
The Prince and The Pirate

Ilona Black is the oldest daughter of the Pirate King. All her life, she's wanted to be a great pirate captain, just like her father. When she's finally given the chance, however, things go terribly wrong- Ilona's younger siblings have been captured and now it's up to her to get them back. All hope seems lost until she happens to meet the wickedly handsome Prince Mason who is having his own bad luck. He has been promised to marry a princess who he is quite certain is evil. He has no way to escape the marriage but once he meets the beautiful pirate Captain he comes up with a plan that will help them both. He will marry the daughter of the cruel king who took Ilona's siblings. They sail away and the plan seems perfect. Mason will escape the evil princess and Ilona will get her siblings back. But what happens when they start to fall for each other and put their whole plan in jeopardy? And what if their ship never reaches its destination at all?

Erin_McLain_4927 · Fantasía
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304 Chs

Strange Actions

      Ilona wasn't alone in their cave for long before someone called in to her. She was surprised when she saw it was Anja returning.

      "Mother... did you forget something?"

      "No," Anja sighed. "Well, I meant to ask you for a favor earlier and I forgot."

      Ilona frowned, not remembering the last time her mother had ever asked for something and called it a favor. Normally, she just told her daughter to do things. "What is the favor?"

      "Go with me to the freshwater pool," Anja replied. "I want to have a good wash and I don't want one of these men to walk up on me while I'm not dressed."

      "Uh, alright," Ilona replied after a moment of hesitation. "Do you have everything you need? I could..."

      "Why don't you wash once I'm finished?" her mother interrupted. "You might as well take advantage of the new soap I've made. It smells like some of the flowers I've found here. It's not too bad, if I do say so myself."