
The presidents return

Calvin was wounded to his heart when his son dies and wife illegally divorces him for another man because he is poor, his mother in law, treated him like a slave and out of this death, Calvin gets chosen by a universal system force as he decides to inherit even his father's wealth, just so he could take his Revenge on all those that hurt him, and it gets more interesting when Calvin discovers he is an Elite owning countries with information that he still has a child that is still alive but in danger.

DaoistpaI7jP · Ciudad
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49 Chs

Chapter 45

Calvin kept thinking about how to fully get him off his way as it was evident that he hated our family for years and was going to do anything in his power to get rid of his father's name and throw it in the trash.

"What was the thing that made Mr. Lugard who he is?" Calvin asked myself thinking further.

"They had to be a secret corporation ongoing between Mr. Lugard and the government... This has to be the only way the government was protecting him too." He thought to myself as various thoughts of how to destroy him completely kept running into his head before he got interrupted.

Calvin looked out to see that it's Sira and Nelson.

"Good day, sir." They greeted him.

"Yes, good day!" Calvin said back to them with a smile.

"We wanted to thank you sir." Sira said going on her knees with Nelson doing the same thing.

"But why?" Calvin asked them back in return.

"For all the good things you have been doing for us so far." Nelson says with his deep voice.

Calvin smiled.

"Oh common, get up from the floor." Calvin said back to them as they got up.

"I was able to pay for my external exams fees and we also gathered money to hire water agents to find our missing mother." Nelson said and his heart went from being proud to being sorrowful.

Calvin almost forgot that their mother was missing for over a month now and her body has not been found yet, he instantly felt concerned.

Calvin could see how precious the kids were.

"So you both saved so you could find your mother." Calvin said, smiling as he looked at them.

An image of his mother flashed through his mind.

Calvin remembers how she died.

"Since you both are such loving kids that are mindful to save to honour your mother... Have no worries no more... I will sponsor a search party for her." Calvin said to them and they held hands.

"Arthur." Calvin called the housekeeper.

"Yes young Master!" He replies to him.

"I need you to organise a search group of one thousand professional sea divers and one thousand helicopter search parties to immediately head to the sea and find the body of their mother, who has been missing for over a month now." Calvin said and Sira and Nelson fell back to the ground crying.

"Yes, Master Calvin, I will immediately arrange for that to be done immediately." He replies to him.

"But what should be the prize?" He asked.

"Whoever finds her will be rewarded with one hundred million dollars." Calvin said to Arthur and his eyes widened in shock, even Sira and Nelson kept silent in shock as they looked at him.

Calvin traced his hand through his shirt touching where he got shot before because he was trying to get money for Austin's health long before now.

The wound was still bleeding.

It was his fault anyways, he kept digging his fingers into it so he never forgets how it felt to lose his son Austin.

Then he breathed out in return.

Calvin turned to look at the kids before him.

"Thank you sir." Sira said crying as she hugged Nelson while they cried in each other's arms.

It brought a smile to his face.

Arthur was about to say something before he interrupted Calvin as Calvin picked up Hilda's call asking everyone to keep silent.

"Hello Hilda, how are you doing?" Calvin said to her.

"Oh fine, Mr Calvin." She replied.

"Okay, so why did you call me?" Calvin asked her.

"I have important information to tell you, it's from my spies at The Sunilson family." Hilda says to him.

"What is that?" Calvin asked.

"Speak!" He requested.

"Say please sweetie." She teases.

"Oh common Hilda, tell me already." Calvin said to her.

"Okay wait lol." She says before laughing.

"Well, I got information from my spies working for the Sunilson family that Sunil's mum, Mrs Sunilson, has a connection with Mr. Lugard, a man who happens to have been your father's hater." She said to him as Calvin began to give it a thought.

Could it be, Mr. Lugard wanted to assist them?

That will totally ruin his plans.

Calvin didn't want that to even happen.

Calvin meant... To state that he does not hate the man but if Mr. Lugard dares to walk into his revenge business, then Calvin will be ready to completely ruin the shit out of his shitty ass!

Calvin wouldn't be as merciful as his father.


"Hilda... What do you think he wants to do?" Calvin asked her in return.

"I think he wants to help them, and if he does that all our plans to punish them will be over because Mr. Lugard is also a powerful man and a core enemy of Rian' incorporation for a long time... This kind of news related to us is what he has been finding since." She said to Calvin as he stared at Nelson.

"And you will be shocked by what else I heard." She said to Calvin as he waited for her to talk.

"Speak Hilda, tell me everything I need to know." Calvin said to her as Calvin waited for her to speak.

"Oh well, Mr. Lugard and Mrs Sunilson, struck a deal that Sunil will be getting married to Mr. Lugard if he helps them... Sunil's wedding with Pete is happening tomorrow too." She said to Calvin and his lips opened in shock.

"Jeez! Sunil's getting married to an old man like Mr. Lugard, would she even agree to that over Mr. Pete peterson?" Calvin wondered how far Sunil could ever go for money.

"Well, my Source says that Sunil said Yes to it." Hilda said to him and his mouth parts in shock as Calvin looked at Arthur and then at Sira.

"Oh my God!" Calvin expressed surprise.

This was the news Calvin has been waiting for… Finally now, he could prove to Chloe that Mr. Pete peterson is a pretender and someone that does not deserve even one percent of her love.

This was enough proof to aid the Uzaron family in rejecting a two faced Mr. Pete and accepting him back in as her husband rather.

"So what else?" Calvin asked her over the phone.

"Sunil also arranged a date tomorrow as well and I have asked his guys to ensure they get a live stream of her date for you in case you need it." Erkia said to him and he laughed.

Hilda was the exact kind of woman Calvin liked.

"And what else?" Calvin asked again.

"I think you have a wedding to attend, Calvin." Hilda replied to Calvin evilly and he smiled.

"I guess so." Calvin said back to her with a short smile before she soon cut the call.

"Oh now that you are done, Kids, what is your mothers name?" Arthur asked.

"She is called Chloe." Both the kids said as Calvin and the housekeeper looked into each other's eyes, shocked at the name they called.

It could have been a different Chloe?

"That's so weird right?" Calvin asked the Housekeeper and he nodded with a Yes.

"Since their mothers name is Chloe, please Housekeeper increased the price to $200,000,000 million dollars because people named Chloe are amazing people." Calvin said to Arthur who concurred before he turned leaving with Sira and Nelson as well.

Hence, Calvin was still unaware Chloe was Kidnapped… After their last meeting at the hotel… He decided to avoid her so he could destroy the strong people stopping them from being together.

Now Back to the gists!

Calvin smiled knowing the chaos he would do next, especially since Sunil had a wedding and a date on the same day, with two of his nemesis.

Calvin added all the trauma together and he was depressed as he began to feel bothered.

Calvin locked his room so no one could get in.

Calvin turned to his table and saw Austin's photo.

Calvin sat over the bed looking into his both palms.

So he doesn't have a child anymore.

A tear rolls off his eyes in return.

Calvin wished he had Austin even though he wasn't his child.

Calvin carried Austin's photo looking at him.

Calvin cried more.

"I failed you... I am so sorry." He cried looking at him.

Calvin went towards where he hung his suit.

Calvin got hold of it, dipping his hand into his pockets as he removed a lashing Whip and powdered pepper which his father used to train him with when he was little to become a killing machine... An assassin.

Calvin was never a child that listened to his father's wishes… He always did what he wanted to, this is sincerely where all his life problems came from.

Calvin was not even with him till he died.

Stubborn him needing to be punished.

Calvin got a bowl of hot water which he got from the toilet as he poured the pepper into the hot water.

Then he dipped the whip into the hot water of pepper as he looked at Austin's picture.

"I let Austin die." Calvin accuses himself.

Calvin dipped his left hand finger into the gunshot he received from Sophia sent by his uncle as his blood bleeds down from his chest.

Then he got hold of the whip with his right hand as he whipped his back with it.

Calvin continued dipping it into the water as he continued lashing his back in return.

It hurt like fire.

It felt like he was burning in hell.

"Ahh!" He screamed in pain.

"Hah!" He cried even louder as he stared at his son's picture as he kept lashing himself.

Then he recalled his father's face when they lost his eldest brother after the plane crash.

Calvin cried bitterly as he continued lashing himself.

Maybe if he told him to stay with him that day... He would not have been dead.

He really wanted to talk to him.

And he did not even give him that chance.

So occupied playing games... he let him go.

And now, it's Austin... A child he loved with his life.

Calvin dipped his whip into the water again to see that the water had turned bloody.

Calvin lashed himself, over and over again as he cried.

"Calvin!" He heard Housekeepers' voice over the door.

"Sir, your door, Calvin... What are you doing?" He asked, panicking.

"I am tired of this life, Housekeeper, everyone I ever loved is gone... They are gone, Housekeeper... Ahh." Calvin said to him as he whipped himself again crying before he fell to the ground weeping terribly.

My whip hung over the chandelier and as he tried to remove it, it caused the entire chandelier to fall with its sharp edge deeping like a knife into his chest as the rest of the glasses fell over his sides, one of the glass slits his wrists in return.

Causing more blood to exit from him.

"Calvin!" Housekeeper shouts, hitting the door before he hears his footsteps running down the stairs.

Calvin looked over the floor as he saw his blood flowing everywhere.

My eyes became blurry.

Then he saw Austin.

He walks towards him as he caresses his face as his eyes are full of tears.

"Daddy, you have to be strong." He says to him as he walks towards the door disappearing as he sees his door open with Arthur rushing in with Sira and Nelson carrying sincerely worried faces.

Calvin knew they were the ones because he could see their faces even though they were blurry.

They weren't supposed to see him like this.

"I just wanted to end my depression." Calvin said out as Housekeeper carried him over his shoulders.

"Kids, stay here." He said to them as he supported him by his shoulder and struggled with him.

"You should just let him die, Arthur." Calvin said to him.