
The Price of love

"Every time I win a fight I lose the war and this time I've lost the war if I want something it's taken from me to never knew this day would come but I need your help Mr Price" Love is a very deadly drug especially for the price brothers but love has twisted one if them in a way that can never be fixed when he first laid eyes on he he was swirled with the need to be with her every way but fate would not allow it but the longer he is away from her the stronger his obsession grows but looks like luck is on his side when she. ame asking for help and in return he would get whatever he wants. Remember nothing stays hidden forever not even the darkest desires after all in love you might get burnt or be kept warm.

maelegends · Adolescente
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

Arriving at the dinner all eyes were on them Red noticed Ryan give them questioning looks she looked at Valerie who was holding Ryan 's mother "Meredith Greene you are Luciano's girl friend" his mother said with shock she never like Red she was too odd for her liking she rather prefers girls like Valerie sweet,kind and loving while Red was more cold blooded, distant, controlling and had a lot of bad blood running through her veins Ryan signaled for Luciano so that they could talk in private "why are you doing this" Ryan said as soon as they were out of everyone 's sight " what do you mean by that?" Luciano said he knew what he meant he just wanted to test his patience "oh don't act dumb now, I break up with Red and next thing you two are dating" he said his vein bulging from his forehead "I think someone 's jealous" Luciano said smiling at him "jealous over someone like Red I would rather sacrifice myself to a den of lions" Ryan said looking at Red "that could be arranged" Luciano said grabbing a glass of wine "why?" Ryan just said he didn't pay attention to what his brother said but one thing was for sure there was truth hidden behind his words "Ryan you know the problem with you is that you don't see the value of something you had but instead chose something with less value" Luciano said Ryan looked t him like he was crazy Valerie was precious more than Red ever was "Luciano please spare me the lecture every one knows about your little secret obsession that was the reason you changed yourself the very reason you built your own empire Luciano" Ryan said it's true his brother had changed Red didn't realize the power she had over him how she could ask him to kill an he would where was the stable and sane Luciano "you don't know anything" "it's because you wanted to be close to her and not be part of the law firm" he looked at Ryan he wanted to make him hurt not tell him his life story "Ryan poor sweet Ryan i`m doing more than that for my 'little obsession' " Luciano said smiling at him he left and handed Red a glass of wine who was bore out of her mind she was tired of hearing about how Ryan ' mother wishes that Valerie would be her future daughter in law Red rolled her eyes listening to Amelia talk about how great of a mother she would make.

Red looked at Luciano who gave her a smile "so Luciano you are with Meredith Greene" Asher said his voice was filled with disbelief "yes, is there a problem" Luciano said looking at Asher he was the last person he wanted to talk to Red "no there isn't I`m just shocked" he said looking them up and down "well its a shock to us all it seems like Luciano took after his father" Amelia said getting up to finish setting up the table "and why would you say that mother?" "because you all seem to make bad decisions when it comes to women" "enough Amelia I don't need any of your remarks tonight" Amelia turned away and sighed "they are not remarks Santiago its the truth" "what truth makes people uncomfortable?" Santiago replied if there was ever a bad decision he made it was marrying her "The truth hurts now can we please sit down and eat" Amelia said.

After dinner Valerie left Ryan `s house for how long was she gonna keep this secret she drove home and met her father at the front door "well how was the dinner Valerie?" her mother asked "it was great" Valerie answered she was about to leave when her father stooped her "well its good to see that you found a presentable young man other than that idiot" her father commented she nodded how was she gonna tell them their loving daughter had gone astray she looked at the calendar, just four more days left with this facade and she would be free she hoped that things would go on smoothly and not start a fire she cannot control, she knew what she did would leave people shattered but she didn't have a choice she grabbed a bag from her closet and started packing the next three days she would be starting afresh and there was nothing wrong she did I mean Red could look at it like a blessing "Valerie, Ryan is here to see you" her mom yelled she hid the bag back in her closet and opened her bedroom door for him "hey princess" he said giving her a hug "hey, what are you doing here?" "is it wrong to come and see you" it wasn't a question more like a statement she moved aside and let him in "no, I didn't mean it like that its just that I thought you would be asleep by now" she said playing with her hands "how could I sleep knowing next friday we would be moving in together" he said looking at her this was going to be the highlight of his life he stood up from her bed and held her face "its a new beginning for both of us" he said she looked at him pure happiness was written all over his face "Valerie I love you" he said she looked at him and a tear fell it wasn't suppose to go this far but it was for the best "Ryan thanks" she said loving away from his touch "why do I feel like I'm losing you" he said trying to get close to her 'because you are' she thought he looked at her "Ryan you will never lose me I'm right here forever" she said he smiled and kissed her cheek "well thats a relief" he closed the door and left Valerie `s house.