she had previously come with. Queen Mahama was stunned by her beauty and smooth skin and for a moment she forgot why she had rushed into the room. The maids cloth was a short piece of top, and a simple short skirt revealing their belly button and slender leg. Queen Mahama gulped and finally recollected herself as she heard Princess Alesa greeting her.

"Don't you dare greet me!" Queen Mahama cut her off from greeting her.

Prince Ali was also stunned to see her beautiful she looked, he hadn't seen her for some days since when he had fainted, his lips parted as he stared at her but words failed him to speak as his mother kept yelling at Alesa.

"You are living this palace today, to wherever you cane from, If you claimed you are from Acan then get ready as I will ask the guards to arrange the carriage and personally go along with you, till they are sure you are truly from Acan," Queen Mahama spoked while Princess Alesa shook her head in agreement not saying anything.

Queen Mahama turned to leave the room and walk past her son, she stopped at the door way and stared at Princess Alesa again, looking at her from head to toe, she shook her head and left, with her maids following behind her.

Prince Ali stood still and stared at Alesa, he couldn't say anything for a moment, as he remembered how he had slept with her beside the river, he looked really embarrassed and his leg refuse to move.

The two maids whom used to help Alesa also worked with the Royal physician even though they were Palace maid, they excused themselves from the room as they bowed their head and left, leaving only Princess Alesa and Prince Ali standing in the room.

Princess Alesa turned after the two maids left and sat on the bed, she looked downward not able to meet the gaze of the prince. She remembered everything and also looking at his handsome face, reminded her how she had kissed him hard, she blushed as she look away not wanting him to see her red face.

Prince Ali already spotted it though, he saw her smiling and he became angry, but his eyes still scanned her exposed thigh as her skirt went up while she sat, looking sideway.

"You will be leaving back to Acan, sorry if my mother had embarrassed you, but she's really going through a lot at the moment," Prince Ali said and Princess Alesa shook her head in agreement not wanting to look at him.

Crown Prince Ali wanted to leave the room, but his leg failed him, so he turned and walk back to her, as she sat still on the bed, he stop and stood in front of her. ",Am sorry for what happened the other day" He said and Princess Alesa still shook her head in agreement.

"Can't you talk?," he asked her as he wanted to hear her voice again, even if it was for the last time, as he wasn't sure if he will be seeing her again.

Princess Alesa shook her head not wanting to speak with him, she bit her lower lips instead and looked away from him, blinking her long eye lashes, as she stared at the wall.

Prince Ali looked at her, he knows she also didn't want to talk to him, So he bent down facing her, so he can look at her face.

Princess Alesa stared back at him, and meet his gaze, they were now facing each other, she blinked and look downward again.

"Ain't you happy, you are going back home?" He ask her as he held her bare smooth fingers in his, Princess Alesa shrugged her shoulders not replying him, but he smiled and his smiles were charming, She look up at his face again and stare directly at his face. His smiles made him look more handsome she thought.

"I could have allowed you stay and show you around but my mother is really. angry and I don't understand why, But maybe next time, if we get to miss again," Then he stood up straight and wanted to leave.

"Wait!" Princess Alesa called him and he froze hearing her sweet voice, he turned and look back at her.

"What?" He ask as he was now facing her.

Princess Alesa bit her lower lips before she finally spoke, "Am sorry too, I shouldn't, I mean we shouldn't have done it," She said looking downwardly not wanting to meet his gaze as she was blushing stupidly only remember how it felt.

"It okay," Prince Ali replied and he exit the room.

Princess Alesa shook her head, "What am I thinking," She asked herself as soon as Prince Ali left.

"I didn't come here with anything, so I will have to leave with nothing," She said to herself as she turned, just then she remembered she wasn't with her veil and her clothes as she didn't even know when, or how she was brought into Kande Palace, She immediately stepped out of the room, not knowing the direction to the prince chamber as she wanted to ask him for her clothes and most especially her veil.

Princess Alesa came out of the room to the hall way and she saw many maids working, cleaning the already tiled floor, even as the floor were sparkling neat, She gulped as she had not came out of the room since when she had woken up.

The maids paused what they were doing noticing she was staring at them and stared back at her in shock, seeing that she was also putting on a maid cloths, they wondered when the palace had employed such a beautiful woman to come work in the palace as a maid, until it dawned on them that she was actually the same girl, Tasha and Chika the two maids working with the Royal physician had told them about before. They didn't know if to greet her or show her around as they heard she was a princess but confusingly to them she was dressed like a maid.

Just as a maid wanted to approach Alesa , Queen Mahama was spotted coming down the stairs and she glared at the maid whom hurriedly went back to continue what she was doing as she didn't want to offend the Queen.

Coming downstairs to the second floor, Queen Mahama shifted her gaze to look at the beautiful girl her son had brought into the palace, she indeed looked beautiful but she didn't interest her.