
The Prey of Souls (BL novel)

Sampson works as a servant to the Prince in the royal Kingdom of Toombak. There's growing unrest with the unstoppable army of souls devouring every kingdom in it's path with it slowly making it's way to Toombak. The only hope is that the lost son of Vahda, the tribe that created the army to defeat it's enemies, will one day return. At the Prince's annual birthday after the Souls storm the Castle it is revealed that Sampson is the lost son and therefore tasked with defeating the army. First he must learn how to be a fighter, having the arrogant Prince. What starts of as a tumultuous relationship quickly turns into friendship. But with Sampson starting to think of the Prince as more than a friend he may have more than the army of souls to worry about.

yumiyoung · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
31 Chs

Chapter 14

Sampson would have preferred not to acknowledge Onyx at all but with him being so close to the Prince it was inevitable that their paths would cross regularly. Sampson hadn't forgotten that he had tried to kill him a mere few days ago when he had ran from the grand hall after controlling the souls.

Onyx wasn't alone either. The whole of the King's guard had come out onto the field for training. Sampson shifted nervously on the spot, looking at their approaching figures in disdain. Half of them had threatened to kill him and the other half had tried too. They probably wouldn't recall but Sampson could relay a harrowing story about every single one of them.

"You haven't trained with the knights for weeks Linshanth. You should train with us today". "I have been busy". "With him". Sampson didn't mistake the venom in his voice. "Enough Onyx. You know how important it is that he's trained".

"I wouldn't waste my time if I were you. You can't teach a rat to act like a lion", he spoke smugly. Sampson clenched his fists at his sides. "Bring him to training. We'll see what he's made of", Ethereal spoke. He was standing side by side with Adonis who was also grinning. "Enough. He isn't ready". "I am", Sampson spoke before he could stop himself. Onyx had called him a rat which meant he thought of him as nothing more than vermin. He wanted to prove that he wasn't.

"Sampson", Linshanth spoke in a warning tone. "He says he's ready Linshanth. Don't stop him. I'll fight him first". A sword was tossed at his feet as the knights stood back to watch the fight. Sampson picked up the sword gingerly. He had nothing but his blue robes on. They were made of thick material but were no protection from the blade of his sword.

The Prince stood at the side lines, gritting his jaw. He wanted to stop the fight but if he did the knights would think Sampson needed the Prince to do everything for them and he would never gain their respect.

Onyx came charging at Sampson first, waving his sword in the air and bringing it down harshly to slice through his head. Sampson moved to the side, dropping down on the floor and rolling away from him. He stood before Onyx could bring his sword down again. He was a vicious fighter and even more vicious with his words.

"I cut down a servant with my sword only this morning. Was he a friend of yours?". Sampson gritted his teeth running towards him. Sampson vividly remembered walking with Thomas. He was new to the Kingdom having been bought some weeks earlier from one of the farms from a Kingdom far away. He had been assigned to work under Master Duncan and so Sampson took him under his wing.

It took him a few months to become adjusted to living in such a big Kingdom. He would often come to work with puffy red eyes and talk of how much he missed home. He was from a large family and with no way to contact them he became increasingly lonely. Sampson had no idea of what it was like to have a family and didn't know of many servants that did have them. Perity had a family but she positively hated them for sending her away to be married at such a young age. Sampson had saved him from Master Duncan's wrath on several occasions, taking the beatings for him when he made a mistake.

Thomas would feel bad every time, promising Sampson that he would never make that mistake again. He often cried when he saw how much Sampson bled from his wounds. He acted like Minnie in that respect, Sampson would have to coax him with soft words in order for him to stop crying and even then he still felt terrible about it for days afterwards. He would come to work with dark circles having not slept the night before because he spent the whole night worrying that he would make another mistake in front of Master Duncan.

Sampson tried to explain that it didn't matter what he did. Master Duncan would find a fault in any thing.

They were often made to collect buckets of rainwater to wash down the walls of the castle. The buckets were left just outside the castle walls where they would be undisturbed and it was often a far walk back to the Prince's chambers. They carried two at a time and made at least 5 or 6 trips every time. They never left any later than mid afternoon because that was when the knights were training but it so happened that the Prince had returned from riding and had gotten the floor dirty with his riding boots.

Sampson and Thomas ran down to collect buckets of water but on their way back they were spotted by the knights. The knights had a calling whenever they saw a servant, they would howl like wolves and then hunt them down like them to. They travelled in a large pack when they were hunting one servant but would separate in two's or threes when hunting down several. Sampson and Thomas had dropped the buckets of water the moment they heard the wolves howling. Sampson grabbed Thomas's arm and started running through the path back towards the castle where they would be safe. Master Duncan positively hated them both but he wouldn't let the knights kill them. Not because he cared an inkling for them but they were both properly trained up and he positively hated it when he had to train up a new servant. He was getting older and so his patience for that sort of thing had long grown thin.

Onyx had been the one to spot them first and he ran after them. He had a particular liking to kill after training like it was a way for him to destress. Thomas wasn't as quick on his feet as Sampson was and he fell a few times. He was too heavy for Sampson to hold and so the only thing Sampson could do was drag him along. Being slower in pace the knights caught up quickly. They wouldn't make it back to the castle in time and so Sampson dragged him through the market stalls. They were closed during the day and the people who operated them away so the street was deserted but it meant they were plenty of hiding places.

It was Sampson's decisions that they split up. They were more likely to be caught if they were hiding together and so he told Thomas to hide behind one stall whilst he hid behind another. The knights came running through and Sampson held his breath, curling himself into a tight ball and praying they wouldn't look to where he was hiding.

Sampson knew that even when the knights ran past there could be a chance they would still be waiting and so he didn't come out right away. Thomas who had never been chased like this before didn't know and came out of his hiding place the moment their footsteps seemed distant. Sampson only knew he had been caught until he heard Thomas's screams of pain and by then it was too late.

Sampson waited until he no longer heard screams of pain or for the sound of footsteps to disappear before he came out of his hiding place. They had dragged him first and took him to a secluded area where they could have their fun with him. Sampson followed the spouts of blood until he appeared at the back of one of the stalls.

Onyx had cut off his arms and legs. He would have revelled in his pain and sat there and laughed whilst he screamed. He was still alive when Sampson got there but his breathing was ragged and his eyes opened and closed limply as he tried to hold on to the little life he had left. There was no saving him no with the amount of blood he had lost and even if he did survive he would never be able to work again.

His body withered in pain and Sampson couldn't bare to see him like that. He covered his mouth and nose and suffocated him as an act of kindness. When he blew out his last breath Sampson buried him. Sampson rarely cried, he had grown up with cruelness at every direction and so this was nothing new but Thomas had no greed in him.

He was faint hearted and scared out of his wits most of the time. He would have been incredibly scared whilst the knights hacked away at him. Sampson would have killed himself in that moment if it would have brought him back. He knew better than to leave him alone and yet he did it anyway.

When he looked at Onyx now as he swung his sword around gleefully, his face full of mischief and greed hate riveted through his bones. He wanted to make him hurt like Thomas had and every other servant he had so mercilessly cut down. That anger that poured with him flooded into his sword and when Onyx brought his sword down again Sampson swung his into the air and clashed his sword with it. Onyx hadn't expected Sampson to attack so aggressively and from the impact took several steps back.

Sampsons eyes grew wild when he swung his sword again, almost slicing off Onyx's leg. He wanted him to feel pain and beg for mercy until he wilted into nothing. Sampson brought his sword down again and clashed sword with him causing them to come face to face. "He called out for his mother when I cut him down. I took his toes off one by one and then his legs and arms", he murmured haughtily. Sampson pushed him back, he was so angry he was practically vibrating.

Onyx was only trying to rile him up so he was more likely to make a mistake but it was only making Sampson stronger. When Onyx came for him again Sampson shot his sword towards him before kicking his stomach and sending him down to the floor. He stood over him with his sword pointed.

The longer he stood there the more grave the expression on Onyx's face became. "Your eyes…", he murmured. He raised it ready to hack off his limbs one by one when he felt a soft breath blow on his neck.

"Enough now Sampson", Linshanth spoke in a soft whisper. He wanted to stay angry but with these simple words he could feel that anger slowly dissipating. He dropped his sword on the ground and stalked away. He walked quickly before the Prince could follow him. He needed time to be alone to collect his thoughts.

The pond would be busy at this time of day and he didn't want to risk seeing Minnie and Perity there when they drained the water from the trough. It worried them when he was angry and he had done enough to make them concerned lately. Instead he found himself in the Prince's private gardens. No one but the Prince was permitted in his gardens without his say so and so Sampson felt he would be safe here.

He sat under the apple tree and exhaled a breath. He couldn't mistake the look in Onyx's eyes or the words that he spoke. He had said something about Sampson's eyes like he had been afraid. He couldn't mistake the slight tremble in his voice.

Since getting his magic he had lost control a few times but he had never hurt anyone and he knew he never would. He wasn't the type of person who could harm the innocent. "Did it make you feel better fighting Onyx?", Linshanth muttered behind him. Sampson expected him to be angry but his tone was light and humorous.

Sampson turned his head. The Prince stood by the tree but he was too close for Sampson to see his face without craning his neck. "I thought you would be angry. I know you are close". "Between you and me he deserved it".

"He deserves a lot more than that", Sampson muttered, rolling his head to the other side. The Prince was just like them, he had killed and slaughtered servants like him for sport. But through the times they spent together Sampson was starting to forget. He wanted to hate the Prince as much as he hated them but it was difficult when he kept going out of his way to help him. Sampson had to remember that if he was still a servant and not the lost son of Vahda that could save them all from the army of souls he wouldn't be receiving this special treatment.

"You're angry", the Prince mused as he dropped down on his hunches and sat facing him. "Why are you here?". "This is my private gardens. I should be asking you why you are here". "I will take my leave". Sampson made a move to get up but the Prince reached over and pushed his shoulder down. "Stay. It would be safer now that all the knights are out for your blood".

"Don't tell me we have to sleep in the same bed again", Sampson muttered dismally. He couldn't recall anything that had happened last night at all but it made him too embarrassed to think about. "It would be safer if you slept in my chambers". "I'm sure there are pretty princesses you would rather share a bed with. Don't burden yourself with me". The Prince looked away and Sampson smiled.

"Aren't you going to get married soon Linshanth. I heard it was going to be the Princess of Segal". "My parents are in marriage talk with hers". "Should I congratulate you yet?". "I never want to hear a word of congratulations from you". Sampson frowned at his words but didn't question them.

"You don't sound happy to be married". "She only wants me for my money and the title to be Queen of Toombak". Sampson couldn't argue in that respect, if they truly knew what the Prince was like they would run a mile. At least Sampson would if he was a princess, forget the money and the title.

"I'm sure that's not true". Linshanth gave him a pointed look. "Maybe if you actually talked to one you might find yourself falling in love". "Marriage is a contract between two kingdoms, to better our connections. There is no place for love in my world".

"Won't you be lonely if you marry someone you don't love?". "I have a duty to uphold as the future King. I cannot think for myself but as what is best for the people of Toombak".

Sampson sighed. It all sounded utterly depressing to hear. He was happy he would never have to marry someone he didn't want to. He would ask for Minnie's hand and they would live together happily. It wouldn't be love at first, not in the conventional way at least. He couldn't imagine being in love with Minnie and having to procreate. The thought made his stomach feel funny. But eventually those feelings would subside. He only ever wanted to make her happy and if that wasn't love he wasn't sure what else it could be.

"Have you ever liked something?". The Prince blushed crimson. Sampson smiled. He had never known the Prince to get embarrassed so easily. The question didn't seem like something to cause embarrassment and seeing that it did, it only made Sampson want to poke fun into him more. "Come on, you can tell me", he egged on. The Prince cleared his throat, turning his head to the other side of the tree. "I don't have to answer stupid questions".

"I'm not going to tell anyone". "You are despicable". "Yes, yes I know. I am truly horrible. I am so horrible in fact I won't stop asking until you tell me", Sampson murmured. He had wrapped his hands tightly around Linshanth's arm and held it tightly whilst he shook it, trying to make the Prince look at him.

"If you tell me, I will tell you". The Prince looked at him, narrowing his eyes. "Who is it that you like?". "I asked first, you have to tell me yours first". The Prince reached over and grabbed his shoulders, pulling him closely whilst digging his fingers into his shoulder blade. "Tell me". "No one, no one. I was joking", Sampson blurted quickly before the Prince could become any more aggressive. He relinquished his hold and Sampson rubbed at his abused skin. "There, I've told you. Now you have to tell me". The Prince rested his head against the tree. Sampson expected him not to say anything since he never entertained him when he spoke about things like this.

"There is someone I liked once". Sampson's mouth gaped open in surprise. The cold Prince actually had a crush on someone. He wanted to laugh but he knew if he teased him now he would think Sampson was poking fun at him and wouldn't tell him who it was. "Was she a princess?", Sampson asked. "They didn't hold a title, at least not then". Sampson frowned. It didn't seem like the Prince to fall for someone that didn't carry a title. Surely he saw any that didn't have a high enough social status as vermin like everyone else did.

"If they didn't hold a title, what did they do?". "They…It does not matter. It was a long time ago", the Prince spoke, dismissing the question. "Can you at least tell me what happened to them? Did you ever confess your crush?".

"By the time I realised what it is I felt towards them it was already too late. They were gone". "Gone as in dead?", Sampson asked in surprise. "Gone. Just gone", the Prince murmured. His tone was sullen and so were his eyes. Sampson had never felt bad for any of the royals before.

They had so much that he couldn't dream of and yet in this moment he couldn't help but feel bad for Linshanth. It was true he had everything but what he lacked Sampson seemed to have an abundance of. He had friends and constant company, there wasn't a moment he could think of in the past couple of years that he had ever felt lonely.

He imagined that the Prince felt like that all the time. And so he lived a sheltered life in the high walls of the castle but his life lacked any sort of warmth. But still it didn't excuse all the horrible things he had done in the past. He treated servants like he owned them and as if they didn't have their own thoughts and feelings and people they cared for who would feel a lot of pain if anything were to happen to them.

"It's not too late to find them. You have people, I'm sure you could find her if you wanted to". "It was a long time ago. I don't feel the same way as I did then". Sampson could see clearly in his eyes that, that was a lie. He talked about this lady as if he would still move mountains for her. Sampson presumed she must have seen sense and ran for the hills.

"Why are hellebores the only flower to grow in your garden?". It seemed so peculiar to only have one flower growing in his garden. Even the King grew an array of flowers in his private gardens and they were big and bold much like him. "You act as though you don't remember". "I don't remember what?", Sampson asked. The Prince's lips tightened like he was disappointed until that expression faded replaced by his usual blank expression that showed nothing of what he was really thinking.

"It is starting to get dark. We should go back inside". "Can't we stay for a few more hours? I like watching the sunset". He had lost count of the amount of times he had fallen asleep under the sunset because he couldn't drag himself away from looking at the sky. If there was anything he missed it was that.

"You're not a servant anymore Sampson. It is no longer safe for you to sit outside after dark". The Prince made it sound that he was as elusive as he was now and couldn't go anywhere without protection.

Sampson reluctantly followed Linshanth back to his chambers but he had already decided before he stepped inside that he would not share a bed with the Prince. You could excuse it happening once, but any more than that and rumours would start to circulate about them. Men did not cavort with other men although Sampson had heard of it happening, not that he had ever seen it before. He didn't know anyone that was brass enough to do such a thing or that would speak about it openly.

The Prince was only trying to protect him but he could do that without them having to share the same sheet. Whilst the Prince washed up Sampson arranged some sheets on the floor, taking one of the Prince's pillows and putting that on the floor also. He was still putting the sheets in place when the Prince came back into the room.

"What are you doing?". "Making my bed. If you insist I must sleep here, I will at least make myself feel comfortable". He expected the Prince to protest like he had last night but this time he didn't say anything. Instead he went to the far side of the room where there were two book cases stacked with books. If there was one thing he had noticed about the Prince was that he was an avid reader. He would often be reading a book whilst being served breakfast in the morning. Sampson had never learnt to read and so he couldn't tell what the Prince was reading but he guessed it was books of spells and magic.

The Prince arranged himself in his study, picking up one of the books from the shelf and skimming through it. Whatever he was reading was of little interest to him since he barely the page before he flicked through to the next one. It looked like he was just trying to find a way to busy himself. Sampson pulled back the sheets and made himself comfortable, rolling on his side to where the Prince was working.

He thought about tomorrow and the Kings and Queens that would be coming to see him talk to the souls. He himself was nervous. He wasn't afraid of the souls anymore, even with their ghastly figures. In the grand hall he had felt like he was connected to them in some way but it wasn't something he could explain. They wanted him to destroy the souls but it sounded impossible. They were created by a powerful spell and only that same spell could dispel the souls back into the earth where they had come from.

They would expect great things from him and he feared what would happen to him if he couldn't deliver. The King already wanted to kill him though he still thought that as Linshanth's paranoia. If the King wanted him dead he wouldn't behind the shadows and get one of his consorts to do the task for him.

Sampson held these thoughts whilst he slept. He rolled around on the pillow and spoke words in his sleep that made no sense because his sentences were jumbled and noncoherent. Halfway through the night he could have sworn he felt like he was floating. His back hit something soft and no amount of his body rolling around did he make contact with a hard surface. He buried himself in his sheets and smelt something familiar that made his heart warm.